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Old 22nd May 2024, 19:52   #201  |  Link
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Zoom Player v19 release candidate 2 has been released

Zoom Player v19 release candidate 2 has been released


Changes in this beta:

* New feature!

+ Changed feature!

- Fixed feature!

* The hint pop-up that appears when hovering with the mouse
cursor over a skinned user interface button now includes the
keyboard macro used to activate the button.

* You can now rotate the playing video by 90 degree increments
using MPC-VR as the video renderer by pressing Shift+"R".

* Subtitle synchronization adjustments now works when using the
MPC-VR video renderer.

* New "fnMPCVRinfo" Zoom Player function to toggle MPC-VR's video
rendering information overlay. The new function is assigned by
default to the Ctrl+"J" keyboard macro.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / libVLC) to enable SHOUTcast
playback using the libVLC media engine. I do not recommend enabling this
setting, the way libVLC handles SHOUTcast playback is sub-par compared
to the default DirectShow media engine.

Watch me code this feature live:

* You can now press Ctrl+"C" with an IPTV EPG program selected to copy
the program name to the Windows Clipboard.

* New "Configure" button in the Advanced Options' Audio Renderer selection
dialog. Mainly useful when using the MPC Audio Renderer option.

+ The IPTV window's active stream list is now restored when re-opening.

+ The Open-Source media library YouTube plugins will notify you when
Zoom Player's YouTube API key quota has been reached.

Since YouTube is limiting API calls, you can work-around this issue by
creating a personal API key using the instructions in Zoom Player's blog:

+ The download tracking home theater interface keyboard macro has been
moved from Ctrl+"J" to Ctrl+"X".

+ The keyboard editor dialog now appears faster, resizes faster and you can
press a key combination to instantly find its current assignment or use
the search box to search by the feature description assigned to a key.

Watch me code this feature live:

+ The information dialog ("I" keyboard macro) now displays real-time video
rendering information when MPC-VR is used as the video renderer.

+ The information dialog ("I" keyboard macro) now prefixes a "~" symbol
before the frame rate (FPS) value when the frame rate is not properly
detected in the media file (can happen quite often with formats that
use variable frame rate).

- Adding new Chapters (bookmarks) for existing media files would add a
second "No title" ghost entry that did not function properly.

- When an IPTV playlist contained multiple streams using the exact same
name and ID, but with a different URL or Archive Catch-up source, playing
such a stream would highlight all the streams as "playing".

- Filenames with special characters did not open correctly when using
libVLC as the media engine.

- Setting the timeline to display the media's remaining time would result
in displaying odd values when streaming live content that doesn't update
the stream's duration. Now "??:??" is displayed instead.

- Fixed an issue that prevented the last play position being restored when
using libVLC as the media engine.

- Media Chapters were not loaded correctly in regions where the decimal
separator character is ",".

Watch me fix this feature live:

- Trying to play a bad file or URL using the libVLC media engine would not
fail properly, instead leaving the player in a sort of limbo state.

- When using the libVLC media engine with the "On Playlist Complete" setting
set to "Auto-Rewind", the media would start playing and did not pause at
the media's start as expected.

- The information dialog ("I" keyboard macro) did not show the correct
resolution with some clips when using MadVR or MPCV-VR as the video

- Fixed a case were closing and re-opening the IPTV dialog after playing
a channel would not highlight the correct channel if there were multiple
channels with the same name.

- Fixed a glitch that showed new an IPTV EPG/Playlist are ready to refresh
message and enabling the refresh button after initiating and completing
an update download from the options dialog.

- If two IPTV channels share the same channel name and EPG entry, playing
one of the entries could later highlight the identical program entry on
another channel as playing.

- Fixed a few cosmetic glitches in the default Charcoal skin.

Previous beta changes since the release of version 18:
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Old 5th June 2024, 08:20   #202  |  Link
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Zoom Player v19 release candidate 3 has been released.

Zoom Player v19 release candidate 3 has been released.


Changes in this beta:

* New feature!

+ Changed feature!

- Fixed feature!

* Added MPC Audio Decoder Smart Play profiles for many supported
audio Codecs.

* The media library YouTube plugins can now detect Live and Upcoming
videos and display this information on the thumbnail.

* The media library YouTube plugins now filter out private videos.

* In order to clear up some screen real estate, I added a new setting
(Adv. Options / Playback / IPTV) that hides the EPG program end time.
This setting is enabled by default, but can be disabled to restore the
previous program listing style.

+ Double clicking on a media library category in the media library
category editor no longer tries to configure the category, instead
Zoom Player now opens the media library within the clicked category,
allowing the category editor dialog to be used as a navigation hack
to quickly switch between categories.

+ Trying to open the media library category editor when the dialog was
already open but obscured now brings the editor window to the top.

+ Made a small user experience update to the IPTV advanced options
dialog page.

You can see me reworking the UI in this video:

+ Playing a media from the play history without clearing the playlist
now shifts the playlist track listing to make sure the newly played
item is visible.

+ You can now configure the media library's YouTube plugins to select
the number of entries to download at one time, either 25 or 50.
25 being the default value to preserve YouTube's API quota limitations.

- Fixed a freeze when trying to close the IPTV window while logos were
still being downloaded.

- The playlist's "Move to Top" and "Move to Bottom" functions did not
function well, clearing the currently playing media index and
introducing cosmetic glitches.

- Fixed MPC-VR rotation (Shift+"R") and debug info (Ctrl+"J") so it
now works with videos that do not contain subtitles.

You can see me live fixing the issue in this video:

- Wrote a work-around for a bug in the MPC Audio Renderer and
MPC Audio Decoder filters where their property pages appeared
in windows that did not show all the available controls.

You can see me live fixing the issue in this video:

- Under very rare conditions, the media library's highlight on the
active entry would not show for the right-most column.

- Loading an ".M3U" playlist would not always get the track's
title correctly.

- Rotating the video using MPC-VR resulted in a distorted aspect
ratio when Zoom Player was set to the Derived (Automatic) aspect

- Adding the multi-playlist feature actually broke the previously
active track from being restored with regular playlists.

- Using the media library category editor to add a broken link as a
YouTube playlist based category would create an "unknown" category
that didn't work. Now an error is returned in such cases.

- Fixed a bug that prevented the newly played playlist from entering
into view in the playlist editor window under some circumstances.

