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Old 12th March 2015, 15:30   #261  |  Link
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I've found an avisynth script pretending to do 2D -> 3D conversions, but that was just a joke (stupid IMO)! The only thing that it does is to duplicate the 2 images, then it uses a plugin to deform the images slightly (in a parallelogram shape) and it recombines them to SBS. When played on a 3D TV, the image appears behind the surface of the screen, and produces that "aquarium effect" typical of the 3D movies. But the image is still perfectly flat, with no 3D at all. There is NO WAY to create real 3D with simple tricks like that. And as far as I know, there in no "serious" avisynth plugin to convert to 3D. Forget avisynth.

As far as I know, all Windows software that can theoretically convert to 3D are not free. And the serious ones are extremely expansive, and reserved to professionals.

@everybody: My PC is almost restored to good shape now. But the culprit was not a virus, but the Panda antivirus! (See here.) I have still a bunch of missing exe, and I need to re-install them, but I should be able to read the forums normally, and I will try now to continue to develop BD3D2MK3D...
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BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D blu-rays to SBS, T&B or FS MKV

Last edited by r0lZ; 12th March 2015 at 15:35.
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Old 12th March 2015, 16:28   #262  |  Link
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--convert-fps 24p,24p (that should not convert anything)...
The BDN XML file must be compatible with Scenarist and other BD tools. The timings in a BDN XML file are really frame counts and non-drop. The syntax for the timings is HH:MM:SS:FF, where FF = frames.
So in the case of input fps=23.976, the timings are given in the BDN XML file as if the frame rate was 24 fps. That is what BDSup2Sub generates with --convert-fps 24p,24p. Otherwise Scenarist will reject the xml file. Other tools such as avs2bdnxml, MaestroBDSubs do the same. Reason is compatibility.
Now I understand why the .3dp file must be processed as 24 fps.
Very confusing...

Last edited by frank; 12th March 2015 at 16:34.
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Old 14th March 2015, 11:21   #263  |  Link
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BD3D2MK3D v0.62

Finally, here is the fix for the bug reported by Frank above. I have also added an explanation in the "Convert subtitles to 3D (with 3D-Planes)" tool, to explain why it is important to use an XML file at the correct frame rate of 23.976 fps. (Click the [?] button next to the "Source FSP" option in the GUI.)

Due to the problem I got with my antivirus, I haven't had much time to test this release. I would be greateful if you can test it carefully. (@ Frank: If you have some time, please test the new frame rate changes, and the "Source FPS" option in the Convert Subtitles to 3D tool. Thanks in advance!)

I have also added an option to use the x264 resize filter instead of the avisynth resize when the output must be resized to 720p. However, I don't recommend to use x264 to do the resize, because it is slightly slower. I haven't tested the quality of the resizes. Also, the default resize filter is now the Avisynth BicubicResize, instead of Lanczos. Bicubic is much faster, and slightly better when shrinking an image.

This release has also some other improvements and little bug fixes:
# v0.62 (March 14, 2015)
# - Bug fix: The frame rate when retrieving the Depth values from the 3D-Planes was wrong. (Thanks Frank!)
# - Minor GUI changes in the Convert Subtitles to 3D tool, including a "?" button to explain how to use the frame rate option.
# - Improvement: When "both" (VobSub and BD SUP) is ticked in tab 2, the conversion to 3D is now made only once.
# - Added the possibility to resize to 720p with x264 instead of with Avisynth
# - The default resize filter for 720p is now "Avisynth Bicubic", better and much faster than the old default Lanczos
# - Replaced the dead web page for the x264 help (the [?] button next to the Additional Options field in last tab) with a new, up to date page.
# - Updated eac3to.exe (and its associated DLLs) to the latest version (v3.28).
# - Several improvements and little bug fixes.
Download: BD3D2MK3D.7z
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Old 16th March 2015, 22:55   #264  |  Link
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I see that you included x265 why?
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Old 16th March 2015, 23:45   #265  |  Link
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Oops. It's an error. I did some tests with it, and I will probably adapt the code of BD3D2MK3D to include it officially in future versions, but currently, it should not be in the toolset folder. I forgot to remove it.

