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Old 25th February 2015, 10:54   #201  |  Link
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Hm, I wanted to add a fixed depth and that was not processed by BD3D2MK3D. Then I used the Tools and converted the sup directly with depth 20.

I will repeat the test. But that damned ISO needs 50GB...
Maybe I need some time.
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Old 25th February 2015, 11:24   #202  |  Link
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The fixed depth is added during the final phase of the conversion (when the PNGs with the stereoscopic bitmaps are written to disc). The fixed depth is not taken into account when BD3D2MK3D writes the <depth> tags in the temp 2D XML file. (That allows you to convert the temp XML file again with another fixed depth if you think that the resulting final depths are not good, without affecting the original depths extracted from the 3D-planes and already written in the XML.)

It is never necessary to redo the whole process if you need to fine tune the 3D subtitles. You can convert them again with the Tools menu, and overwrite the original 3D subtitle file. Then use the _MUX_3D.cmd to remux the final MKV with the modified subtitles. (Of course, in case of hardcoded subtitles, you'll have to restart _ENCODE.cmd, and that's much longer.)
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BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D blu-rays to SBS, T&B or FS MKV
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Old 26th February 2015, 19:58   #203  |  Link
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The help link at Additional options doesn't work.
Please correct to
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Old 26th February 2015, 20:10   #204  |  Link
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Hum, indeed the site seems down. But the last time, it has been down only during a couple of hours. If tomorrow it is still down, I'll use your link. And I'll release a new version of BD3D2MK3D, for that reason and others. Thanks anyway!
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BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D blu-rays to SBS, T&B or FS MKV
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Old 26th February 2015, 20:17   #205  |  Link
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Oh, the site is 4 years old. Some important options missing.
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Old 26th February 2015, 20:51   #206  |  Link
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Isit possible to make 720p rips using BD3D2MK3D i have searched and not found anything about it i checked the files and cant find any setting to change. Its not important just want to know.

Thanx for an awesome software.
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Old 26th February 2015, 22:43   #207  |  Link
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Originally Posted by frank View Post
Oh, the site is 4 years old. Some important options missing.
Hum, I need another link than. The old wiki seems definitively dead. Anyone knows a good site with up to date explanations if the x264 options?
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Old 26th February 2015, 22:49   #208  |  Link
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Originally Posted by |1313| View Post
Isit possible to make 720p rips using BD3D2MK3D i have searched and not found anything about it i checked the files and cant find any setting to change. Its not important just want to know.

Thanx for an awesome software.
Hi |1313|, Welcome to the Doom9 forums!

Currently, encoding in 720p is not possible. It's difficult to do, especially because the 3D subtitles are difficult to resize in 720p while keeping the correct 3D depth. Furthermore, don't forget that the width or height of the SBS or T&B image is divided by 2 (unless you encode in full-SBS or full-T&B), and I believe that half-720p may be too small for a good result. But the resize to 720p is in my TODO list for ages. Maybe I'll do it one day. It's not my priority though.
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Old 26th February 2015, 22:54   #209  |  Link
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Thanx for the answer But if you dont need the subs?

And thanx again for a wonderful software
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Old 26th February 2015, 23:00   #210  |  Link
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I can't add an option that works only in some circumstances.
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Old 26th February 2015, 23:37   #211  |  Link
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I understand that but is their any file i can edit? I mostly rip movies using swedish language cause thats where iam from without subs
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Old 27th February 2015, 01:17   #212  |  Link
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Well, you can simply edit _ENCODE_3D_MOVIE.avs.

For Half-SBS, you should remove (or comment out) the line with:
StackHorizontal(HorizontalReduceBy2(Left), HorizontalReduceBy2(Right))
and replace it with:
StackHorizontal(left, right).LanczosResize(1280, 720)

The line to replace in Half-T&B mode is something like:
StackVertical(VerticalReduceBy2(Left), VerticalReduceBy2(Right))
and you should replace it with:
StackVertical(left, right).LanczosResize(1280, 720)

In Full-SBS or Full-T&B, the original lines are respectively StackHorizontal(left, right) and StackVertical(left, right), and you should replace them with StackHorizontal(left, right).LanczosResize(2560, 720) or StackVertical(left, right).LanczosResize(1280, 1440)

Note that I have used the Lanczos resize filter in my examples. You can use another filter if you wish. The basic syntax is always identical: XXXResize(width, height). The available filters are listed here. Lanczos gives good results but is relatively slow.

I don't think there are other files to modify (except the subtitles, but you don't need them), but I may be wrong.

Good luck!
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Old 27th February 2015, 01:21   #213  |  Link
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Thanx alot

EDIT. Works perfectly. EDIT.

Last edited by |1313|; 27th February 2015 at 08:16.
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Old 27th February 2015, 02:34   #214  |  Link
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Avatar 3: Sound and subtitles (hard coded) are perfect, but only black frames v.59

Hello all, I'm needing help...