- Fixed a rare case that could have caused the skinned right-click
context menu to appear twice on screen with one of the menus
remaining stuck on screen.

- Enabling the stop button to close the playing media (local file or
stream) would not update the taskbar button hover controls.

- Even when fullscreen navigation safe mode was enabled, the Trash
icon was still visible in the playlist and file browser interfaces.

- Zoom Player behaved badly when trying to use libVLC to play
streams that are no longer available.

- Configuring the various media library YouTube plugins could cause
old setting to appear when trying to configure two different YouTube
plugins (e.g. "Channel" and "Trending") within the same session.

Previous beta changes since the release of version 18:

Last edited by Godwin; 5th June 2024 at 09:20.
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Old 13th June 2024, 18:44   #203  |  Link
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Zoom Player v19 final has been released

A refreshed Zoom Player
Over the past year, I have been working hard to ensure Zoom Player maintains its crown as the most versatile Media Player and Home Theater PC software for Windows. I've kept in constant communication with Zoom Player's user base, and software enthusiasts from across the world to better understand which features would take Zoom Player to the next level. What quality of life improvements would help make Zoom Player friendlier and more efficient?

I listened
As an indie developer, I have to make hard choices regarding my time allocation to ensure the resources available to me are best allocated to the most requested features. I believe I succeeded with the releases of v18 and v19. Here are the biggest new features introduced since the release of v17.2.

IPTV and Electronic Program Guide
The most significant feature of v18 is the introduction of IPTV support, which establishes Zoom Player as the most advanced IPTV player available for Windows. IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, is a digital television service delivered via the Internet. Unlike traditional broadcast and cable TV, IPTV transmits television content, including live TV and video on demand (VOD), over the Internet.

You can access Zoom Player's IPTV window either by clicking the new Custom Action button (see below) or by pressing Ctrl+G. Zoom Player provides free access to publicly available channels over IPTV. Additionally, you have the option to purchase access to commercial channels through an IPTV service provider of your choice. Full EPG (Electronic Program Guide) listings and Archive Program playback are supported, although they are not included with the free channels offered by default.

In version 19, I polished the IPTV interface by adding new features, implementing quality of life improvements and fixing bugs. Click here for more information on Zoom Player and IPTV.

Supporting Multiple Playlist
Another long-requested feature is support for multiple playlists, allowing you to instantly switch between multiple pre-loaded playlists. Multiple playlists are loaded in the background using highly optimized code, so even massive playlists containing thousands of entries should not have much of an impact on Zoom Player's performance. Simply press the new multi-playlist button on the playlist editor (top left corner) to add the current playlist, a playlist from a file, or to manage multiple playlists (remove, rename, reorder).

libVLC integration
Zoom Player has now integrated with libVLC, the media engine used by the VLC media player. This integration means that several new features that were unique to VLC are now available in Zoom Player, leveraging the reliability of VLC with Zoom Player's powerful and versatile user interface.

In theory, Zoom Player's default choice of Microsoft's DirectShow media engine is superior to libVLC in many ways. DirectShow is a lower-level implementation, allowing me to develop unique features that are impossible to do with libVLC. At the same time, due to its complexity, there may be cases where libVLC can be more reliable than DirectShow. By default, only Blu-ray discs use libVLC due to its support for playing Blu-ray discs with menus. However, since this is Zoom Player you are reading about, the ultimate choice of which engine to use is up to you!

You can enable libVLC specifically for Blu-ray discs, IPTV streaming, media playback (by file extension), and open-ended streaming (by URL, for example "youtube") under the new advanced options section (Adv. Options / Playback / libVLC). To use libVLC, you must either install the latest version of the 32-bit VLC player or install libVLC from the Install Center (it does not conflict with existing VLC installations). For more information on libVLC's integration click here.

Screen Casting
You can now use libVLC to cast the playing video to supported Chromecast-compatible devices. All you need to do is open "Adv. Options / Playback / libVLC" and scan for a Chromecast device. Any content played through the libVLC engine will now display on the selected device. Please consider that it can take a few seconds longer to open media files for casting. Alternatively, you can use the new Shift+"/" keyboard shortcut to scan and pick a casting device in real-time for the currently playing media.

The tiny user interface problem
This feature has been among the most frequently requested: Zoom Player's hand-drawn skins can now scale in resolution from 100% to 800% to easily support higher resolution displays. Please note, this feature may not be compatible with older skins, so make sure to use the latest skin version. With this new feature, you can simply open the skin selection dialog (by pressing "N") and select a zoom value that works best with your display.

Media library enhancements
I completely redesigned the media library's category editor. It should be easier to set up, and you can finally reorder the categories using multiple selection. The media library itself sports new sorting, filtering, info, and playback features along with updated YouTube plugins, making the media library friendlier and more powerful than ever.
More help

The right-click menu has been extended with a new "Help" section. The Help section provides quick access to the keyboard shortcut list and quick-use guides for most of Zoom Player's interfaces. Using the "F1" keyboard shortcut now opens the keyboard shortcut list instantly.

New Formats
Zoom Player's latest version supports playback of all the newest audio and video codecs (formats), including AV1 video, H.266/VVC video, and Opus audio.

MPC-VR : A new Video Renderer option
With the help of Chetan Ullal and his work on the MPC Subtitle Helper component, I was able to integrate the MPC-VR video rendering component for media playback. MPC-VR is actively developed, and includes some features MadVR lacks (certain Dolby HDR profiles).

Custom Action Button
The default Zoom Player skin now features a Custom Action button designed to resemble a starburst, located in the top-left corner of the player window. Within Zoom Player's options dialog, you can configure the specific action that triggers when pressing the Custom Action button. By default, clicking the button opens the new IPTV interface.

Wakeup on LAN
Zoom Player can now send Wake-on-LAN packets to your network-attached devices, enabling the automatic activation of remote PCs or network-attached storage devices based on conditions you specify, for example, on an initial run or when accessing the media library.

More Quality of Life changes
I made many more tweaks and fixes, making Zoom Player more intuitive and fun to use, read all about them in the complete change list.

Watch me code
I started documenting some of my coding sessions on YouTube, allowing you to follow me as I develop new features, try to optimize code and fix bugs.

Support my continued work on Zoom Player
Do you love my work on Zoom Player? If you feel I'm doing a good job, please support me on Patreon, you will gain my endless love for your kind heart and generosity.

