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Old 17th December 2024, 23:53   #1261  |  Link
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I encountered an issue recently while working on my "Universal Blu-ray Authoring Template". Thought I'd give everyone a heads up. Not sure if it's a limitation of the Blu-ray specification or a bug with the BDedit software. Either way, something good to know. I was restructuring the navigation commands for part of my template, the IG for the TOP MENU. After 2 hours of work I mux'd (*.m2ts) out. When opening the Blu-ray fresh at that point I found the IG could no longer be read, the below error being given, the status bar reading "ERROR Reading page 0".

"Access violation at address 00406C1C in module'BDedit v0.59b10.exe'. Write of address 40002E38."

Fortunately I saved (*.mnu) the menu and created a copy of the current M2TS file prior to muxing out and reading the Blu-ray fresh. As such, I reverted back to the prior M2TS file, opened the IG, then loaded (*.mnu) the problematic IG. Muxing out again at that point resulted in the same error. I then opened a second instance of BDedit and compared the problematic IG with the prior version. After much trial and error I finally figured out what the issue was.

When restructuring the navigation commands the number of commands residing on one of the buttons had been increased significantly. It was the only thing which stood out. The updated version of the button contained 240 commands. Prior no button within the IG contained more than 200 commands. When noticing this I recalled an issue I had a couple months ago, the issue involving a hardware based Blu-ray player and number of commands on a button within an IG. As such, I decided to see if the same issue was at play here. Sure enough it was.

The magic number was 231 in this case. Your mileage may vary. :-P So long as the button did not contain more than 231 commands the resulting IG once mux'd could be opened successfully after reading the Blu-ray fresh. Increasing the number of commands above 231 would break the IG each and every time. Thankfully I had saved (*.mnu) the menu so I didn't lose any of my work. I just needed to bring the number of commands for the button in question down below 231. In this case I offloaded a large portion of the commands to several other buttons. Muxing out at that point the IG could then be opened once reading the Blu-ray fresh.

So this begs the question, what is the maximum number of commands allowed on a button within an IG per the Blu-ray format? Is the magic number 231 or is what I'm encountering a bug within BDedit? Whatever the case may be there is a limit, at least from a hardware perspective. The related issue I encountered a few months ago was specific to playing a given Blu-ray using a hardware based Blu-ray player. The Blu-ray player would become non-responsive when attempting to read the Blu-ray, then powering off. I hard reset was then required to bring the Blu-ray player back to life.

In that case the number of commands residing on a button I had just updated was the issue. The number was well north of 231 commands. Reducing the number of commands on the button in question below a certain level resolved the issue. At the time I didn't bother trying to determine what the threshold was as doing so would have involved lowing the number of commands by one, re-burning to BD-RE, testing, rinse and repeat, a hard reset needing to be performed each time prior to trying again. In any event, just an FYI for everyone. Not sure if anyone else is using BDedit as an authoring tool as I am. If you are just make to always backup your current IG before muxing out.

Last edited by Lowpro; 18th December 2024 at 00:00.
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Old 18th December 2024, 18:55   #1262  |  Link
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Good to know, thanks for digging so deep, Lowpro.
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Old 19th December 2024, 20:18   #1263  |  Link
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Hi Lowpro, thank you for the information, but you wrote the wrong BDedit version, I was on v.058b11, I don't know how to answer for the commands on the button not exceeding 231, but on the IG menus there is a limit of 16 MB, because unlike Java it loads everything onto the player buffer RAM:

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Old 20th December 2024, 01:40   #1264  |  Link
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Originally Posted by ocean View Post
Hi Lowpro, thank you for the information, but you wrote the wrong BDedit version, I was on v.058b11, I don't know how to answer for the commands on the button not exceeding 231, but on the IG menus there is a limit of 16 MB, because unlike Java it loads everything onto the player buffer RAM:

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Ah, I'm not sure I've been provided b11 yet. Still running b10.
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Old 21st December 2024, 18:08   #1265  |  Link
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Well, the "Error reading page x" issue preventing a just mux'd IG from opening continues. This time it doesn't appear that the number of commands on a given button is causing the issue. In this case the changes I'm making reduce the number of commands on several buttons. I'm going to attempt to create a small example which I can replicate at will then providing it to Pel. For now my "Universal Blu-ray Authoring Template" project is on hold. Not able to complete my work with this happening which is a shame considering I'm just a day or two away from finishing the initial build.

An update for everyone, looks like I'm back in business. Yesterday I completed the final revision for one of the primary features of my "Universal Blu-ray Authoring Template". I just needed to implement the changes made throughout the IG having only updated one page initially. So everything was smooth sailing updating a number of pages until this morning, the "Error reading page x" once again rearing its ugly head as previously mentioned, the error prompt stating, Access violation at address 00406C1C in module 'BDedit v0.58b10.exe'. Write of address 40002E38.

