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Old 2nd July 2014, 10:15   #1  |  Link
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BD3D2MK3D v1.17: Convert 3D BDs or MKV to 3D SBS, T&B or Frame-sequential MKV

BD3D2MK3D is a GUI to convert movies from 3D BDs to 3D MKV video files in Full or Half Side by Side, Top & Bottom or Frame sequential format, encoded in h264 with x264, or in h265 with x265, or with any command-line encoder. Since v0.87, BD3D2MK3D can also accept lossless 3D AVC+MVC files created with MakeMKV as input.

I have written it mainly because it was difficult to do all operations necessary to do the conversion manually, and because the documentation about the method to use was poor and spread over a lot of posts in this long and technical thread: Guide to convert BD 3D to 3D Left+Right Stereoscopic and Anaglyph.

My first attempt resulted in BD3D2AVS, and was based on eac3to, ldecod and ssifsource. Ldecod was used to decode the dependent view of the stereoscopic input streams. It works well, but it is terribly slow, and is was therefore not a good solution. Luckily, the external tools have evolved, and I wrote a second version of the GUI, called BD3D2MK3D. The original BD3D2MK3D was mainly based on ssifSource and DirectShowMVCSource, but is now also obsolete.

Starting with v0.30, BD3D2MK3D is based on new tools, much more efficient, like the tsMuxeR update for 3D blu-ray and the Intel MVC decoder to decode the dependent view, with the help of the avisynth plugin DGMVCSource by Donald Graft or FRIMSource by videofan3d. The GUI uses also a lot of other tools. See the Help menu for a list of the most important tools.

As you can see in the original thread, the development of the method and the tools necessary to do the conversion was a collective effort. I wish to thank all contributors.

Currently, BD3D2MK3D is mature enough to have its own thread, and it's why I have created this thread. Please post all questions and bug reports related to BD3D2MK3D here, and all questions about the external tools that my GUI uses in their respective threads or in the original guide thread. Thanks!

Features of BD3D2MK3D:
  • Convert any 3D playlist from a properly decoded blu-ray 3D to a standalone 3D Half-side by side (HSBS) or Half-top & bottom (aka Over/Under or HOU), or to Full-SBS or Full-T&B, or even to Frame Sequential 3D MKV file.
  • Can also accept as input a 3D-MKV file created with MakeMKV (with the option to include the 3D MVC stream).
  • Can resize the output to 720p
  • Can output a 3D stream compatible with 3D-Ready DLP projectors (720p Frame Sequential at 59.94fps).
  • Can convert the subtitle streams to 3D, using the depth stored in the original BD for each individual subtitles. (The subtitles can also be kept in 2D if you wish.)
  • Can hardcode (or "burn") a subtitle stream (all or forced captions only) over the video with the right depth for each individual subtitles.
  • The subtitles can be muxed in the original BD SUP format for an excellent quality or in VobSub (IDX/SUB) format for a better compatibility.
  • It is even possible, with some manual work and the help of the Tools menu of BD3D2MK3D, to use a subtitle stream coming from another source (such as a SRT downloaded from the internet or a SUP stream from the 2D BD of the same movie) and convert it to 3D with (approximately) the right depth values to mux it within the final MKV or hardcode it to the video. See the mini guide here.
  • Can extract the regular 5.1 DTS or AC3 cores of the DTS-HD, DTS-HD-MA, E-AC3 and TrueHD audio streams.
  • Can convert the audio tracks to AC3 or AAC for a better compatibility or a smaller file size.
  • The chapter points are automatically preserved in the final MKV file.
  • Can include tags about the movie (movie title, director, producer, actors, summary, comments, etc...)
  • It is possible to provide your own image for the icon of the MKV file and the display in a media center, or to retrieve it from the original BD.
  • Can add some seconds of black at the beginning or end of the video so that the user has some time to configure his 3D TV and to turn his active 3D glasses on before the beginning of the movie.
  • The encoding to h264 is made with x264 (32 or 64-bit) for an excellent image quality, and the user can select the most important encoding settings, such as the encoding mode (CQ, CRF, ABR or 2-pass), the preset, tune, profile and level. It can also specify manually additional options if he wish. Similarly, x265 can be used to encode in h265 with a much better compression, but with a few limitations. The user can even encode with any command line encoder by providing his own command line.
  • The correct 3D video mode is automatically defined in the h264 video stream (the "frame-packing"), in the header of the MKV video file (the stereoscopy mode), and optionally in the file name, so that most TVs and 3D players can switch automatically to the right 3D mode when the file is played.
  • The final MKV file is automatically muxed at the end of the encoding, and there is an option to shutdown the computer when everything is finished.
  • BD3D2MK3D has also some independent tools, notably powerful tools to convert an external subtitle stream to 3D, using the 3D depth values extracted from the original 3DBD, and optionally the subtitle positions cloned from another subtitle file.
  • And much more...
  • The latest version of BD3D2MK3D can always be downloaded here: BD3D2MK3D.7z
  • The obsolete BD3D2AVS based on ldecod can still be downloaded here: BD3D2AVS.7z
Please note that BD3D2AVS is obsolete. It is still available if you want to try the old conversion methods, but it is no longer developed, and it doesn't contain all features and bug fixes of the latest BD3D2MK3D. Use it at your own risk, and don't ask for help!