Zoom Player version 19
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Old 18th July 2024, 09:14   #204  |  Link
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Zoom Player v19.5 beta 1 has been released.

Zoom Player v19.5 beta 1 has been released.


Changes in this beta:

* New feature!

+ Changed feature!

- Fixed feature!

* Added support for H.266/VVC, AV1 and Opus detection and icons to
the media library.

* Added a new setting (Adv. Options / System / Screen Saver & Capture)
that allows you to specify if screenshots should be saved in the same
folder as the video currently being played (Only applies to local

* Added a new setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Video / Aspect Ratio)
to reset the aspect ratio to "Derived" when opening a new media
(disabled by default).

* Added a new setting (Adv. Options / Playback / History) to automatically
restore the previously active video aspect ratio on replay (disabled by
default). This new feature will only work for videos that was previously
played by this version of Zoom Player (or newer) since previous versions
did not save the active aspect ratio.

* Added settings to control which Zoom Player function is triggered when
using the mouse wheel while holding either the Alt, Ctrl or Shift keys.

The default values are:
Mouse Wheel + Alt : Seek 5 seconds backwards/forwards
Mouse Wheel + Ctrl : Seek 20 seconds backwards/forwards
Mouse Wheel + Shift : Seek 120 seconds backwards/forwards
Watch me code it live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyEXJgvPv7c

* New IPTV Electronic Program Guide Grid. The EPG grid is an alternative
program guide view that lists the episode guide of multiple streams in
an easy to scroll and filter interface.

You can access the EPG grid by pressing the "#" button within the IPTV
window. The EPG grid does not rely on the stream list and can be used
without specifying any stream sources.

The EPG grid's look and feel can be fully customized through the
advanced options dialog under "Playback / IPTV".

* New IPTV global episode guide filter. The new global filter works
across all streams, filtering out streams that do not contain a
program containing the filtering text.

Global filtering is very useful when searching for a particular program
or live event across all available streams.

Please note that performing the initial global search triggers a one time
stream indexing operation that may a few minutes on some systems.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / IPTV) to control whether
global EPG filtering includes filtering using the program's description.
This setting can slow down filtering and is disabled by default.

* Per-EPG Time Shift support (Adv. Options / Playback / IPTV) has been
added. The time shift is applied to the entire EPG.

Please note :
If you previously set a time shift on a specific stream then both time
shifts are combined.

* In cases where you list an IPTV stream supporting archive playback but
the stream does not have an Episode Guide or the Episode Guide does
not cover the full archive period specified in the playlist, Zoom Player
now creates empty entries on the EPG listing panels to enable archive
playback covering the full archive period.

* IPTV playback of streams that require authentication using user-agent
or referrer are now supported. For compatibility, Zoom Player uses the
same "#EXTVLCOPT" playlist tag as VLC. This feature requires a version
of LAV Filters newer than 0.79.2 as it was introduced by LAV Filters
in a nightly build released after v0.79.2.

+ Cleaned up the Advanced Options dialog's Video Aspect Ratio section.

+ Cleaned up the Advanced Options dialog's Mouse Wheel section.
Watch me redesign it live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyEXJgvPv7c

+ Redesigned the chapter/bookmark editor to make it cleaner and easier to use.
Watch me redesign it live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyEXJgvPv7c

+ Enhanced the IPTV playlist parsing code to be more tolerant of badly
authored playlists.

- Any interface SFX played while a media was loaded using the DirectShow
media engine would break volume control until a new media was loaded.

- "SOON" and "LIVE" media library YouTube entries would disappear when
pressing the "Load More" option and then closing and reopening the
media library.

- Fixed a UTF8 encoding/decoding bug that failed to decode unicode
characters greater than U+010000 in the TCP/IP control API, causing
Zoom Player to not find files with these characters in the name.

- Loading a Zoom Player chapter file (".zpchp") did not sort the chapters by
position, instead showing them by the order they were listed in the file.
Watch me fix it live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyEXJgvPv7c

- Fixed a bug that prevented the source video resolution from being read
when using MPC-VR as the video renderer.
Watch me fix it live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyEXJgvPv7c

- Fixed a bug that prevented text input on the "Folder/Poster file mask"
and "Backdrop file mask" settings (Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen
Navigation / Customization).

- Fixed a bug where IPTV stream's time-shift offset was not being saved
correctly if the stream only had a name and not an ID.

- The media library category editor should now restore the previously
selected category when closing and re-opening the dialog.

- Using the media library's "resume playback" feature did not add the
media's title (when available) to the playlist.

- Fixed a bug that could cause Zoom Player to freeze on exit when a
new IPTV playlist/EPG download has finished with no disk space to
extract it.

- Pressing "Play" from the control bar when using the libVLC engine for
playback could cause the control bar to appear hidden behind the video,
preventing access until the control bar was closed and reopened.

Previous beta changes since the release of version 19:
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Old 1st August 2024, 18:27   #205  |  Link
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Zoom Player v19.5 beta 2 has been released

Zoom Player v19.5 beta 2 has been released.


Changes in this beta:

* New feature!

+ Changed feature!

- Fixed feature!

* Initial support for IPTV Xtream Codes.

There are two ways to support Xtream Codes, using the dynamic mode
(listed as "Xtream Codes" in Zoom Player) or using the static mode
(listed as "M3U + XML" in Zoom Player). So far I only wrote code to
support "M3U + XML". Not all IPTV providers support this mode, so
I expect to support the full "Xtream Codes" functional by the final
release of version 19.5.

Read more about the differences on Zoom Player's reddit community:

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / IPTV) to sort the Group list
by name.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen Naviation / Settings)
to prevent the fullscreen playlist and streaming navigation interfaces
from closing when playing a new file.

* New Settings to seek forward/backward a percentage of the media's
duration. Te default seek distance is 10% of the media's duration but
you can change this value under "Adv. Options / Playback / Controls".

By default, the two new functions are assigned to the Ctrl+Alt+"[" and
Ctrl+Alt+"]" keyboard shortcuts.

* New Settings to seek forward/backward a percentage of the media's
duration when right-clicking the timeline. The default action is still
seeking in seconds, you can change this to percent under -
"Adv. Options / Interface / Mouse / Settings".

