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Old 15th August 2013, 18:15   #21  |  Link
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Here's what I think I'm going to end up using unless anyone here can suggest further improvements.

Originally Posted by creaothceann View Post
Try QTGMC(FPSDivisor=2).
I used it as suggested. I went for “ultra fast” because my system has a fairly hefty overclock and I don't want it getting too hot for too long. Having said that the deinterlace really makes a big difference.

Originally Posted by StainlessS View Post
Have not ever used it but UnDot() may assist
I had a go both with undot and deadpixelremove but neither the job. I think the camera has a several dead pixels adjacent to one another or else the h264 is spreading the effect around.

Originally Posted by johnmeyer View Post
AVISynth is not the best tool for every job.
I'm got rid of the dead pixels with a virtualdub filter. The delogo filter can be loaded into avisynth like this http://forum.doom9.org/showpost.php?...09&postcount=4

I'm indebted you Johnmeyer for your excellent video tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z12Tu...el_video_title
I'm amazed how much better I made bad video look with a bit of work and a lot of help from on here.

This was my first thread on doom9 and I'm hugely grateful for the input of all the folks on this site.


delogo(1, "", "", "", "", "C:....bmp", 15, 40, 0, 0)

QTGMC( Preset="ultra fast",FPSDivisor=2)

orig = last
ScriptClip(PointResize(1280,720), """
    x = current_frame    #time dependant variable
    av = 0.0000000364  #constants for fixing vertical motion
    bv = 0.00176
    cv = -10.6
    dv = 110             #number of pixels to crop off the top of the 1080 frame to reframe shot.
    ah = 0.00000000952  #constants for fixing horizontal motion
    bh = 0.000477
    ch = -0.3
    dh = 320             #number of pixels to crop off the left edge of the 1920 frame to recentre frame

    pd = av*x*x+bv*x+cv    #number of pixels to crop off the top of the 1080 frame to remove accidental tilt (increasing quadratic)
    pdown = pd + dv         #number of pixels to crop off the top of the 1080 frame to remove accidental tilt and reframe.(value = 110 at frame zero then increasing quadratic)
    pl = ah*x*x+bh*x+ch    #number of pixels to ADD to left edge of the 1920 frame to remove accidental pan (increasing quadratic)
    pleft = dh - pl        #number of pixels to SUBTRACT from left edge of the 1920 frame to remove accidental pan and recentre. (value = 320 at frame zero then decreasing)
    orig.Spline36Resize(1280, 720, pleft, pdown, 1280, 720)

aCam=FFaudiosource("F:....mp3")       #audio from camera
#aMic=wavsource("F:....wav")                                   #audio from microphone
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Old 15th August 2013, 21:04   #22  |  Link
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Originally Posted by MrJ View Post
No I'm not sure. I haven't read the documentation for on SmoothLevels for a long time so anything I did
know about it is half forgotten. I was finding that shooting light subjects like snow with the camera on automatic gave
really underexposed shots. I use virtualdub's levels to get numbers for the first and third settings but can't even
remember what the others do. If I don't know I tend to leave it at default. Were you going to suggest something else?
TV Levels would be more usual ie range 16 -> 235 rather than 0 -> 255
SmoothAdjust thread here:

Might also like to try Autogain by same author :

Or you might like to try this in future (rather than vdub). {requires recent RT_Stats and GScript}:

Function RoboLevels(clip c,float "Strength",int "Samples",float "Ignore",Bool "ALQBC",Bool "QBC",Float "QBC_Thresh",int "X",int "Y",int "W",int "H", \
    int "Matrix",bool "PC",bool "DEBUG",bool "Laced", Int "WMod",Int "HMod",bool "Show") {
# Samples a number of frames from source clip and using minimum and maximum luma levels from those samples, auto levels clip.
# Default temporarily auto crop borders and samples the area remaining, or if both ALQBC and QBC == false then samples X,Y,W,H coords instead.
# Can optionally return border cropped clip when QBC==true.
# Args:
#  Strength, default 0.95 (0.0 -> 1.0). Auto levelling strength.
#  Samples, default 32. Number of frames sampled from source clip c.
#  Ignore, default 0.2 (0.0 -> 100%). Percentage of dark pixels to ignore when ascertaining YPlaneMin, YPlaneMax (noise).
#  ALQBC, default=true. Use temp auto cropped clip coords for auto levels sampling.
#  QBC, default false. If true then returns border cropped clip else non cropped.
#  QBC_Thresh, default -32.0. Threshold used for border detection. See RT_QueryBorderCrop.
#     NOTE, RT_QueryBorderCrop 'massages' DEFAULT THRESH (exactly -32.0) if low samples count or if short clip. Reason being to avoid
#     overcropping when insufficient data available for reliable cropping. It is considered better to not crop enough or at all, than
#     to overcrop. You can override by simply setting an explicit threshold (+ve) of eg 40.0, or setting a NON-DEFAULT auto thresh (-ve)
#     eg -16.0 or -32.1, where YPlaneMin is established for the sampled frames and then abs(thresh) is added to that value which is
#     then used as an explicit thresh.
#  X,Y,W,H. All default 0, ie full frame. Coords for luma sampling, only used if both ALQBC and QBC are both false.
#  Matrix default= 2(PC601) if clip width<720 else 3(PC709).
#     Conversion matrix for conversion of RGB to YUV-Y Luma.  0=REC601 : 1=REC709 : 2 = PC601 : 3 = PC709:  YUV not used
#     DO NOT USE Matrix of 0 or 1.
#  PC default = false. If YUV and PC == true then auto level PC Levels 0->255 instead of TV levels 16->235. RGB always 0->255
#  Debug default false. If true then send info the DebugView.
#    Recommended, DebugView: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/sysinternals/bb545027
#  Laced, default = true. Alters Interlaced default for HMod, HMod doubled if true.
#  WMod, default = the natural cropping WMod for clip c colorspace (eg 2 for YV12 and YUY2, 1 for RGB).
#  HMod, default = the natural cropping HMod for clip c colorspace (eg 2 for YV12 and 1 for YUY2 and RGB), but doubled if Laced==true.
#    NOTE, WMod, HMod, If overridden must all be multiples of natural cropping WMod and HMod for clip c colorspace.
#    NOTE, VirtualDubMod and some players, may not like any colorspace WMOD less than 4 (Vdub latest, OK).
#    NOTE, If eg VDMod show blank frame, OR eg player halts saying eg "No combination of filters cound be found to render frame"
#    then set WMod to a multiple of 4. We do not do this by default as Current VDub and some player/encoders may work just fine.
#    If you dont care about possibility of losing a couple of pixels then always supply WMod=4 to avoid display problems.
#  Show, default false. If true, shows Levels() used on frame.
    myName="RoboLevels: "
    Samples=(!Defined(Samples)) ? 32 : (Samples > Frames) ? Frames : (Samples < 1) ? 1 : Samples
    Matrix = Default(Matrix,(width <= 720) ? 2 : 3)
    QBCropXP = Default(X,0) QBCropYP = Default(Y,0) QBCropWP = Default(W,0) QBCropHP = Default(H,0) # prep
    Assert(Strength>0.0 && Strength <=1.0, myName + "0.0 < Strength <= 1.0")
        if(ALQBC || QBC) {
        if(IsRGB() || PC) {
            CSMin = 0
            CSMax = 255
        } else {
            CSMin = 16
            CSMax = 235
        ALMin = Int(CSMin - ((CSMin - QLMMMin) * Strength) + 0.5)   # Round Up
        ALMax = Int(CSMax - ((CSMax - QLMMMax) * Strength))         # Round down
        if(QBC) {
            (SHOW) ?RT_SubTitle(CropS,y=20):NOP                     # NOTE, After Cropping
        (DEBUG)? RT_Debug(MyName,LevelsS,false):NOP
        (SHOW) ? RT_Subtitle(LevelsS,y=0):NOP
        Levels(ALMin,1.0,ALMax,CSMin,CSMax,Coring=False) # DO NOT use Coring
    return Last
With client script:
VideoFile = "D:\TESTVOBS\PAL_I_Top_169_P-JurassicPark.d2v"
WMOD  = RT_Undefined()  # Use script Default
#WMOD = 4               # If player or eg VDubMod gives problem

QBC=false               # Dont border crop
SHOW=True               # Show Levels() used on frame

I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 15th August 2013 at 21:30.
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