I'm having a similar issue as CaBleman had regarding BD3D.iso to 3D.mkv with hard coded 3D subtitles...I've disabled the Hardware Accelerator, but I still have black frames issues. The sound is perfect throughout. Her's some examples - Avatar has all black frames from the start through to the end, but the sound and all the forced subs (hard coded) are perfect. Transformers I get about 90 minutes, then black frames for the remainder of the movie, sound and subs (hard coded) are perfect. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the same, about half the movie. I can provide all files.

Originally Posted by CaBleman View Post
'lo there,

I've been using BD3D2MK3D on a WIN 7 machine for a while and was quite happy with 0.42
I installed Avisynth 2.58 on a Windows 8.1 with all recent updates (also the .NET ones) and tried BD3D2MK3D 0.51 with different 3D BD ISOs. THe result is awlways the same.

After demuxing, all files seem to be there, in sizes which make sense.
But the encoding step would produce MKVs which have a black/blank video part in the end.

I tried a couple of things, examined the command lines, ran the commands manually - there are no specific error message, if any at all...

Non 3D chain with BluRip works fine BTW.

Any idea or guidance where to inspect further?

thx & bye,

Thank you,

Last edited by Iggyrules; 27th February 2015 at 05:31.
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Old 27th February 2015, 05:18   #215  |  Link
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FYI - I've thoroughly read through numerous forums, topics and posts (especially this topic) looking for ANY clue to correct my issue. I've tried dozens of setting options and hours of failures. The best results so far are when using crf with BD compatible selected. Everything appears to be working as designed. It's possibly in the encoding process or in the .mkv file writing process after the encoding. Regardless of the movie title the original BD3D.iso(s) are all around 40 GBs, but the final Half SBS 3D.mkv is only a few GBs.. Total .mkv writing time is only about 1 minute...

I know you'll require the file logs, but I don't want to add all of them until you request them.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.


Last edited by Iggyrules; 27th February 2015 at 05:23.
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Old 27th February 2015, 11:16   #216  |  Link
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Thanks for your bug report, and welcome to the Doom9 forums.

First of all, have you read the solution found by CaBleman here? As he has explained, the culprit was the hardware acceleration. If you use DGMVCSource, you can simply edit the _ENCODE_3D_MOVIE.avs file, and change the "hw = 0" parameter at the end of the DGMVCSource command with hw = 1. (You can immediately relaunch the encoding, without having to redo the whole demuxing process.)

Note also that soon after that post by CaBleman, I have released v0.52, and, the same day, v0.53, with a new option in the Settings -> MVC Decoder menu. It is now possible to specify "auto" (the default that doesn't work for you), "disabled" (the setting that you should try) and "enabled" (that will almost certainly produce the same bug).

Also, you posted your bug report exactly at the right moment. I had the intention to release a new version of BD3D2MK3D today. Although I'm not sure, it is possible that it fixes that bug, because DGMVCDecode.dll has been recompiled with the latest Intel INDE toolkit. The software decoder in libmfxsw32.dll has also been fixed by Intel. I know already that the new versions of that 2 DLLs fixes all decoding problems encountered so far with the software decoder (and notably the famous glitches in Pacific Rim at 1:06:14 and in Flying Swords of Dragon Gate at 1:23:35). I don't have the required Intel hardware to test the hardware acceleration, but Frank has tested it on several machines, and it works apparently well on all machines with the up-to-date Intel drivers. (It might still be necessary to force the software decoding if your CPU doesn't have the right driver, or if Indel has not updated the driver for your model).

I will release that new version very soon, but I still have to fix a little bug. Please come back in a couple of hours, and try the new version. In the meantime, please verify if you have the latest Intel drivers for your CPU. When you will have encoded a 3DBD with the new version, please report here if the updated decoders work for your CPU, with and without hardware acceleration. BTW, what CPU do you have?
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Last edited by r0lZ; 27th February 2015 at 11:19.
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Old 27th February 2015, 12:50   #217  |  Link
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BD3D2MK3D v0.60

Here is the update. It's an important update, because it fixes (or should fix) all decoding problems related to the Intel MVC Decoder (used indirectly by DGMVCSource and FRIMSource). As you know if you have followed the development of BD3D2MK3D, there was a decoding bug in Pacific Rim around 1:06:14 (as you can see in the old thread here). Recently, I have discovered a similar decoding bug in Flying Swords of Dragon Gate (at 1:23:35). It was therefore urgent to find a solution to that problem. The update of the MVC decoder made by Intel last year was completely bugged, so I have never updated the libmfxsw32.dll included with all previous versions of BD3D2MK3D. But after having noticed the new bug in Dragon Gate, Nico and I have contacted Donald Graft (ex Neuron2 here), and he has been kind enough to try to fix the problem. With the help of Intel and frank (who did several tests on his numerous PCs with hardware acceleration of the 3 beta versions released by Donald) we have now a solution that seems to work fine on (almost) all PCs.