* You can now select and play IPTV streams directly from the EPG Grid view.

* Added an IPTV stream "filtered / count" label to the IPTV window.

* Rewrote some of the IPTV stream listing code to work much faster when
dealing with massive stream lists.

I used a test file containing an outrageous 572,527 playlist entries in a
142mb file. I managed to reduce filtering time from 24.4 seconds all the
way down to 1.3 seconds or 1877% faster compared to the previous version.

* You can now navigate the EPG grid using the Home, End, Page Up and
Page Down keyboard shortcuts.

+ Clicking on an IPTV group to open it now moves the group to the top of
the list to quickly show more of the group's streams.

+ The media library will now show the media's duration in list view mode
when a duration is available.

+ Optimized several parsing functions, Zoom Player should now load a
little quicker.

+ You can now edit the IPTV's Playlist/EPG URL value without having to
first remove the existing listing.

+ Unassigned (to a group) IPTV playlist entries are now listed on the
bottom and not semi-randomly (where the first unassigned entry was
spotting in the playlist).

+ Zoom Player no longer asks you if you would like to add the free IPTV
channels if you already configured your own IPTV subscription service.

+ Clicking on a playlist entry in the playlist editor window when search
is active, now removes the keyboard focus from the search box. The
search value is not reset in this case, just hidden until you click
the search box again.

+ Changed the title of the IPTV interface on the right-click context
menu from "IPTV Electronic Program Guide" to "IPTV Player".

- Playing new media from the Playlist Editor, IPTV windows, Advanced
Playlist Control and the Station Manager should no longer cause the
main player window to appear on top for a short duration while the
media is loading.

- Incorrectly setting the Hot-Corner action in the advanced options dialog
could cause Zoom Player's settings to get partially reset.

- Due to an encoding bug, favorite IPTV stream names containing special
characters got progressively more corrupted with "&pipe", "&quote", "&amp"
and other HTML character encoding garbage.

- Parsing "M3U" playlist containing URLs ignored the listed duration.

- Fixed a small cosmetic glitch when resizing the IPTV program information

- Fixed a cosmetic bug that caused the wrong icons to appear in the
playlist fullscreen navigation interface if safe mode was enabled.

- Fixed a cosmetic bug that didn't update the playing media's duration in
real time if the playlist had another duplicate entry listed earlier.

- The Media Library RSS feed plugin showed duplicate entries if the server
switched from "https://" URLs to "http://" URLs. This fix does not resolve
the issue if bad entries were already cached, to resolve that you have to
erase the ".rss" file from Zoom Player's "CategoryCache\RSS_Feed" folder.

- The Media Library RSS feed plugin did not show the "Refresh" option.

- Some dialogs on the skin selection dialog were not showing translated
OK/Cancel buttons.

- When using really massive IPTV playlists that can take a few seconds to
parse or filter, Windows would detect Zoom Player's window as unresponsive
and when Zoom Player completed the action and became responsive again,
Windows would bring the main player window to the front automatically.

Now Zoom Player restores the IPTV window to the top as soon as such
long actions are complete.

- You can no longer right-click to hide your IPTV's "Favorites" from the
stream list.

- When picking a local IPTV playlist or EPG file and changing the dialog
to search for "all files", no files were shown.

- Fixed a rare case where the playlist editor was not able to read an
M3U playlist entry's title.

- You can no longer use a duplicate or empty profile name when adding or
renaming IPTV sources.

- On rare occasions using the Edge Webview2 engine to playback YouTube
content resulted in the video's duration remaining at zero, causing
Zoom Player's internal screen saver to kick-in. I wrote a fix, but
it is untested as this issue is somewhat rare, let me know if you
encounter it after this fix.

- Fixed a glitch with the default skins that caused the title text to
appear behind the minimize button in audio mode.

Previous beta changes since the release of version 19:
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Old 15th August 2024, 19:53   #206  |  Link
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Zoom Player v19.5 beta 3 has been released

Zoom Player v19.5 beta 3 has been released.


Changes in this beta:

* New feature!

+ Changed feature!

- Fixed feature!

* IPTV Xtream Codes support.

Zoom Player supports three different Xtream Codes modes to access the
stream playlist and EPG (electronic program guide) information. The modes
exist to offer a fallback solution in case your IPTV provider is only
offering partial support for Xtream Codes' feature-set.

1. Player API :
This is the most recent Xtream Codes API. It uses network queries to
obtain both the Stream Playlists and EPG data. TV Series and Movies are
handled separately from live streams, providing an enhanced navigation

However, the EPG information is accessible on a per-stream level and not
as a whole, preventing the Global Filtering and EPG Grid features from

2. Player API + XML (default) :
By leveraging the Player API you still benefit from the separate handling
of TV Series and Movies. With the entire EPG downloaded as a single XML
file, the Global Filtering and EPG Grid features have access to the
full program guide and can work as intended.

3. M3U + XML :
This is the most basic mode with both the EPG and the stream playlists
downloaded as single-file databases. Global Filtering and the EPG Grid
features work as intended, however TV Series and Movies are left to the
graces of your IPTV provider, which means they may be harder to access
and usually lack EPG information.

* New IPTV menu button on the IPTV window. The new menu includes:
1. Only show favorites (new feature, hides all other streams).
2. Toggle Opacity (previously a button).
3. IPTV Settings (previously a button).

* Added an "Export Playlist to M3U" feature to the playlist editor's right-
click context menu.

* Adding an IPTV Playlist or EPG download link will now automatically
suggest a profile name based on the base URL.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / IPTV) that determines whether
clicking on an IPTV group snaps the group to the top of the list,
displaying the maximum number of items on-screen. Enabled by default.

In v19.5 beta 2 this new feature was hard-coded, you can now disable it
if you don't like this behavior.

* Closing Zoom Player with less than 1GB of free space on the "C:" drive now
shows a warning message. Under some conditions, low disk space can corrupt
Zoom Player's settings and we don't want that.

If the message is annoying, disable it under "Adv. Options / System".

+ The IPTV Xtream Codes base URL input no longer tries to strip http prefix
or additional data in the URL before you press the authenticate button,
doing it on the base URL field as you type caused some confusion.

+ Some of the IPTV window's buttons have moved under a Menu button to make
room for new features.

+ The Media Library's YouTube Playlist plugin can now be used to
"Refresh" the thumbnail and playlist name under the media library
editor's configuration page.

