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Old 23rd July 2011, 08:59   #1  |  Link
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Help for new ways to encode

ok i hate using megui as errors are always a habit.. megui seems to have a mind of its own..
So heres the deal i switched to my back up internal which now is blank and has proper encoding programs installed..
lists are: Megui . virtual dub, gordian knot (not auto), avi synth, k lite mega codec pack.
My old way of encoding was using GK to create script, from dv2 file then load into megui at avs script creator.. loaded my script from prestige and then preview and save.. then audio input i loaded the adui source from dvdrip that i did using dvd fab and rip at 100% (dvd 9 )...bitrate calculator loaded the audio in.. changed codec to xvid .change container to avi... bitrate as max it could go up to a file size of 1.60 max just to be positive.. and then remember exact bitrate.. save and then click auto encode and put exact bitrate into file size and change container to avi. 4 jobs are loaded..

now problems were that i couldnt get past laoding the script i created from GK.. now my solution is that i try another way without using megui.. any suggestions and possibly a guide available ? i am deaf so videos wont work for me.. tried google but im afraid i cant find nothing either or im jsut blind.. plz all the help would be apreciated as im dedicated to the encoding world :P :bow:

Last edited by Guest; 23rd July 2011 at 12:04. Reason: rule 6
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Old 23rd July 2011, 16:40   #2  |  Link
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Not sure exactly what you are asking. You can use megui maybe the one click encoder will be better for you.

If you want to preview the effects of avisynth filters on your source prior to encode try AVSP.

None of the vast array of different steps you describe seem necessary and your errors from megui are likely user error.
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Old 23rd July 2011, 23:47   #3  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Tommy-UniQue View Post
ok i hate using megui as errors are always a habit.. megui seems to have a mind of its own..
So heres the deal i switched to my back up internal which now is blank and has proper encoding programs installed..
lists are: Megui . virtual dub, gordian knot (not auto), avi synth, k lite mega codec pack.
My old way of encoding was using GK to create script, from dv2 file then load into megui at avs script creator.. loaded my script from prestige and then preview and save.. then audio input i loaded the adui source from dvdrip that i did using dvd fab and rip at 100% (dvd 9 )...bitrate calculator loaded the audio in.. changed codec to xvid .change container to avi... bitrate as max it could go up to a file size of 1.60 max just to be positive.. and then remember exact bitrate.. save and then click auto encode and put exact bitrate into file size and change container to avi. 4 jobs are loaded..

now problems were that i couldnt get past laoding the script i created from GK.. now my solution is that i try another way without using megui.. any suggestions and possibly a guide available ? i am deaf so videos wont work for me.. tried google but im afraid i cant find nothing either or im jsut blind.. plz all the help would be apreciated as im dedicated to the encoding world :P :bow:
ok so what i mean exactly my encoder friends use megui to create the script and gordian knot to encode video.. and some use virtual dub to encode video and use gordian knot to create script... i just want to know how to do it these ways.. i have a 64 but which i previously had before was an 86 bit.. i think my problem is that i dont know where the place the encode programs in program files 64 or program files itslef
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Old 24th July 2011, 09:57   #4  |  Link
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I've got to ask, why do you want to create scripts using one GUI and load them into another for the actual encoding? What advantage do you gain encoding AVIs that way rather than just using one GUI for the whole job?

Maybe something in the script GK creates is causing your MeGUI problems? Like all software it's not perfect but it's not overly bug ridden either.
What happens if you forget using other GUIs to create scripts and use MeGUI on it's own for the whole encoding job? Does it still give you errors or seem to have a mind of it's own?
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Old 25th July 2011, 00:52   #5  |  Link
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Originally Posted by hello_hello View Post
I've got to ask, why do you want to create scripts using one GUI and load them into another for the actual encoding? What advantage do you gain encoding AVIs that way rather than just using one GUI for the whole job?

Maybe something in the script GK creates is causing your MeGUI problems? Like all software it's not perfect but it's not overly bug ridden either.
What happens if you forget using other GUIs to create scripts and use MeGUI on it's own for the whole encoding job? Does it still give you errors or seem to have a mind of it's own?
because GK doesnt have all the tools like megui does... if i could learn how to use megui jsut alone or another gui where i can load my own script into file i want to encode then that would be swell.. But as far as i know, Gordian Knot does not have the option to input ur script.. As for Megui, its not my script thats causing errors at all mate, i know that for a fact becasuee alot of ppl encode with this very same script that i use.. here its basic bro :P

Import("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\SeeSaw.avs")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\RemoveGrain.dll")

a = last
b=a.degrainmedian(mode=2).VagueDenoiser(threshold=0.8, method=1, nsteps=6, chromaT=0.8)
SeeSaw(a,b, NRlimit=6, NRlimit2=7, Sstr=1.5, Slimit=5, Spower=5, Sdamplo=6, Szp=16)
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Old 25th July 2011, 07:24   #6  |  Link
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I've never tried SeeSaw before. I gave it a whirl using a fairly high quality 720p video as the source. It seemed to have no effect when I was previewing without any resizing, but when resizing down to SD the effect was quite noticeable, and gave quite a nice result. It seems to use a fair bit of CPU power though. I didn't run an encode but I assume it slows the encoding time down a bit?