BTW, the syntax of x265 is relatively close to the x264 one, and it should be relatively easy to include it, but it has no --frame-packing argument, and therefore it is impossible to include the info about the 3D format in the video stream. I don't know why that option has been omitted, but it's a pity. Also, of course, many hardware players, including most recent TVs, will not be able to decode h265 video streams. At least, it's the case of my Samsung TV. So, I do NOT recommend to encode 3D movies with that too young codec. But the compression and quality of x265 are so astonishing that I am decided to include it with BD3D2MK3D, even if it's too early. I will consider it as an experimental feature. However, do not expect it soon. It's a big work for me, because there are many things to modify, and I need time...
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BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D blu-rays to SBS, T&B or FS MKV
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Old 17th March 2015, 14:42   #266  |  Link
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First I want that WiDi works flawlessly and I can stream Full HD to TV / beamer without stuttering! There are so many sticks and sets but nothing works as Intel promised.

I miss the warning "The file exists alredy...Should I select the temp xml..." if I use the Tools to convert subtitles to 3D. Instead, the program starts immediately and overwrites files!

I believe the 720p conversion was no good idee, the 3D picture sucks. If I look 3D, than I would like to have more picture quality than 2D, and not get eye cancer. Things are now much more complicated.
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Old 17th March 2015, 16:02   #267  |  Link
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You don't need to use the 720p resize. Same thing for x265. I don't need x265 or 720p either, but some peoples want these features, and I don't think it is overcomplicated to simply ignore that new options if you don't need them. (Of course, the defaults will still be 1080p h264.)

I'll have a look at the missing warning during the subtitles conversion. I haven't removed it, but there might be a little bug here.
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BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D blu-rays to SBS, T&B or FS MKV
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Old 17th March 2015, 16:21   #268  |  Link
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Sorry, but I have verified, and the dialog about the existing XML is still present and it works as expected. However, I have changed something. It is now displayed ONLY if there are already <depth> tags in the XML file. It doesn't make sense to display a warning about the risk of overwriting the depth tags (possibly edited by the user) if the depth tags do not exist.

Also, note that the directory name containing the XML is based on the output file name, and not on the input file name. So, if you convert the same input file twice, but the second time you change the output file name, you will do a completely new conversion. No XML file is overwritten, and of course the warning is not shown, but you can't use the tags already present in the first XML. If you want to be sure to use them, the simplest and more obvious method is to select the XML with the tags as the input file.
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BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D blu-rays to SBS, T&B or FS MKV
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Old 17th March 2015, 18:41   #269  |  Link
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Ok, I'll test again later. Maybe I tested the new version with an old folder from v0.56.

Last edited by frank; 17th March 2015 at 18:43.
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Old 17th March 2015, 19:34   #270  |  Link
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Originally Posted by frank View Post
First I want that WiDi works flawlessly and I can stream Full HD to TV / beamer without stuttering! There are so many sticks and sets but nothing works as Intel promised.
I have no experience with WiDi, but none of the other streaming technologies worked satisfactory for me as soon as "wireless" (WiFi in my case) was somewhere in the loop. I replaced the WiFi with PLC, using Wifi only for the last few inches in the same room if at all, and now it rocks. It does normally not even require transcoding of the source (2D or 3D at average bitrates 10....15 Mbit/s.
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Old 18th March 2015, 15:26   #271  |  Link
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Originally Posted by r0lZ View Post
Oops. It's an error. I did some tests with it, and I will probably adapt the code of BD3D2MK3D to include it officially in future versions, but currently, it should not be in the toolset folder. I forgot to remove it.

