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Old 8th February 2019, 16:25   #241  |  Link
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When I try to install FFTW I get this error


Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Old 11th February 2019, 14:17   #242  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Vesdaris View Post
When I try to install FFTW I get this error


Any ideas on how to fix this?

I got the same error. The DLL's needed are in \StaxRip\Apps\Support\FFTW
1.) Copy 3 of them to \windows\system32
2.) Staxrip will detect them but it expects FFTW version 3.3.6. Press on "VERSION" in staxrip and type in: 3.3.8
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Old 11th February 2019, 21:33   #243  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Vesdaris View Post
When I try to install FFTW I get this error


Any ideas on how to fix this?

Your still using the beta build, This had been fixed with Final Release or Pipeline.
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Old 11th February 2019, 21:37   #244  |  Link
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New Pipeline Build: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Reva...uild/artifacts

Added Merge: Chapter Cutting Feature to MkvMuxer (Credit: wybb)

Not Sure how it works yet, Since I have not tested it.
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Old 12th February 2019, 04:02   #245  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Revan654 View Post
Originally Posted by katzenjoghurt View Post
But try to import a big video in and afterwards try to import it in
In the latter the application will freeze for some time after the indexing is done.

Hm. So why could behave different than then?
I'm back to using the old version now again because... as I said the import often takes ages now due to the freeze and every second time I can't really work with it due to that 1 frame offset which won't occur in
ffms source filter & indexer is different but that's it. The app is unchanged. It could also be dotnet(I don't have control over this).
There definitely is a problem with the "ffmsindex.exe" included in the 2.0 package. The problem apparently does not occur when the indexing time is short, but when indexing takes more than 3-4 minutes, the indexer will actually index the file *twice*, causing StaxRip to hang while it does the second pass. The problem disappears if you replace the FFMS2 files in the 2.0 package with those from the 1.9 package.
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Old 12th February 2019, 16:41   #246  |  Link
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NVEnc v4.3.1 by rigaya


Finally NVENC SDK 9.0 was released, so I updated it with a scatch.

Updated to NVENC SDK 9.0. NVIDIA graphics driver 418.81 or later required.
Added B ref mode setting for HEVC encoder. (--bref-mode middle / each)

- Added "quality (--preset)" and "B frame reference mode (--bref-mode)" on the setting screen.

Added --preset to readme.

According to NVENC SDK, the update point of Turing's NVENC function is as follows.

Improvement of compression efficiency by supporting B frame in HEVC.
* Other improvements in both H.264 / HEVC. Support by referring to RDO (distortion rate optimization) and multiple frames.

** important point **
Of Turing, only TU 117 (GTX 1650x) Does not support HEVC B frame, that is, TU 116 (GTX 1660x) Supports HEVC B frame in reverse.
Does it mean that TU117 does not change so much with GP 107, even if it is not bad? Even so, I do not want such a confusing thing.


Last edited by mcjordan; 12th February 2019 at 17:50.
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Old 12th February 2019, 19:46   #247  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jkilez View Post
There definitely is a problem with the "ffmsindex.exe" included in the 2.0 package. The problem apparently does not occur when the indexing time is short, but when indexing takes more than 3-4 minutes, the indexer will actually index the file *twice*, causing StaxRip to hang while it does the second pass. The problem disappears if you replace the FFMS2 files in the 2.0 package with those from the 1.9 package.
The source code from 1.9 and 2.0 comes from the same place and the indexing code is unchanged. It's very possible the source is the issue.
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Old 12th February 2019, 19:57   #248  |  Link
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FYI, Here New Released Program of mine, Contact Sheet Maker Using WPF Framework. Also There a Winform version if you prefer. It uses AVS+ Portable along with ffms2 / L-Smash source filters to create the Contact Sheet.

Link: https://github.com/Revan654/Thumbnailer/releases

Last edited by Revan654; 12th February 2019 at 20:00.
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Old 12th February 2019, 20:58   #249  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Revan654 View Post
The source code from 1.9 and 2.0 comes from the same place and the indexing code is unchanged. It's very possible the source is the issue.
You had just stated in previous post that the indexer *was* changed, and it is obvious that it has. Even the index files it creates are different from the indexer included in the 1.9 package.

From the 1.9 distro (\Apps\Plugins\Both\FFMS2\):
09/15/2018  08:28 PM            35,147 COPYING.GPLv3
02/12/2019  01:54 PM    <DIR>          doc
09/15/2018  08:28 PM             6,779 FFMS2.avsi
09/15/2018  08:28 PM        31,737,068 ffms2.dll
01/01/2018  03:25 PM        15,656,960 ffms2k.dll
09/15/2018  08:28 PM         3,462,877 ffmsindex.exe
               5 File(s)     50,898,831 bytes
From the 2.0 distro (\Apps\Plugins\Both\FFMS2\):
02/10/2019  12:42 PM            35,147 COPYING.GPLv3
02/12/2019  01:52 PM    <DIR>          doc
02/10/2019  12:42 PM             6,779 FFMS2.avsi
02/10/2019  12:42 PM        31,737,068 ffms2.dll
02/10/2019  12:42 PM            13,276 ffms2.lib
02/10/2019  12:42 PM        16,110,080 ffms2k.dll
02/10/2019  12:42 PM        15,958,528 ffmsindex.exe
               6 File(s)     63,860,878 bytes
Edit: Note that moving "ffmsindex.exe" from the 2.0 package to 1.9 causes 1.9 to have the same problem. There is either a problem with that version of "ffmsindex.exe" or a problem with how that version interacts with StaxRip.

