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Old 25th December 2024, 16:59   #1  |  Link
͡҉҉ ̵̡̢̛̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̿̿
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Faveworm: analog oscilloscope emulation

Another plug-in, this time an audio waveform renderer with an analog oscilloscope look.

>>> faveworm-r2.zip <<<

Faveworm in trigger mode with waveform locking, post-processed output.

Note that in the previous screenshot, the grid, glowing effects, phosphor persistence and colors are not part of Faveworm. The plug-in generates grayscale pictures that can be used as building blocks for a more elaborate rendering. For example the screenshot was rendered with the following code:

import ctypes
import vapoursynth as vs
core = vs.core

def add_phosphore_persistence (video, mix, decay, nbr_frames):
    if nbr_frames > 0:
        v1 = video
        for i in range (nbr_frames - 1):
            v1 = core.std.Merge (v1, v1 [0] + v1, weight=decay)
        video = core.std.Merge (video, v1 [0] + v1, weight=decay*mix)
    return video

def blur_gaussian (video, radius):
    npass = 4
    rem   = radius * 2
    for p in range (npass):
        r = round (rem / (npass - p))
        if r > 0:
            video = core.std.BoxBlur (video, hradius=r, vradius=r)
        rem = rem - r
    return video

def make_grad_frame (n, f):
    f   = f.copy ()
    w   = f.width
    h   = f.height
    nd  = 10 # Number of horizontal divisions
    ng  = 5  # Number of ticks per division
    dh  = w / nd
    dv  = dh
    ch  = w / 2
    cv  = h / 2
    chi = round (ch)
    cvi = round (cv)
    hg  = round (dh * 0.35 / ng)
    s   = f.get_stride (0) // 4
    p   = ctypes.cast (f.get_write_ptr (0), ctypes.POINTER (ctypes.c_float))
    for y in range (h):
        if (y - cv) % dv < 1:
            for x in range (w):
                p [y * s + x] = 1
        elif ((y - cv) * ng) % dv < ng:
            for x in range (chi - hg, chi + hg):
                p [y * s + x] = 1
    for x in range (w):
        if (x - ch) % dh < 1:
            for y in range (h):
                p [y * s + x] = 1
        elif ((x - ch) * ng) % dh < ng:
            for y in range (cvi - hg, cvi + hg):
                p [y * s + x] = 1
    return f

def make_graduations (video):
    grad = core.std.BlankClip (video, format=vs.GRAYS, length=1)
    grad = core.std.ModifyFrame (clip=grad, clips=grad, selector=make_grad_frame)
    grad = grad * video.num_frames
    return grad

globscale = 2
fx_flag   = True
grid_flag = True
glowlim   = 3.0

audio = core.bas.Source("audio.wav", track=-1)

video = core.std.BlankClip (fpsnum=30, width=640*globscale, height=480*globscale)
video = core.fw.scope (clip=video, audio=audio, mode=0, sweep=0.020, beam_gain=1, beam_size=1.5*globscale, trig_lock=True, trig_dt=-0.010)

bckg = core.std.BlankClip (video, format=vs.RGBS, color= [0.002428, 0.009134, 0.002428])
beam = core.std.BlankClip (video, format=vs.RGBS, color= [0.5     , 1       , 0.7454  ])
gcol = core.std.BlankClip (video, format=vs.RGBS, color= [0.0015  , 0.0015  , 0.0015  ])

if fx_flag:
    video = add_phosphore_persistence (video, 0.1, 0.2, 3)
    video = core.resize.Point (video, format=vs.RGBS)

if fx_flag:
    scale1 =  2 * globscale
    scale2 =  4 * globscale
    scale3 = 16 * globscale
    # sqrt (tanh (max (x, 0)^2))
    #eg    = "1 2 x 0 max x * 2 * exp 1 + / - 0.5 pow"
    # Equivalent approximated function, with x already clipped:
    # 1 - 1 / (1 + x + x^2 + x^3 + x^4 + x^5 + x^7 + x^8) !! no x^6 !!
    # 1 - 1 / (((((((x + 1) * x*x + 1) * x + 1) * x + 1) * x + 1) * x + 1) * x + 1)
    eg    = "1 1  x 0 max dup dup dup dup dup dup dup  1 +  * * 1 +  * 1 +  * 1 +  * 1 +  * 1 +  * 1 +   / -"
    clip  = core.std.Expr (video, eg)
    glow  = core.std.Expr ([video, clip], "x y - 0 max "+str(glowlim)+" min")
    glow1 = blur_gaussian (glow , scale1)
    glow2 = blur_gaussian (glow , scale2)
    glow3 = blur_gaussian (glow , scale3)
    video = core.std.Expr ([clip, glow1, glow2, glow3], "x y 0.5 * + z a + 0.25 * +")

if fx_flag:
    video = core.std.MaskedMerge (bckg, beam, video, first_plane=1)

if grid_flag:
    grid = make_graduations (video)
    grix = core.std.Maximum (grid)
    eg   = "x y "+str(globscale*0.25+0.125)+" * + 0 max 1 min  z 0.5 * - 0 max 1 min"
    grid = core.std.Expr ([grid, grix, glow1], eg)
    video = core.std.MaskedMerge (video, gcol, grid, first_plane=1)

video = core.fmtc.transfer (video, transs="linear", transd="1886")

video = core.fmtc.matrix (video, mat="709", fulls=True, fulld=True)
video = core.fmtc.resample (video, css="420")
video = core.fmtc.bitdepth (video, bits=8, fulls=True, fulld=False)

The plug-in supports Vapoursynth and Avisynth+.

There is also a Git repository
dither 1.28.1 for AviSynth | avstp 1.0.4 for AviSynth development | fmtconv r30 for Vapoursynth & Avs+ | trimx264opt segmented encoding

Last edited by cretindesalpes; 12th January 2025 at 11:45. Reason: r2
cretindesalpes is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 12th January 2025, 11:52   #2  |  Link
͡҉҉ ̵̡̢̛̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̿̿
cretindesalpes's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: No support in PM
Posts: 720
New release, fixed a couple of bugs. See first post for download link.
dither 1.28.1 for AviSynth | avstp 1.0.4 for AviSynth development | fmtconv r30 for Vapoursynth & Avs+ | trimx264opt segmented encoding
cretindesalpes is offline   Reply With Quote

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