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Old 9th December 2018, 03:29   #1  |  Link
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Converting .ass to .sup with styles and effects wont work


I'm trying to get an .ass with styles and effects converted to .sup. I tried a few things but every time something different won't work. At the moment I'm trying easySup (and it's almost perfect).

When converting an .ass with a fade-effect, I'm getting this bug. First the log says, that some lines have their start time after their end time and it fixed it however after it finished, the .sup looks like this if I open it in SubtitleEdit:

What bugs me is this pattern with the durations. Like it's trying to do an image every 42 milliseconds (I think), and arrives at -0.001 every third time or something.
If I'm muxing it with a video, these negative lines seem to stay much longer than they should and therefore overlap with the next ones.
Does anyone have an idea, why this is happening or how I can avoid this?

Or alternatively, is there a program to delete these lines? I tried with BDSup2Sub, however that method would take forever. (If there isn't some method to do this automatically - it did say "WARNING: end time of frame 526 <= start time -> fixed" again, however this program didn't do anything like fixing as well.)

I guess it's because of the 23.976 fps I'm working with, however PunkGraphicStream, which I tried before did this without problems.
On the other hand, the reason I'm not using it in the first place, is that it exported in 24 fps incorrectly, even when I chose 23.976 frames. After that my muxer "converted them back to 23.976fps", and I got a delay.
So another option would be to find an easy way for a workaround here. Like stretching the timing a few percentage before converting to sup or something?

I'm getting a bit of headache lately, since when something works with another program suddenly something different won't work anymore.
So, anyone with an idea how to achieve my goal, be it via easySub or something completely different?

Thanks in advance,
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Old 9th December 2018, 19:55   #2  |  Link
Elit Amans
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as there's a cosmetic bug in punk, try to select 24fps instead, then it will output 23.976...

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Old 9th December 2018, 22:53   #3  |  Link
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Ah, well, I'm the guy from before. ^^
As I mentioned in the other thread, I'm getting 24 fps no matter which option I choose (24 or 23.976 fps). The file has exactly the same size, and the muxer of Blu-Disc-Studio tells me, that the file has 24 fps and I'm getting a delay. However I'm getting 25 fps if chosen, so it probably isn't the muxer's fault.
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Old 16th December 2018, 02:09   #4  |  Link
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Sorry to revive this thread again, but I would have a last question.

Right now I'm using SE to change the timing of my .ass, so that when my muxer changes the fps from 24 to 23.976 the timing will be correct.
However, will this be a problem when playing the Blu Ray in a BD-Player? Since I'm not sure, how the fps and the timecodes go together in the .sup file or the PGS stream the muxer creates I was wondering, if there will maybe complications?
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Old 16th December 2018, 14:08   #5  |  Link
Elit Amans
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I don't see why that wouldn't work. Just do it and burn to a RW disc and check it.

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ass, easysup, subtitle conversion

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