Just be sure to use DGMVCSource (instead of FRIMSource, not updated yet). Verify what version you are using with Settings -> MVC Decoder.

However, if you have a recent Intel CPU that supports the hardware acceleration, you might need to update your Intel drivers to use the latest version without problem. Please be sure to do so before posting bug reports here. Also, Intel has dropped the support for some processors, and if there is no recent drivers available, you may have to turn the hardware acceleration off (with Settings -> MVC Decoder -> Hardware Acceleration -> Disabled).

I'm still not sure, but that update *should* also fix the problem of the black frames reported by CaBleman and Iggyrules above. That should be confirmed soon.

Please be sure to post here all problems you may encountered with the current version of the MVC decoders. Thanks in advance!

I want to thank the guys who have helped to finally have a solution to that numerous problems of the Intel decoders: Donald Graft who has kindly accepted to work again on his decoder despite the poor support from Intel, Frank who has spent much time in testing the fixed versions, Nico for his constant help, the developers of the Intel team who have finally released a version of their decoder that seems to work well, and everyone that has posted bug reports about Pacific Rim and helped to identify the problem.

This release of BD3D2MK3D has also a few other changes. They are less important little bug fixes. Note however the new option in the Settings menu: Full-SBS/T&B Aspect Ratio. Previously, when a movie was encoded in Full-SBS or Full-T&B, BD3D2MK3D used 16:9 as the aspect ratio to write in the MKV header, assuming that it's the "final" aspect ratio that has to be specified. That works fine with some hardware or software players, but after the request of someone to specify the aspect ratio of the SBS or T&B composite frame instead, I did some tests with as many players as possible, and I think now that it is better to store 32:9 for Full-SBS and 16:18 for Full-T&B. (Of course, Half-SBS and Half-T&B have still the 16:9 aspect ratio). Therefore, the full aspect ratio is now the default if you encode in Full mode. However, since there may be players that "prefer" the old 16:9 value, I have added the option to specify the desired aspect ratio in the Settings menu.

Note that the hidden option in the config file (introduced in the previous version) has been removed. If you encode in Full mode, please verify in the Settings menu if the current aspect ratio setting corresponds to your needs.

# v0.60 (February 27, 2015)
# - New versions of Neuron2's DGMVCSource.dll (v1.0.0.23) and Intel's libmfxsw32.dll (v6.14.11.28) included. No more decoding bugs in Pacific Rim and Dragon Gate!
# - Little bug in the Convert Subtitles to 3D Tool: The default output format was undefined when the "both" option is selected in tab 2.
# - Added an explanation about the double 3D-depth values used internally by BD3D2MK3D in the 3D-planes.log file and in the Convert Subtitles to 3D Tool.
# - Changed the link called by the help button for the x264 additional options in tab 5, because the old site is closed
# - Added Settings -> Full-SBS/T&B Aspect Ratio option to select the aspect ratio to write in the MKV header when encoding in Full mode.
# - Removed the "full_ar_in_full_mode" hidden option introduced in v0.59 because you can now select that option in the GUI.
As always, you can download the current version here: BD3D2MK3D.7z
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Old 27th February 2015, 12:59   #218  |  Link
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BD3D2MK3D version history (continued)

This post was the continuation (from the second post of this thread) of the Version History of BD3D2MK3D. Since the full history is now available here, it has been removed.
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Last edited by r0lZ; 6th February 2016 at 15:57. Reason: History removed
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Old 27th February 2015, 19:55   #219  |  Link
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Thank you for welcoming me to the Doom9 forums...

Thank you for welcoming me to the Doom9 forums, your suggestions and the BD3D2MK3D v0.60 release.

I already ran BD3D2MK3D with the Hardware Acceleration "disabled" (hw=1), and the log verified this setting, but it made no difference. I'm looking forward to running your new BD3D2MK3D v0.60 release later today. I'll post the results once I've finished, hopefully with 100% success.

I'm not sure if this is helpful information, but you can be the judge -
3D Blu-ray is fairly new to me, but I've been performing back-ups of my Blu-ray collection for 8 years. Hardware, OS and Software: VM set-up for AnyDVD HD, Clown BD, BD3D2MK3D...on Windows 7 (x32), 4GB RAM...through an iMac (MB418LL/A), 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo/E7300 (EOL), 8GB RAM, OS X 10.8.5, Synology DS1010+ and DX510, Dune HD TV-303D, Samsung PN64D8000...

Last edited by Iggyrules; 27th February 2015 at 20:27.
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Old 27th February 2015, 20:12   #220  |  Link
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If I understand correctly, you run BD3D2MK3D in a VB emulating Windows 7 under your iMac. I wondor how it is still possible to use the Intel hardware acceleration in these circumstances.
Anyway, test v0.60. I hope it will solve your problem.
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