  • Pre-required and recommended programs:
    • BD3D2MK3D requires Windows Vista or greater to work properly. Windows XP is not supported (due to incompatibilities in the Intel MVC decoder).
    • Avisynth+ or the old classic Avisynth v2.6.0 (32-bit) must be properly installed on your computer. (It's a complex program, but you don't need to use it directly. Just install it.) Currently, Avisynth+ 64-bit is recommended.
    • Since BD3D2MK3D doesn't decrypt the commercial 3DBDs, you need a way to decrypt them. You can use a good BD decrypter that can create an ISO on hard disc, such as DVDFab HD Decrypter or Ideal Blu-Ray Copy. You can also use AnyDVD HD, that decrypts the original BD on the fly. It is also possible to decrypt only the title you want and convert it to lossless 3D-MKV with MakeMKV. (MakeMKV is free while in beta if you use the key provided here.)
    • To convert the subtitles to 3D or to IDX/SUB format, it is highly recommended to install Java (32 or 64-bit). (BDSup2Sub++ is also used, but the Java version is still necessary to avoid some bugs of the ++ version.)
    • BD3D2MK3D can "burn" (hardcode) the 3D subtitles on the video. It's useful if your 3D TV cannot display the 3D subtitles correctly. For the best result, it is recommended to burn the subtitles in BD SUP format. For this, you need to install Microsoft .NET Framework v4. If it is not installed, the subtitles in the old VobSub (DVD IDX/SUB) format will be used, and the result will be less good.
    • It is also recommended to install a good video player that can play BD's M2TS and MPLS files and that let you select any audio or subtitle stream. The player is used only for the preview. The free players PotPlayer (recommended) or MPC-HC do the job well, but there are many other good players. Just avoid the Windows Media Player, that doesn't work well at all.
  • To install BD3D2MK3D, simply extract the content of the 7Z archive to a directory of your choice. BD3D2MK3D saves its settings in its installation directory, and doesn't use the Windows registry. It is therefore highly recommended to install it in a folder where you have full access rights. Do not install it in Program Files or in Program Files (x86). (If you cannot open the 7Z archive, you need a good archiver program such as 7Zip.)
  • If you wish, you can create a shortcut to BD3D2MK3D.exe in your Start menu (or Start Screen under Windows 8). Or you can simply open the installation folder in Explorer, and double-click BD3D2MK3D.exe to launch the program.
Download latest version: BD3D2MK3D.7z
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BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D blu-rays to SBS, T&B or FS MKV

Last edited by r0lZ; 23rd October 2019 at 09:06. Reason: Updated version number
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Old 2nd July 2014, 10:22   #2  |  Link
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BD3D2MK3D version history

V0.40 is the first version released in this thread.
For infos about the older versions, please see the original 3D conversion guide thread.

Version history (starting from v0.30, the first version based on DGMVCSource or FRIMSource)
The BD3D2MK3D history can be viewed or downloaded here: history.txt

Download latest version: BD3D2MK3D.7z
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BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D blu-rays to SBS, T&B or FS MKV

Last edited by r0lZ; 24th April 2018 at 09:33. Reason: Download link highlighted in blue
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Old 13th July 2014, 09:31   #3  |  Link
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No Abort

During generating project (demuxing) the Abort button doesn't work. It should terminate tsmuxer. You only can kill the process.
It's annoying, because demuxing takes a long time.
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Old 13th July 2014, 10:02   #4  |  Link
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OK, I'll have a look. Thanks.
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BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D blu-rays to SBS, T&B or FS MKV
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Old 18th July 2014, 10:53   #5  |  Link
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When choosing subtitles format as .sup, I get 2d sup, 3d sup and 2d vobsubs.
Is it possible to get also 3d vobsubs with that option or maybe a 3rd option that will create both? I'd like to mux both it (I prefer .sup but I'd like to share some vids with a friend who can't use them).