BTW, the syntax of x265 is relatively close to the x264 one, and it should be relatively easy to include it, but it has no --frame-packing argument, and therefore it is impossible to include the info about the 3D format in the video stream. I don't know why that option has been omitted, but it's a pity. Also, of course, many hardware players, including most recent TVs, will not be able to decode h265 video streams. At least, it's the case of my Samsung TV. So, I do NOT recommend to encode 3D movies with that too young codec. But the compression and quality of x265 are so astonishing that I am decided to include it with BD3D2MK3D, even if it's too early. I will consider it as an experimental feature. However, do not expect it soon. It's a big work for me, because there are many things to modify, and I need time...
Thanx then i know
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Old 18th March 2015, 16:25   #272  |  Link
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I have already adapted the code for x265, and everything seems to work fine. I have still some little things to verify and I'll release a beta for testing...
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Old 18th March 2015, 18:24   #273  |  Link
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Nice i will test it as soon asits out and tell you about it
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Old 19th March 2015, 10:19   #274  |  Link
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v0.63beta1 with x265 support

OK, here is the beta. Please note that BD3D2MK3D doesn't check the validity of the arguments passed to x265. It doesn't warn you if you use out of range parameters, or if you encode in a format not compatible with the 3D or specific hardware. (In the other hand, some safeguards exist when you encode with x264.) Also, x265 is still unstable and heavily developed. New builds are available every days. I have included the latest builds (released today), but I can't be sure that they are bug free. So, currently, consider the x265 option as experimental, and use it at your own risk.

There are other things to consider when you encode in h265 format, such as compatibility problems. For more info, see the warning when you select the x265 encoder in the Settings menu.

Please report problems when using x265 (or x264) here, with a maximum of details. Without negative reports, I will release v0.63 final in one week or so...

Download v0.63beta1: BD3D2MK3D_v0.63beta1.7z
(Since this version is a beta, you can still download the stable v0.62 via the first post of this thread.)
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BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D blu-rays to SBS, T&B or FS MKV
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Old 19th March 2015, 10:27   #275  |  Link
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Ill test it. I must be very noob cause i cant even find how to change from x264 to x265 in the gui :P Found it!

Last edited by |1313|; 19th March 2015 at 10:37.
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Old 19th March 2015, 13:09   #276  |  Link
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I replaced the WiFi with PLC, using Wifi only for the last few inches in the same room if at all, and now it rocks. It does normally not even require transcoding of the source (2D or 3D at average bitrates 10....15 Mbit/s.
Do you mean DLNA? With server app (WMP) on PC and the (restricted) TV player app that decodes the stream?
I want to use a notebook/Android device as wireless HD player. That's what Intel is promoting. So the Blu-ray mafia can forget their stupid players.
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Old 19th March 2015, 13:20   #277  |  Link
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Hello, r0lZ. Thank you very much for this program.

I have some ideas for improve the result quality, the program functionality expansion and compatibility of mkv-container.

I'll try to explain it by the example. Suppose that I need to get "Half - Top & Bottom" video with 1080p in the first and second cases.

Firstly, about quality.
In the avisynth script you use this line:
StackVertical(VerticalReduceBy2(Left), VerticalReduceBy2(Right))
but function VerticalReduceBy2 is a "quick and dirty" filter with bilinear interpolation (quote from there - http://avisynth.nl/index.php/ReduceBy2).
I changed it to Lanczos like in this line:
StackVertical(Lanczos4Resize(Left, 1920, 540), Lanczos4Resize(Right, 1920, 540))
In my subjective perception, i got less artefacts, more sharpness, and better detalization of the picture.
May be need propose to user a possibility to make choose for the frame stack interpolation, and including Bicubic too.

Secondly, about functionality expansion.

Some people prefer to cut the letterbox black bars for make the frame on whole TV screen 16:9 (see the pictures below).
If the source video without black bars has a ratio of 2.40:1 (1920 x 800 px), then use the line:
StackVertical(Crop(Left, 248, 140, -248, -140).Lanczos4Resize(1920, 540), Crop(Right, 248, 140, -248, -140).Lanczos4Resize(1920, 540))
If the source video without black bars has a ratio of 2.35:1 (1920 x 816 px), then use the line:
StackVertical(Crop(Left, 234, 132, -234, -132).Lanczos4Resize(1920, 540), Crop(Right, 234, 132, -234, -132).Lanczos4Resize(1920, 540))
or any other interpolation instead Lanczos.
I think this options will have own fans, even if they lose about 25% of the frame.