+ For clarity, the IPTV Window's "Play Stream" button is now disabled in
cases where streams can't be played based on the currently selected entry.

+ On the IPTV EPG grid, the program names are no longer cropped on the
left side, instead the EPG Grid tries to fit the program name into the
available visible space.

- Setting the Scene Cut editor to "Pause Playback" did not update the
user interface correctly.

- Using ".df" definition files to save/restore a subtitle synchronization
offset was broken in v19 when I added support for the libVLC media engine.

- Fixed Red / Green channel swapping issues when customizing the IPTV
EPG Grid's color scheme.

- Using a custom menu "Execute" feature did not work if the playing file
had space characters in the file name.

Previous beta changes since the release of version 19:
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Old 22nd August 2024, 19:51   #207  |  Link
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Zoom Player v19.5 release candidate 1 has been released

Zoom Player v19.5 release candidate 1 has been released.


Changes in this beta:

* New feature!

+ Changed feature!

- Fixed feature!

* New "Copy path to clipboard" item on the playlist editor's right-click
menu. This feature allows you to copy the file or URL path of the selected
media entry in the playlist editor.

* You can now customize the IPTV EPG Grid's stream name column width as
a percentage of the current monitor's width.

* Added keyboard navigation using the arrow keys to the IPTV EPG Grid.

+ Some of the IPTV customization options have moved to an interactive
dialog that can be opened from the IPTV window and allows you to view
any changes you make in real time.

+ The IPTV EPG Grid's customization options have moved to an interactive
dialog that can be opened from the EPG Grid window and allows you to view
any changes you make in real time.

+ The IPTV EPG Grid now displays a separator between streams.

+ The IPTV EPG Grid now shows 30min time ticks in the header instead of
60 minute ticks.

+ The IPTV EPG Grid no longer lists streams with no EPG information.

+ The IPTV EPG Grid now lists "No Information Available" program entries
when the EPG grid moves outside the available program guide date range.

+ The scene-cut dialog now closes when closing the playing media and will
not open unless a media is playing with a duration longer than "0".

- An over-zealous optimization caused some IPTV EPG guide entries not to
appear in the EPG grid.

- Accidental IPTV EPG Grid program/stream selection is less likely to occur.

- The Scene Cut "Type" selector got pretty messed up in a previous beta,
hiding the "end" elements on some types it shouldn't have.

- Reduced some flicking when initially listing IPTV EPG entries.

- Filtering IPTV streams in the previous beta caused the filtered streams
to be unplayable.

- Fixed some visual glitches in the IPTV dialog.

- Fixed keyboard navigation in the IPTV dialog's stream list.

- Setting the IPTV player window to only show favorites caused the wrong
right-click menu to show when right-clicking favorite entries.

- You can no longer "favorite" the same IPTV stream more than once.

- Clicking on "Favorite" IPTV streams did not show their EPG information
or showed an EPG information from a different stream.

- You can no longer access the IPTV customization options from the IPTV
player window or EPG Grid if Safe Mode is enabled.

- Right-clicking the IPTV Stream List panel did not update the EPG listing.

- The scene-cut information was not cleared when closing the playing media.

- The scene-cut "GoTo" button was incorrectly enabled for some cut modes.

Previous beta changes since the release of version 19:
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Old 28th August 2024, 10:19   #208  |  Link
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Zoom Player v19.5 final has been released

Zoom Player v19.5 final has been released:

  • IPTV Xtream Codes support.
  • IPTV EPG Grid and per-EPG time shifting.
  • IPTV Global Search.
  • IPTV interactive UI/UX customization.
  • Enhanced Play History (restore AR).
  • Seeking by percent of media duration.
  • Extended mouse wheel functions.
  • Optimizations for faster operations.
  • Ease of life UI/UX enhancements.
  • Lots of bug fixes.

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Old 12th September 2024, 14:10   #209  |  Link
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Zoom Player IPTV v19.5.1 beta 1 has been released.

Zoom Player IPTV v19.5.1 beta 1 has been released.


Changes in this beta:

* New feature!

+ Changed feature!

- Fixed feature!

* A new IPTV Setup Wizard is shown when opening the IPTV player window
for the first time. The Wizard simplifies the IPTV setup experience by
automatically using the recommended default values. You only need to
enter the login details you receive from your provider, click "save"
and you're done.

In Zoom Player IPTV, the IPTV Setup Wizard is shown immediately after
launching Zoom Player for the very first time.

* You can now open the IPTV Setup Wizard at any time by using the
Ctrl+Shift+"F12" keyboard shortcut. Please note that using the
IPTV Setup Wizard wipes existing IPTV provider information (with
a warning message first).

* On a fresh install, the Pre-Configuration wizard now offers a new
"PC IPTV" option. The only difference from the regular PC option and
the "PC IPTV" option is that picking the "PC IPTV" shows the new
IPTV Setup Wizard right afterwards.

* New Alt+"Q" keyboard shortcut to bring up the Source/Splitter filter's
property page (configuration dialog). By default it opens the "LAV
Splitter Source" dialog, allowing you to more easily configure Stream
Analysis Duration", "Queue Memory", Preferred audio stream selection
and other "source" related features.

* New "Adv. Options / Playback / IPTV" button to clear the database cache.

+ Optimized the options dialog, it should now open 500-800ms faster.
Yes, it still takes longer than desired. There's so many settings that it
takes Windows itself about 1.3 seconds just to create the dialog and
another 0.3 second just to set the DPI-Aware font.

+ Opening the IPTV player window for the first time no longer offers to
add the FreeTV project's stream list. You can still add the stream list
in the advanced options dialog.

+ The IPTV Player window's "Update Available" button is now outlined in
a highlight color when an update is available, making it easier to see
when an update is available.

+ To make the interface more intuitive, the media library category editor's
"Create Category" button is now enabled in Prism View mode. When clicked,
you will be prompted for the category mode before proceeding.

+ You can now rename and delete media library categories from prism view
without first having to select the category mode.

+ The media library category editor's right-click menu now selects the
item under the cursor before showing the menu.

+ To allow activation, Zoom Player's trial version will no longer
automatically close after the trial period is over, instead preventing
new media playback and showing the "Trial Over" message again.