Just figured out what was causing the issue. Well, this time. At the end of Pages 2 and higher I have a Button Overlap Group which contains 5 buttons, the objects displayed when a button on Page 1 is activated. The buttons contain no commands. If the given page uses the same palette as Page 1 the appropriate button from the Button Overlap Group is enabled by default rather than including a separate object for the given page.

That being said, it appears that BDedit for whatever reason decided to have a problem with the fact that the last item on the page I was attempting to update contained this Button Overlap Group. I had saved the problematic IG after muxing out prior to discovering the IG could no longer be opened. Reverting to a prior version of the IG I then loaded the problematic IG. Muxing out at that point resulted in the same "Error reading page x" issue when attempting to open the IG once reading the Blu-ray fresh.

So here we go, rinse and repeat. On my second attempt I deleted the Button Overlap Group at the end of the page and replaced it with a single button set to display the activated state of the button in question on Page 1. Well look at that. No issues opening the IG once muxing out and reading the Blu-ray fresh. Interesting. From there I was able to complete all my updates for the given page. No issues once muxing out and reading the Blu-ray fresh.

So here we go again, rinse and repeat. This time I left the Button Overlap Group containing the 5 buttons in place at the end of the page adding a single button to the end of the page instead. I just inserted the button. I didn't edit the button in any way. Once muxing out the IG could be opened once reading the Blu-ray fresh. Some further testing. With the current IG still open I then added several more buttons to the end of the page containing numerous commands. Still no issue once muxing out and reading the Blu-ray fresh.

Okay, let's remove all the buttons I had added after the Button Overlap Group containing the 5 buttons, then muxing out. Will it break the IG as was the case originally. Sure enough, it did. Once muxing out and reading the Blu-ray fresh the IG could no longer be read, an error message being displayed, the status bar reading, "Error reading page x". Deleting the Button Overlap Group or adding a single button after or in place of the Button Overlap Group once again provided for opening the IG successfully once muxing out and reading the Blu-ray fresh.

Here's another update for anyone interested. The "Error reading page x" issue continues, the "Access Violation" error reading the same each time. Last night and for most of this morning it was smooth sailing once again per the update provided above. I then had the brilliant idea to revisit something which I had shelved previously precisely because of this issue which happened once before prior to my most recent posts here. The item I revisited required a greater number of navigation commands than were currently in place on a couple buttons for several pages. One of the buttons on each page in question reached a total of 238 commands. This once again broke the IG once muxing out and attempting to read the Blu-ray fresh.

As before, deleting the last button on the page from the problematic IG allowed for muxing out, then being able to open the IG successfully once reading the Blu-ray fresh. In this case I needed the last button on the page to remain in place. With some restructuring of the commands on the button in question I was able to get the total number of commands down to the point that the IG once muxed out would reopen successfully, the last button on the page remaining in place. So for now I plan to just keep an eye on the number of commands I use for a given button keeping that in check in addition to always creating a copy of the current IG prior to muxing out also saving (*.mnu) the menu so I don't potentially lose all my work. Talk about a PITA. I can hardly complain though. BDedit is an amazing program and I'm thankful to Pel for developing it and making it available.

Last edited by Lowpro; 2nd January 2025 at 11:52.
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Old 2nd January 2025, 08:32   #1266  |  Link
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I just figured something out that's been driving me crazy. Thought I'd share my stupid oversight with everyone in the event others found it helpful. With my "Universal Blu-ray Authoring Template" the Actions in Photoshop that export the menu assets include the palette id and object id within the filenames when saving the images. This eliminates the need to select the specific objects you're looking to replace within an IG, the palette id and object id within each filename overriding any object selection(s) you may have made.

That being said, the last object for each page is a spacer, a 1x1 fully transparent image, the object not aliased to any BOG. It's only job is to create a space between each page as seen from the "Objects" tab of a given IG. Up until now the spacer images have refused to load. Well, they would load individually for some reason, but not when more than one image was loaded at the same time. The first spacer image that attempts to load would fail, the process ending at that point, no other objects following the first spacer image loading as a result. Well this evening I finally figured out why this was happening.

The problem was with my naming convention for the spacer images. Take Page 1 for example. The second to the last object for Page 1 is "01_panel_d_04_p01o0022.png". The last object for Page 1 is the spacer image. The filename used originally was, "01_spacer_01_p00o0023.png". The letters "pac" within the word, "spacer" was the problem. BDedit looks for the first instance it finds of "pXX" which calls out the associated palette for the object, "XX" being the hex value of the palette. As a result, it was attempting to load the object using the palette "pAC" rather than "p00". "AC" in this case isn't a valid palette value within the IG, hence why the object fails to load, the process ending at that point.