Thirdly, about compatibility of mkv-container.
The new mkv features in last versions of mkvmerge cause problems of compatibility with some hardware players - "fast forward" and "rewind" functions does not work or (also) does not restore play position after stop, or (even) impossible play file.
To resolve this troubles need to add by default in mkvmerge this options:
--engage no_cue_relative_position --engage no_cue_duration --clusters-in-meta-seek
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Old 19th March 2015, 15:32   #278  |  Link
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Hi youli, and welcome to the Doom9 forums. But sorry. For your first post, I'm afraid I have to refuse most of your suggestions.

For points 1 and 2, I have to disagree. Lanczos is often considered the best resize filter, but if it's probably true when the image is enlarged, it is not so good when the picture is shrunk. Bicubic is usually considered as much better, at least in that case. And if it is true that the ReduceBy2 filters are quick, I'm not sure they are "dirty". According to the doc, they are very well suited when the video has simply to be divided by 2, and it's the case here. It is perhaps possible to have a slightly better result with Bicubic resize, but I'm not sure, and the result will not be optimized for halving the picture, and the processing will be much slower. Therefore, I don't think I'll change the resize filter. (Of course, you can change it manually in the AVS script if you wish.)

For the suppression of the black borders of Cinemascope movies, I have already replied to that point several times. I strongly refuse to encourage the users to distort the picture just to suppress the black bars. Furthermore, the subtitles cannot be converted to 3D correctly if the picture has been resized/distorted, because a subtitle will appear at "wrong" places over the image, and its depth will probably not be compatible with the content of the video at that place.

Most of the time, users want just to crop the black bars, to regain a few MB of useless data. These users assume that the TV will reconstruct the black borders at playback time. Unfortunately, it's not so simple, as many TVs are unable to display correctly cropped video streams in 3D, and anyway, they are optimized for true 16:9. However, you want something different. AFAIK, it's the first time that someone wants to remove the black bars AND resize the picture to occupy the whole 16:9 area, thus distorting voluntarily the image! Sorry again, but I can't accept that! If you want to butcher your movies, do it without my help!

For your remark about the new MKV options, I must say that I don't know them. I have to learn why they may be useful and what problem can happen if you omit them. If I am convinced that they are useful, I will certainly add them. Do you know a site with a good explanation on the pro and cons of these options?

[EDIT] Found this page with good explanations about several compatibility options of MkvMerge. It seems that a good player should have no problem with the new feature, if it has been written to ignore what it doesn't understand, as recommended. Therefore, if a player has problems with the latest versions of MkvMerge, it's the player that has bugs, and theoretically I should not have to add workarounds in BD3D2MK3D. Especially, I can't force other users of good players to remove the new MKV features, just because some players are bad. So, I propose to add a sub-menu in the Settings menu, with the options described on the GitHub page. You will have to select the options needed for your system, but they will not be enabled by default. Is it OK?

[Second EDIT] This post, also by Moritz Bumkus, confirms that the bug is in the player, not in MkvMerge. In this case, the player is VLC. (BTW, I have never understood the success of VLC. It has many bugs and compatibility problems, and is often out of standard, especially with the DVD format. If you use it, you should seriously consider using a better player.)
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Last edited by r0lZ; 19th March 2015 at 16:03.
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Old 19th March 2015, 15:48   #279  |  Link
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Is what i find but aint saying much!
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Old 19th March 2015, 15:52   #280  |  Link
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Lanczos is often considered the best resize filter, but if it's probably true when the image is enlarged, it is not so good when the picture is shrunk. Bicubic is usually considered as much better...
Yep. That's a mistake a lot of people make.
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