+ The playlist editor's item counter has been changed from "file/files"
to "Item(s)" to better reflect the fact that the playlist can hold URLs.
Previously the "file/files" text was hard-coded, but now it's using
the translated text for other languages.

+ The MadVR default is now set to not to display OSD through MadVR's OSD
service which is slower and only intended for fullscreen exclusive mode.

+ There is now a "Cancel" button on the media library category editor's
"Create Category" type selector.

+ Added a confirmation message when trying to use the "Remove All" button
on the chapter/bookmark editor.

- The IPTV Player window's "Update Available" button did not enabled after
downloading Xtream Codes database updates.

- The "IPTV" entry's text on the main right-click context menu was not
updated correctly.

- Removing an IPTV XCode/Playlist/EPG automated download profile mid-
download could have caused Zoom Player to freeze. Now a message pops
up and asks you to wait for the download to complete first.

- The following keyboard shortcuts were not assigned the function listed
in the keyboard help:

Alt+"6" - Toggle libVLC IPTV playback (Enabled/Disabled)
Alt+"7" - Toggle libVLC BluRay playback (Enabled/Disabled)
Alt+"8" - Toggle libVLC Media file playback (Enabled/Disabled)
Alt+"9" - Toggle libVLC Streaming playback (Enabled/Disabled)

- Adding chapters to a media file containing embedded chapter data
caused the embedded chapters to disappear when reloading the media.

- The "Open Window's file association interface" button in the "File Format
Association" section of the options dialog now works with Windows 10+.
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Old 18th September 2024, 09:46   #210  |  Link
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Zoom Player IPTV v19.5.1 final has been released:

  • IPTV Quick Setup Wizard.
  • Enhanced Media Library Category editor.
  • Code Optimizations.
  • Quality of life enhancements.
  • Bug fixes.

Download : What's new
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Old 29th September 2024, 19:18   #211  |  Link
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Zoom Player v19.5.2 final has been released

Zoom Player v19.5.2 final has been released:


IPTV Quick Setup Wizard.
Enhanced Media Library Category editor.
Code Optimizations.
Quality of life enhancements.
Bug fixes.

Download : What's new
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Old 30th September 2024, 11:46   #212  |  Link
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Zoom Player IPTV v19.5.2 final has been released:

  • IPTV Quick Setup Wizard.
  • Enhanced Media Library Category editor.
  • Code Optimizations.
  • Quality of life enhancements.
  • Bug fixes.

Download : What's new
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Old 7th October 2024, 10:16   #213  |  Link
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Zoom Player and Zoom Player IPTV v20 beta 1 has been released.

Download Zoom Player:

Download Zoom Player IPTV:

Changes in this beta:

* New feature!

+ Changed feature!

- Fixed feature!

* New Media Server Browser feature that allows you to stream media from
a local or remote Media Server (Adv. Options / Playback / Media Server).

Zoom Player currently supports the top-3 media servers:
1. Plex
2. Emby
3. Jellyfin

There is no limit to the number or types of servers you can add, you can
mix and match as many servers as you want.

Please note that depending on the media server type, load and connectivity,
using libVLC to play content from a media server may offer faster seeking
and audio/subtitle track switching.

* New libVLC option ("Adv. Options / Playback / libVLC" or "Adv. Options /
Playback / Media Server", this setting appears twice) to control whether
the libVLC media engine should be used when playing content from media

* New Shift+"Y" keyboard shortcut to open the Media Server browsing client.

+ Re-opening the IPTV Player window should now be nearly instant.
The only downside is that if you edit the files manually while Zoom Player
is running, you will have to restart Zoom Player for the changes to
take affect.

+ The default TCP/IP Control API port has been changed to 32999.

+ The default Web Server Control port has been changed to 32998.

+ I am disabling the "Display OSD through MadVR's OSD API" setting (Adv.
Options / Playback / Video) on every install. This feature can have a
negative impact on the user experience, its only benefits is if you
use MadVR in fullscreen exclusive mode, a mode that is no longer
of much use when running Windows 10 or better.

If you previously used this feature and would like to continue using
it, it can be re-enabled in the options.

+ libVLC's default audio framework is now set by default to "DirectSound",
otherwise using libVLC and changing the volume would affect the windows-
level volume level for Zoom Player (which should always be set to 100%).

- libVLC's framework selection was completely broken, selecting another
device wouldn't work at all or would use the default audio device instead.

- Fixed a bug in Zoom Player IPTV that partially broke translation of the
options dialog left-pane tree view, causing some lines to remain in
the original English.

- Fixed a bug that caused some error message text to get truncated.

- In some resolutions, the meta-data display for playing audio media did
not use a round-rectangle background correctly, causing text to appear
partially outside the background.

- Some over-zealous code optimization broke the audio playback meta-data
display area, showing tags for empty fields.

- Selecting the libVLC section in the Advanced Options dialog a second time
no longer tries to relist libVLC's audio devices, causing a slight delay.

Previous beta changes since the release of version 19.5.2:

Last edited by Godwin; 7th October 2024 at 10:20.
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Old 9th October 2024, 09:54   #214  |  Link
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Zoom Player and Zoom Player IPTV v20 beta 2 has been released

Zoom Player and Zoom Player IPTV v20 beta 2 has been released.

Download Zoom Player:

Download Zoom Player IPTV:

Changes in this beta:

* New feature!

+ Changed feature!

- Fixed feature!

+ The Media Server Browser window now restores its previous size & position
when re-opening.

+ The Media Server Browser will now remember the previous browsing path
instead of resetting to the root folder each time you open the window.

+ Right clicking an entry in the Media Server Browser now pops up an
information window displaying the media's description and art.

+ Added "cover" to the "Background image search mask" feature which is
used to find album art images when playing audio files. So right now
the search mask covers both "folder" and "cover" file names (in any
support image format).

+ New (optional) control bar button to open the IPTV Player window added
to Zoom Player MAX.

- The previous beta tried to save some debug logs to "c:\log" and probably
failed causing slow-downs in the Media Server Browser.

Previous beta changes since the release of version 19.5.2:
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Old 30th October 2024, 09:42   #215  |  Link
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Zoom Player and Zoom Player IPTV v20 beta 3 has been released.

Zoom Player and Zoom Player IPTV v20 beta 3 has been released.

Download Zoom Player:

Download Zoom Player IPTV:

Changes in this beta:

* New feature!