An aesthetic/consistency/ocd remark regarding files tagging - on this case I got the next files:

00001.track_4501.Eng.sup (maybe that should get tagged 2D too)

Last edited by mini-moose; 18th July 2014 at 12:46.
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Old 18th July 2014, 14:43   #6  |  Link
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I'll have a look, but I can't promise. The subs conversions is already very complicated, because I have to take into account the hardcoded subs as well (that must be 3D SUP anyway, regardless of the user's options).
If I do it, I'll implement probably the option to mux both VobSub and BD SUP. Do you have a preference for the order? I suppose I'll set the VobSub format first, for compatibility reasons. That means also that the VobSub stream will have the "Default" flag (when applicable).

In the meantime, I suggest to leave the SUP option ticked, and to convert manually to SUB/IDX. You can then modify the _MUX_3D_OPTIONS.txt file to add the VobSub streams. (Just copy the VobSub definition, and modify the file name and the title. Also, take in mind that only a single subtitle stream can have the "Default" flag set.

Originally Posted by mini-moose View Post
00001.track_4501.Eng.sup (maybe that should get tagged 2D too)
The 00001.track_4501.Eng.sup file is the original stream, extracted from the BD. It is not tagged with "2D" because the 2D or 3D tag is added only when a conversion to 3D or to VobSub is made.
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BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D blu-rays to SBS, T&B or FS MKV
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Old 18th July 2014, 15:10   #7  |  Link
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Originally Posted by r0lZ View Post
The subs conversions is already very complicated, because I have to take into account the hardcoded subs as well (that must be 3D SUP anyway, regardless of the user's options).
If I do it, I'll implement probably the option to mux both VobSub and BD SUP. Do you have a preference for the order?
Thanks for considering my request.
I really just want to have a 3d vobsub and 3d Sup created the same time. I remembered you said choosing sup generates vobsub too, and I thought it meant 3d, and choosing vobsub only creates a regular 2D sup (maybe it does 3D too in current version? I didn't try).
Maybe a third option is not something of much demand to worthy adding such an option.
I don't have a preference as to which would be first. Personally I use sup so for me that would be better to be first, someone else might prefer vobsub first, so there's really no way to way to make it one size fits all...unless you add a 4th option !

Originally Posted by r0lZ View Post
The 00001.track_4501.Eng.sup file is the original stream, extracted from the BD. It is not tagged with "2D" because the 2D or 3D tag is added only when a conversion to 3D or to VobSub is made.
Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.

Last edited by mini-moose; 18th July 2014 at 15:14.
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Old 19th July 2014, 19:02   #8  |  Link
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Full 3D sup

3D subtitle processing is excellent! AFAIK BD3D2MK3D is the only tool that 3D subs correctly handles. And very flexible.

In some cases (sources max 100 min, not too big for high bitrate) I prefer encoding in the MVC 3D format because of more 2D compatibility with traditional players such as VLC or Android. The source analysis and scripts generated by BD3D2MK3D are also very useful to pipe to FRIM or ROVI TotalCode.
Therefore I have to hardcode subs. To do that we need the full 3D subs separately for the left and right view. BD3D2MK3D only can produce half SBS. Full SBS doesn't work at all.
Can you implement an option to the tools menu generating the separated FHD (1920x1080) subs?

Or is there an easy manual modification of the tools to generate the the streams for SupTitle() input?
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Old 19th July 2014, 19:23   #9  |  Link
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You want two independent subtitle streams, with the left and right subtitles with no resize? That should be possible, but I need some time. And no it will not be easy to modify the code to do it yourself. The conversion to 2D is made by the program itself, except the extraction of the 3D planes, made with an external exe (by Nico), but it doesn't need to be modified.