The second to the last object for each page is always a panel so I just continue with that naming convention now for the spacer images, the new filename for the spacer image in this case being "01_panel_x_01_p00o0023.png". The word "panel" unlike the word, "spacer" isn't an issue as the "an" following "p" in "panel" isn't a valid hex value. As a result, BDedit doesn't bug out. It continues reading the filename registering a hit once it reaches "p00". And yes, the word "spacer" wouldn't be an issue if I placed it at the end of the given filename, but I need the palette id and object id at the end of each filename for several reasons. So mystery solved. Finally. :-P

Last edited by Lowpro; 2nd January 2025 at 08:38.
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Old 6th January 2025, 13:54   #1267  |  Link
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whoa ! Such digging work reminds me of my countless hours spent to find suspects in other aspects ;-}
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Last edited by Emulgator; 6th January 2025 at 13:56.
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Old 8th January 2025, 14:11   #1268  |  Link
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Originally Posted by musiclover View Post
That didn't work for me either. But what does work is to set the forced flag for the subtitle stream. That is pointed out earlier in that thread.

That works better for me. Not all of the videos in the UHD-BDs I'm making need subtitles turned on, only the ones that are translating.
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Old 21st January 2025, 06:56   #1269  |  Link
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I've completed the initial version of my "Universal Blu-ray Authoring Template". At present I'm in the process of updating several example Blu-ray's I'll be making available that utilize the template. Unfortunately it's taking longer than expected as BDedit continues to corruptly compile my IG's. Seemingly at random this error will start happening and once it starts happening it doesn't feel like I'll ever recover. I update the given IG and mux out only to find the IG can no longer be opened, this "Access Violation" error being given I've described previously, the status bar reading "Error reading Page x". The page number given is completely erroneous. This evening it's "Error reading Page 100". The IG doesn't have 100 pages. This garbage has me so frustrated I'm setting the project aside for a week. The error only happens when going to read the given Blu-ray fresh after having copied/pasted pages and/or adding, deleting or copying/pasting BOG's, then mux'ing out. That's the good news I suppose as none of those things are required to use the completed template. Use of the template will only require you assign coordinates to existing BOG's, enable/disable certain BOG's if needed, and replace objects. I frequently get several nasty errors when attempting to mux out after importing objects as well, but if I import them a certain way the errors never occur. When the time comes I'll lay out my process and what to do and not do per avoiding any errors. Push come to shove I'll rebuild the example Blu-ray's using the completed template. Just don't have it in me at the moment considering I could have these example Blu-ray's knocked out in 20 minutes if only the IG's would mux out properly. Well, eventually the IG's will mux out properly. The issue will just go away for no apparent reason. Go figure.

Last edited by Lowpro; 25th January 2025 at 19:53.
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Old 24th January 2025, 21:29   #1270  |  Link
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Latest version?
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Old 25th January 2025, 19:44   #1271  |  Link
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Originally Posted by AVX View Post
Latest version?
I'm running BDedit v0.58b11 which is the latest version available as far as I know. And some great news regarding the "Error loading page..." issue I've been having. I wasn't planning on firing up BDedit until next week. A light bulb went off this morning however and sure enough, I've identified and resolved the issue now. Well, so far so good. The "Error loading page..." issue appears to have been caused by blank pages that exist within my template. Page 4 is the dedicated page for audio selection. Page 5 is the dedicated page for subtitle selection. In both cases there's an alternate implementation available.

When GPR45 (Audio) and/or GPR55 (Subtitles) are assigned the value of "0" the default implementation is used. In this case audio selection takes place from Pages 4 and 5 respectively. Each page contains 2 sets of buttons, each set within its own button overlap group (BOG), no button from either group set to be enabled by default.

The first set of buttons call out the current selection. The second set call out which selection is set to be used when initiating playback, i.e. a check mark appearing to the left of the current stream for example. When going to either page the appropriate button from the first set is shown immediately as you're jumping directly to that button from the page you were on prior. This enables the button within the first set automatically. There's a slight delay before the appropriate button from the second set is shown however, as the button in question needs to be enabled once arriving on the page. Initially a blank version of the button is shown from within that group, i.e. no check mark being displayed.

To prevent that delay I offer an alternate implementation to Pages 4 and 5. When GPR45 (Audio) and/or GPR55 (Subtitles) are set to "1" the alternate implementation is used. In this case audio selection takes place from Pages 22-33 and subtitle selection takes place from Pages 34-46, dedicated pages where the appropriate button from each button overlap group (BOG) is enabled by default based on the current stream, the template supporting up to 12 audio tracks and 12 subtitle tracks including turning subtitles off.