+ Changed feature!

- Fixed feature!

* The default IPTV skin now includes new buttons to open the Home
Theater Media Library and Media Server Browser interfaces. These
buttons replace the Fast Forward and Rewind buttons which work on
a technology that is not really practical with streaming content.

* New (optional) color Hue adjustment control bar buttons, including
Increase Hue, Decrease Hue and Reset Hue.

* New (optional) control bar button to open the Media Server Browser.

* New TCP/IP API command #3210 that returns information on whether
the user accepted or canceled a file delete request.

* When using the Media Server Browser window's right-click dialog
to show information on the clicked entry, clicking the thumbnail
shifts the image to cover the entire screen for a close up look.

* The Media Server Browser window now includes a search feature that
works on several levels. In the "Home" level, you can pick which
server to search and the entire server is searched.

When inside a category, only the contents of the category are searched.

Search results are color-coded for clarity. You can customize the
colors in the advanced options dialog (Playback / Media Server).

Depending on the Media Server used, the returned result may differ.
For example, when searching the entire server, Emby will return
Movies, TV Series, Seasons and Episodes, including if the search
term is only in the show name and not an episode's title.

Plex and Jellyfin on the other hand, will only return Movies, TV
Series and Episodes that the search term matches the entry's title.
Episodes and Seasons that do not contain the Series name in the
title, will not be listed.

Plex is even worse when searching within a category, it does not such
recursively so it's not working much better than the filtering feature.

* The Media Server Browser window's right-click dialog now shows
additional meta-data whenever the server returns such information:
1. Duration
2. Star Rating
3. Average Bitrate (e.g. "4200kbps")
4. Content Rating (e.g. "TV-MA").

* You can now re-order the Media Server list (Adv. Options / Playback
Media Server) to better control the default server entry on the Media
Server Browser's search feature.

* When adding a Media Server (Adv. Options / Playback / Media Server)
without specifying a port, the default local port number is used
automatically ("32400" for Plex and "8096" for Emby or Jellyfin).

* Two new functions added to the XBOX controller Stick controls
(Adv. Options / Interface / XInput) to control the volume using
and seek forward/backward a number of seconds.

* You can now assign any Zoom Player function to the XBOX controller
trigger buttons. The default custom values are seeking backward/forward.

+ The IPTV setup window (Adv. Options / Playback / IPTV) now allows
you to set an auto-update time that includes a fractional value,
allowing the database to be updated more than once per day.
The minimal automatic update value is approximately 30 minutes.

+ A message explaining libVLC was not installed on your computer
accidentally displayed when libVLC was installed but failed to
open a file or stream.

+ You can now select and play multiple items directly from the play history
window (Alt+"H" keyboard shortcut).

+ Added ellipsis "..." symbols to Home Theater list interfaces where
previously the text was simply cut off.

+ Added ellipsis "..." symbols to the playlist editor.

+ Added ellipsis "..." symbols to the meta-data display area when playing
audio tracks.

+ The Options window's Search feature will now start showing results only
from the second letter searched, typing that first character returned
a lot of results which wasn't as snappy as I wanted and there's nothing
to search for that is one letter long, so it didn't make sense either.

- The IPTV's "Force http" Xtream Codes setting did not actually force "http"
connections if the server reported it supports "https", but doesn't
actually have a server listening on the https port.

- Fixed a bug that prevented some channel icons from being displayed in the
IPTV player window.

- Fixed a bug that prevented the IPTV player window from being closed after
playing a stream and then closing and re-opening the IPTV player window.

- Fixed an issue that prevented the libVLC media engine from playing media
files containing Emoji characters.

- Fixed an issue that under some conditions caused the media library
thumbnail text to render incorrectly, either not utilizing the
available space or actually drawing over the thumbnail.

- Fixed loading ".Cue" external chapter files not loading the correct
chapter positions.

- The Media Library's "Playlist" plugin did not display the media's title
when listing ".M3U" playlists.

- Opening the options dialog now resets the IPTV player cache to make
sure changes are updated when re-opening the IPTV player window.

- The XBOX controller functions were not being triggered at the correct
speed and in the case of analog input (stick, triggers), the function
did not repeat if the stick did not move.

Previous beta changes since the release of version 19.5.2:
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Old 11th December 2024, 11:35   #216  |  Link
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Zoom Player and Zoom Player IPTV v20 beta 4 has been released

Zoom Player and Zoom Player IPTV v20 beta 4 has been released.

Download Zoom Player:

Download Zoom Player IPTV:

Changes in this beta:

* New feature!

+ Changed feature!

- Fixed feature!

* In an effort to modernize Zoom Player's Home Theater look & feel, I've been
working with Godwin on a new icon style. Simple, clean, subtle shading.
With each beta, I'm including the latest icons, some of which are not in
their final state.

Another small tweak I made is to the Home Theater interfaces title area. It
is now using a more standard font & color, reducing the number of different
fonts used on-screen for a cleaner look.

If you would like to comment on the new design, leave me a post on reddit:

* Since neither of the Subtitle components used by Zoom Player (DirectVobSub
and xySubFilter) support VTT subtitles, I wrote code to dynamically convert
".VTT" files to ".SRT" files on the fly.

The temporary ".SRT" files are saved to the windows temp folder and are
erased as soon as the media closes. This feature only works on external
subtitle files.

* Added smart play profiles for Audiobooks in the ".M4B" and ".AAX" formats.

* Added "AAX" as a default Audio file extension format. This change is not
applied automatically to existing installation, you can apply it by
clicking the "Default" button next to the audio extensions under "Advanced
Options / File Format Association / File Extensions".

* Added a button to the Media Server setup dialog (Adv. Options / Playback
/ Media Server) to apply the server's (Plex/Emby/Jellyfin) default local
port to the specified URL.

+ If a Media Server URL is specified without an "http/https" prefix,
"http" is now assumed by default.

- When streaming media using libVLC, under some unknown condition, libVLC
starts sending 1000's of time-changed events to Zoom Player every second,
causing Zoom Player's user interface to freeze under the load. I wrote
custom code to filter out all the duplicate events to work-around this

- The setting to go fullscreen on play was accidentally disabled in
Zoom Player IPTV.

- An authentication failure on a Media Server could have caused that media
server's profile to disappear.