Also, I will implement it as a new tool, or an option in the current tool to convrt the subtitles to 3D. I will not integrate that in the main process, since it produces half-SBS or half-T&B anyway.
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Old 21st July 2014, 15:48   #10  |  Link
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I see, it's not so easy.
tsMuxeR cannot handle 3D planes if you rebuild a MVC blu-ray with reendcoded streams. The information remains in the orginal MVC stream. Therfore hardcoding subs is the best way out.

For MVC 3D we only need full-sized subtitle streams. They can be easy integrated with Avisynth script. I need to use Avisynth to slightly resize pictures, because I have a 3D (line) polarized Monitor. The more image height the better the picture.(recommended 2.35 ->2.07...)
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Old 22nd July 2014, 09:41   #11  |  Link
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Originally Posted by frank View Post
During generating project (demuxing) the Abort button doesn't work. It should terminate tsmuxer. You only can kill the process.
It's annoying, because demuxing takes a long time.
Sorry, but I can't reproduce the problem. For me, the Abort button works as expected.

(Note that it is enabled only during the long demux process. When the demuxing is finisged and the subtitle files are converted to 3D or when the audio strerams are converted to AC3, it is not possible to abort. Anyway IMO, if you have waited during the whole demux process, it's not to abort when the job is almost done.)

Could it be that your antivirus or something in your system prevents BD3D2MK3D to kill the tsMuxeR process? (I have to kill it abruptly because afaik there is no way to tell it to abort gracefully. Some antivirus may block the possibility to kill a process from another process running at the user level, because they consider that as potentially undesirable.)

Anyway, before the process gets killed, you should see this dialogue:
Are you sure you want to abort the current process?

(The avisynth file and batch commands will not be created!)
Yes No
Do you see it?

Someone else has that problem?

[EDIT] Got it! I understand why it doesn't work. To use the kill command, I need a package (called Tclx), and that package is installed by default with the Tcl/Tk programming environment, but is not included with the standalone executable files such as BD3D2MK3D.exe. When I run the exe on my system, it finds the package in my Tcl/Tk installation directory, and everything works fine. But it cannot find it on machine where Tcl/Tk is not installed. As a consequence, when you click the Abort button, the dialog quoted above is not displayed, and you can only hear a bell.

I will include the Tclx package in the Toolset directory and everything will work fine.

Thanks again for the bug report!
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Old 22nd July 2014, 19:26   #12  |  Link
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BD3D2MK3D v0.41 released!

This version should do everything requested in this thread so far.
# v0.41 (July 21, 2014)
# - Tools -> Convert Subtitles to 3D (with 3D-plane) can now generate two full-size subtitle streams.
# - It is now possible to include the subtitles in both VobSub (IDX/SUB) and BD SUP formats.
# - Fix: The Abort button during the demux process did not work.
Download: BD3D2MK3D.7z
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Old 23rd July 2014, 07:42   #13  |  Link
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BD3D2MK3D v0.42

Sorry, I have introduced a bug in v0.41: The conversion of the subtitles to 3D Half-T&B (with 3D planes), from the Tools menu or the normal conversion of a Title, was broken. The subtitles were converted to Half-SBS. Please download the new version.

Thanks to Frank for having reported that bug by PM!
# v0.42 (July 23, 2014)
# - Bug introduced in v0.41: The subtitles that should be converted to Half-T&B were converted to Half-SBS. Thanks Frank!
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Old 23rd July 2014, 14:18   #14  |  Link
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Many thanks again. Works perfectly.
You learn something new every day...
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Old 7th August 2014, 14:29   #15  |  Link
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BD3D2MK3D uses tsMuxeR v2.6.9. (2013)
Latest version is 2.6.12.
Is there any reason to use the older version?

EDIT: Ok, I read the PM, there is a subtitle timcode bug. Is it with SubTitle() too?

Last edited by frank; 7th August 2014 at 15:40.
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Old 7th August 2014, 15:54   #16  |  Link
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Well, I had the intention to describe that bug with all details in the tsMuxeR 3D thread, but in short, v2.6.11 and v2.6.12 have totally wrong subtitle time codes when demuxing some BDs (2D and 3D). The bug happens only (but not always) when there are several parts (M2TS/SSIF files) in the MPLS, and only for the subtitles starting after the end of the first part. With the affected BDs, the time codes of the subsequent subtitles have one hour too much. For example, a subtitle that must appear at 0:10:10.000 has a time code of 1:10:10.000. The versions up to 2.6.9 are not affected by that bug, but the time codes are often slightly wrong (compared to the time codes reported by eac3to). For the example above, the time code could be, for instance, 0:10:10.400. The milliseconds part of the time codes is correct in the two latest versions, but it seems that Roman has introduced a new big bug when he has fixed the ms bug. It is a pity that he doesn't work on tsMuxeR any more. :-(