If the alternate implementation is used Page 4 and/or Page 5 must be copied how ever many times is needed to the dedicated pages (...the "Paste overwrites current page" option must be enabled), the appropriate button from each button overlap group (GOP) set to be enabled by default for each page. If the alternate implementation isn't being used the given set of pages is left blank, i.e. the new pages originally inserted to the template are left untouched. This appears to be what has been causing the intermittent "Error loading page..." issue, i.e. the given IG unable to be reopened after mux'ing out and reading the Blu-ray fresh.

Inserting a new page and leaving it untouched appears to confuse BDedit from time to time when going to mux out, the required structure of the page being insufficient in some way due to having been inserted only. To test my theory I returned to the IG I was attempting to update a few days ago and confirmed the issue could still be replicated at will. Any change I made to the given IG resulted in the IG no longer able to be reopened once mux'ing out and reading the Blu-ray fresh, the "Error loading page..." issue rearing its ugly head.

In this case the Blu-ray contained 5 audio tracks and 2 subtitle tracks, the alternate implementation being used for each. Page 4 had been copied over to Pages 22-26, Page 5 copied over to Pages 34-36. This left Pages 27-33 and Pages 37-46 untouched from when they were originally inserted into the template. As such, I went to each of those pages and enabled the only BOG on each adding a single command (NOP) to the given button for good measure. Mux'ing out at that point the IG could be opened successfully once reading the Blu-ray fresh. He shoots, he scores!

I was able to replicate this at will with all of the example Blu-ray's I was attempting to update, each of which have been fully updated now. If I left any blank pages untouched the IG could no longer be opened once mux'ing out and reading the Blu-ray fresh, the status bar reading, "Error loading page...". Well, this was prone to happen. On a small number of attempts it didn't happen. If I edited those blank pages in some way the IG could be reopened successfully each and every time after mux'ing out and reading the Blu-ray fresh. So looks like I'm back in business. I have a few additional example Blu-ray's I'd like to add to the mix now as well so I'll be knocking those out next week. The fun never ends!

Last edited by Lowpro; 25th January 2025 at 20:12.
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Old 26th January 2025, 21:08   #1272  |  Link
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@pel9 I sent a donation on Friday night, Could you please send me the link for the latest download of BDedit. Thanks
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Old 26th January 2025, 21:41   #1273  |  Link
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So this must mean: Any valid menu page must have minimum 1 button with a link, being it NOP(),
otherwise the construct can be no menu page and is invalid.
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Old 26th January 2025, 23:07   #1274  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Emulgator View Post
So this must mean: Any valid menu page must have minimum 1 button with a link, being it NOP(),
otherwise the construct can be no menu page and is invalid.
When inserting a new page there is a single button already present which is disabled. Enabling the button may be enough, i.e. 0000 instead of FFFF. I just added a single command to the button for good measure as well, NOP. Could go back and test again without adding a command.

And again, the issue has been frequent for me, but intermittent. Other factors are more than likely at play as well depending on the IG and its makeup. What I can say for certain is that ensuring a blank page (inserted only) is not left untouched prevents the issue from happening. I’m fairly convinced of that at this point.

Last edited by Lowpro; 27th January 2025 at 02:30.
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Old 27th January 2025, 13:22   #1275  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Lowpro View Post
When inserting a new page there is a single button already present which is disabled. Enabling the button may be enough, i.e. 0000 instead of FFFF. I just added a single command to the button for good measure as well, NOP. Could go back and test again without adding a command.

And again, the issue has been frequent for me, but intermittent. Other factors are more than likely at play as well depending on the IG and its makeup. What I can say for certain is that ensuring a blank page (inserted only) is not left untouched prevents the issue from happening. I’m fairly convinced of that at this point.
Do you suggest any change of default values at inserting a new page?
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Old 27th January 2025, 15:57   #1276  |  Link
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Originally Posted by pel9 View Post
Do you suggest any change of default values at inserting a new page?
I suspect having the "default valid button" value for BOG 0 set to "0000" rather than "FFFF" for a newly inserted page might do the trick, but I'm not sure. I'll go back and do some testing reporting back.
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Old 27th January 2025, 18:35   #1277  |  Link
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I may have missunderstood your intent, but the 1x1 spacer object is illegal. Minimum object dimensions must be 8x8. I doubt your issue originates from that, but it does not help.
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Old 29th January 2025, 19:28   #1278  |  Link
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My latest version is v0.56b7.
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