- Fixed a bug in the previous beta where Zoom Player tried to automatically
set local ports for media servers, preventing servers that work on the
default http/https ports from connecting if you didn't specify the port.

- Fixed TCP/IP Command & Control API message #1702 returning duplicate
subtitle entries.

Previous beta changes since the release of version 19.5.2:
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Old 11th December 2024, 12:25   #217  |  Link
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Zoom Player and Zoom Player IPTV v20 beta 5 has been released

Zoom Player and Zoom Player IPTV v20 beta 4 has been released.

Download Zoom Player:

Download Zoom Player IPTV:

Changes in this beta:

* New feature!

+ Changed feature!

- Fixed feature!

* In an effort to modernize Zoom Player's Home Theater look & feel, I've been
working with Godwin on a new icon style. Simple, clean, subtle shading.
With each beta, I'm including the latest icons, some of which are not in
their final state.

Another small tweak I made is to the Home Theater interfaces title area. It
is now using a more standard font & color, reducing the number of different
fonts used on-screen for a cleaner look.

If you would like to comment on the new design, leave me a post on reddit:

* Since neither of the Subtitle components used by Zoom Player (DirectVobSub
and xySubFilter) support VTT subtitles, I wrote code to dynamically convert
".VTT" files to ".SRT" files on the fly.

The temporary ".SRT" files are saved to the windows temp folder and are
erased as soon as the media closes. This feature only works on external
subtitle files.

* Added smart play profiles for Audiobooks in the ".M4B" and ".AAX" formats.

* Added "AAX" as a default Audio file extension format. This change is not
applied automatically to existing installation, you can apply it by
clicking the "Default" button next to the audio extensions under "Advanced
Options / File Format Association / File Extensions".

* Added a button to the Media Server setup dialog (Adv. Options / Playback
/ Media Server) to apply the server's (Plex/Emby/Jellyfin) default local
port to the specified URL.

+ If a Media Server URL is specified without an "http/https" prefix,
"http" is now assumed by default.

- When streaming media using libVLC, under some unknown condition, libVLC
starts sending 1000's of time-changed events to Zoom Player every second,
causing Zoom Player's user interface to freeze under the load. I wrote
custom code to filter out all the duplicate events to work-around this

- The setting to go fullscreen on play was accidentally disabled in
Zoom Player IPTV.

- An authentication failure on a Media Server could have caused that media
server's profile to disappear.

- Fixed a bug in the previous beta where Zoom Player tried to automatically
set local ports for media servers, preventing servers that work on the
default http/https ports from connecting if you didn't specify the port.

- Fixed TCP/IP Command & Control API message #1702 returning duplicate
subtitle entries.

Previous beta changes since the release of version 19.5.2:

Last edited by Godwin; 23rd December 2024 at 18:47.
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Old 23rd December 2024, 19:23   #218  |  Link
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Zoom Player and Zoom Player IPTV v20 release candidate 2 has been released

Zoom Player and Zoom Player IPTV v20 release candidate 2 has been released.

Download Zoom Player:

Download Zoom Player IPTV:

Changes in this beta:

* New feature!

+ Changed feature!

- Fixed feature!

* In an effort to modernize Zoom Player's Home Theater look & feel, I've been
working with Godwin on a new icon style. Simple, clean, subtle shading.
With each beta, I'm including the latest icons, some of which are not in
their final state.

Another small tweak I made is to the Home Theater interfaces title area. It
is now using a more standard font & color, reducing the number of different
fonts used on-screen for a cleaner look.

If you would like to comment on the new design, leave me a post on reddit:

* Since neither of the Subtitle components used by Zoom Player (DirectVobSub
and xySubFilter) support VTT subtitles, I wrote code to dynamically convert
".VTT" files to ".SRT" files on the fly.

The temporary ".SRT" files are saved to the windows temp folder and are
erased as soon as the media closes. This feature only works on external
subtitle files.

* Added smart play profiles for Audiobooks in the ".M4B" and ".AAX" formats.

* Added "AAX" as a default Audio file extension format. This change is not
applied automatically to existing installation, you can apply it by
clicking the "Default" button next to the audio extensions under "Advanced
Options / File Format Association / File Extensions".

* Added a button to the Media Server setup dialog (Adv. Options / Playback
/ Media Server) to apply the server's (Plex/Emby/Jellyfin) default local
port to the specified URL.

+ If a Media Server URL is specified without an "http/https" prefix,
"http" is now assumed by default.

- When streaming media using libVLC, under some unknown condition, libVLC
starts sending 1000's of time-changed events to Zoom Player every second,
causing Zoom Player's user interface to freeze under the load. I wrote
custom code to filter out all the duplicate events to work-around this

- The setting to go fullscreen on play was accidentally disabled in
Zoom Player IPTV.

- An authentication failure on a Media Server could have caused that media
server's profile to disappear.

- Fixed a bug in the previous beta where Zoom Player tried to automatically
set local ports for media servers, preventing servers that work on the
default http/https ports from connecting if you didn't specify the port.

- Fixed TCP/IP Command & Control API message #1702 returning duplicate
subtitle entries.

Previous beta changes since the release of version 19.5.2:

Last edited by Godwin; 25th December 2024 at 17:02.
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Old 6th January 2025, 14:51   #219  |  Link
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Zoom Player & Zoom Player IPTV v20 final has been released

Announcing Zoom Player MAX & IPTV version 20.

  • Plex/Emby/Jellfin media browser.
  • Plex/Emby/Jellfin media library plugin.
  • Optimized and Enhanced IPTV features.
  • Modern Home Theater Icons & Background.
  • Media Library Enhancements.
  • XBOX Controller Enhancements.
  • Support for more Audio Book formats.
  • Quality of life enhancements.
  • Bug fixes.

Download : What's new
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Old 15th January 2025, 10:45   #220  |  Link
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Announcing Zoom Player MAX & IPTV version 20.1

Announcing Zoom Player MAX & IPTV version 20.1.

  • IPTV Personal Groups
  • IPTV Xtream Codes archive (catch-up) playback
  • IPTV Xtream Codes TV/Movie categories
  • IPTV Player Window UX enhancements
  • Options Dialog UX enhancements
  • Enhanced network stream analysis
  • Bug fixes.

Download Zoom Player:

Download Zoom Player IPTV:

Previous changes since the release of version 20:
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