That bug has been discovered by Nico8583, and he has tested with several 2D and 3D BDs, with similar results. However, many multi-parts BDs (like the Disney BDs) are not affected. I have tested myself with Dragon Gate 3D, and indeed the two latests versions are unusable. Since I can't use eac3to to demux the BD (due to other problems with the subtitles of 3D BDs), and v2.6.11 and v2.6.12 are unusable, I have decided to stick with v2.6.9. AFAIK, the latest versions are not better for the demuxing process. However, if you use tsMuxeR to mux to TS or M2TS, it might be a good idea to use the last version.

BTW, I don't have v2.6.10, and therefore I haven't tested it. Someone has that version?

Originally Posted by frank View Post
Is it with SubTitle() too?
Yes, since the demuxed SUP stream is wrong.
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BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D blu-rays to SBS, T&B or FS MKV

Last edited by r0lZ; 7th August 2014 at 16:03.
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Old 7th August 2014, 20:00   #17  |  Link
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Start message window

Ok, thanks.

The Haali start messages says: This message is shown only once. Wrong, it will display at every program start.

But when does BD3D2MK3D using it? AFAIK directshow is not used.
- Demuxing with tsMuxeR or eac3to - No
After demuxing it works with elementay streams.
- Streaming, piping - No
- MVC decoder DGMVCsource() - No
- Encoding with x264 - No
- Muxing with MKVtoolnix - No.

So in every case I can see the progress percentage.
I personally use Haali for years no longer. LAV splitter is the better one (and shark007's DS filter set).
BD3DTOMK3D works on my system (Windows 7 x64) without any splitter very well.
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Old 7th August 2014, 22:20   #18  |  Link
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You're right. Haali is not needed any more. I don't know why I haven't removed it. It was used previously in a function that retrieves the number of frames from a specific M2TS. To compute the number of frames, the function created a little avisynth script with DirectShowSource("file.m2ts"). Without the filter, DirectShowSource was unable to return the number of frames. That function was still present in my code, but not used any more. I have just removed it, as well as all references to Haali, and the warning message when it is not installed.
And indeed there was a bug in the warning, that was displayed at every start. Since I have removed that code, I have removed the bug too! ;-)
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Old 9th August 2014, 09:51   #19  |  Link
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BD3D2MK3D v0.43 released

The main change is the possibility to encode in Full-SBS or Full-T&B. Please note that it is not possible to convert the subtitles to 3D for these Full stereoscopic formats. However, it is possible to hardcode the subtitles in 3D over the video (with the real 3D depth extracted from the 3D-Planes).
# v0.43 (August 9, 2014)
# - Added the possibility to encode in Full-SBS or Full-T&B (without 3D subtitle streams).
# - Tools -> Chapters file converter: Added an option to save a QPFILE for x264 as well.
# - Added a warning to not use tsMuxeR 3D v2.6.11 or v2.6.12 due to the big subtitle timecodes bug.
# - Added more meaningful info in the labels of the streams for MkvMerge.
# - Removed all references to the Haali media splitter DirectShow filter, not needed any more.
# - Added the --disable-track-statistics-tags in the MkvMerge option files because the statistics are wrong and useless.
# - Updated MkvMerge and MkvMerge GUI to the latest version (v7.1.0)
Download: BD3D2MK3D.7z
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BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D blu-rays to SBS, T&B or FS MKV
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Old 15th August 2014, 01:33   #20  |  Link
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I'm getting this error:
child process exited abnormally
child process exited abnormally
    while executing
"close $fh"
    (procedure "Extract3DPlanesMain" line 59)
    invoked from within
"Extract3DPlanesMain "[file rootname $mpls].track_4114.mvc" ."
    (procedure "GenerateAvs" line 664)
    invoked from within
    invoked from within
".nbf5.gf.gen invoke "
    invoked from within
".nbf5.gf.gen instate {pressed !disabled} { .nbf5.gf.gen state !pressed; .nbf5.gf.gen invoke } "
    (command bound to event)

Living in Mars is nice!
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