Anyway, if the script you posted is your full script you appear to be missing a heap of plugins, so it probably is your script causing the errors. Here's what I think is the best way to use it with MeGUI:

Open the AVS Script Creator from the Tools menu and select Config next to the AVISynth Profile dropdown box. When the window opens (Template tab), select "Load Defaults" and then copy and paste the following below what's already written in the window. Of course you'll have to make sure you've got the appropriate plugins downloaded and saved to the correct folder. When you're done, save it as a new preset. I called it SeeSaw.

Import("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\SeeSaw.avs")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\RemoveGrainSSE3.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\RepairSSE3.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\degrainmedian.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\VagueDenoiser.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\MaskTools.dll")
a = last
b=a.degrainmedian(mode=2).VagueDenoiser(threshold=0.8, method=1, nsteps=6, chromaT=0.8)
SeeSaw(a,b, NRlimit=6, NRlimit2=7, Sstr=1.5, Slimit=5, Spower=5, Sdamplo=6, Szp=16)

Once it's saved, close the script creator then close MeGUI completely. Close MeGUI just to ensure if it does crash your newly created template has been saved so you don't have to set it up again. Re-open MeGUI and open a video for encoding from the File menu. When it's opened/indexed and the AVS Script Creator window has opened, select your "SeeSaw" preset using the AVISynth Profile dropdown box. Then crop and resize your video as per usual for encoding. You can switch to the Script tab to confirm your SeeSaw preset has been added to the script.

If you have the correct plugins installed there's no reason why it shouldn't work properly. It appears to work fine for me, at least when previewing the script.
http://avisynth.org/mediawiki/RemoveGrain (The SeeSaw page seems to indicate you need to use one of the 1.x versions, not the older 0.9 version)

This was all a little new to me too, so I had to spend a bit of time working out how to get the script to work and then working out how to use it in MeGUI, so please post back to let me know if you're successful.

Last edited by hello_hello; 25th July 2011 at 10:29.
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Old 25th July 2011, 20:17   #7  |  Link
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Well, I was encoding a video tonight so I did it twice, the second time to give SeeSaw a spin. I was encoding a 45 minute 720p video, resizing down to SD AVI. Using the same Xvid settings for both, the first encode took about 15 minutes and ran at about 65fps. With SeeSaww added encoding took about 50 minutes at around 23fps. The file size also increased by about 25%.

I must admit though, SeeSaw is pretty impressive. I ran the original 720p video and the 480p SeeSaw encode side by side on my monitors, and it's the closest I've ever seen an AVI look to the original in terms of quality. In some instances the 480p encode even looked a little clearer.
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Old 26th July 2011, 04:14   #8  |  Link
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Originally Posted by hello_hello View Post
Well, I was encoding a video tonight so I did it twice, the second time to give SeeSaw a spin. I was encoding a 45 minute 720p video, resizing down to SD AVI. Using the same Xvid settings for both, the first encode took about 15 minutes and ran at about 65fps. With SeeSaww added encoding took about 50 minutes at around 23fps. The file size also increased by about 25%.

I must admit though, SeeSaw is pretty impressive. I ran the original 720p video and the 480p SeeSaw encode side by side on my monitors, and it's the closest I've ever seen an AVI look to the original in terms of quality. In some instances the 480p encode even looked a little clearer.
yes im succesful just need to redirect the plugins in script to the right directory and install the plugins u gave me.. How big is ur proccessor bro it takes me almost 18 hours to encode one movie.. but 65 fps thats crazy
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Old 26th July 2011, 13:37   #9  |  Link
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I'm just using a quad core Q9450. It's slightly overclocked to 3.2Ghz.

The above were just the times for running a single pass encode and the video was only 45 minutes long, but they're nothing out of the ordinary. In fact using Xvid the encoder doesn't really keep the CPU busy enough. When I added SeeSaw to the script it got even less busy. I think CPU usage dropped to about 30%.

But 18 hours to encode one movie?? What's your source video and are you referring to encoding standard definition AVIs? What CPU are you using? I must admit of it always took that long I'm not sure I'd bother.

Here's an x264 encoding benchmark program. Give it a spin to see how your CPU fares. http://www.techarp.com/showarticle.a...tno=520&pgno=0
This is a chart of average speeds. http://www.techarp.com/showarticle.a...tno=520&pgno=9
I guess the closest matching CPU to mine on the list would be the Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550.
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avs synth, gordian knot (not auto), k lite mega codec pack, megui, virtual dub

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