Last edited by jkilez; 13th February 2019 at 05:27.
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Old 13th February 2019, 04:36   #250  |  Link
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I have a relatively easy enhancement (or fix) request.

The Problem: When encoding with xvid_encraw using the "-progress" option, the little status bar in the "job processing" window does not get used, and the actual log file gets filled up with many lines of progess updates. This is not a problem if the "-progress" option is not used, but that default output is not as useful as the "-progess" output, which looks like this:
1441 frames( 19%) encoded,  40.45 fps, Average Bitrate =  4856kbps
1451 frames( 19%) encoded,  40.34 fps, Average Bitrate =  4884kbps
1461 frames( 20%) encoded,  40.28 fps, Average Bitrate =  4899kbps
1471 frames( 20%) encoded,  40.23 fps, Average Bitrate =  4911kbps
The Fix: Add another SkipString definition for "xvid_encraw" so that the "-progress" output is properly processed.

In file "Encoding\VideoEncoder.vb" lines 517-527 (changes in red):
    Function GetSkipStrings(commands As String) As String()
        If commands.Contains("xvid_encraw") Then
            Return {"key=", "frames("}
        ElseIf commands.Contains("x264") Then
            Return {"%]"}
        ElseIf commands.Contains("NVEnc") Then
            Return {"frames: "}
            Return {" [ETA ", ", eta ", "frames: ", "frame= "}
        End If
    End Function
As this output includes a percentage value, it would also allow the little graphical progress bar in the "job processing" window to function when encoding with Xvid.

Last edited by jkilez; 13th February 2019 at 04:41.
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Old 13th February 2019, 08:19   #251  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jkilez View Post
You had just stated in previous post that the indexer *was* changed, and it is obvious that it has. Even the index files it creates are different from the indexer included in the 1.9 package.

From the 1.9 distro (\Apps\Plugins\Both\FFMS2\):
09/15/2018  08:28 PM            35,147 COPYING.GPLv3
02/12/2019  01:54 PM    <DIR>          doc
09/15/2018  08:28 PM             6,779 FFMS2.avsi
09/15/2018  08:28 PM        31,737,068 ffms2.dll
01/01/2018  03:25 PM        15,656,960 ffms2k.dll
09/15/2018  08:28 PM         3,462,877 ffmsindex.exe
               5 File(s)     50,898,831 bytes
From the 2.0 distro (\Apps\Plugins\Both\FFMS2\):
02/10/2019  12:42 PM            35,147 COPYING.GPLv3
02/12/2019  01:52 PM    <DIR>          doc
02/10/2019  12:42 PM             6,779 FFMS2.avsi
02/10/2019  12:42 PM        31,737,068 ffms2.dll
02/10/2019  12:42 PM            13,276 ffms2.lib
02/10/2019  12:42 PM        16,110,080 ffms2k.dll
02/10/2019  12:42 PM        15,958,528 ffmsindex.exe
               6 File(s)     63,860,878 bytes
Edit: Note that moving "ffmsindex.exe" from the 2.0 package to 1.9 causes 1.9 to have the same problem. There is either a problem with that version of "ffmsindex.exe" or a problem with how that version interacts with StaxRip.
I don't think you completely read what I said. Second this isn't a StaxRip issue but an issue with ffmsindex, The commands are being passed just fine.
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Old 13th February 2019, 11:27   #252  |  Link
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Hi Revan, I add a few additional AVS scripts such as FillBorders, BalanceBorders etc. into StaxRip Filter Profiles so they're there as selectable options in the menus.

I'm looking to migrate over to Vapoursynth but I can't seem to make any sense out of how the scripting works on a basic level. I've got FillBorders up and running in VS using clip = core.fb.FillBorders() through trial and error.

But, for example, would you know how I can get VS script bbmod2 working in StaxRip please?

I've got as far as saving the script as a .py file in C:\Program Files\VapourSynth\plugins64 anyway

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Old 13th February 2019, 16:48   #253  |  Link
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Found another little glitch...

The Problem: When running an Xvid compressibility check, the recorded time stats in the log are erroneous due to the start time not being set properly. It gives an output like this:

Start:    12:00:00 AM
End:      11:46:17 AM
Duration: 17690435:46:17

53 %
The Fix: Move the initial Xvid compressibility check log messages to the "proc" routine. The start time is set when the proc.header is logged. When a new proc structure is created, it has its own LogBuilder structure, which would require the header to logged within that context.

Another minor side glitch: The log file should probably be saved at the end of the routine so that the log gets flushed. As it stands, the compressibility percentage value does not make it into the log until something else is logged or the project closed.

In file "Encoding\VideoEncoder.vb" lines 569- (Deletions in Blue, Additions in Red):
    Overrides Sub RunCompCheck()
        If CompCheckCommandLines = "" OrElse CompCheckCommandLines.Trim = "" Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If Not g.VerifyRequirements Then Exit Sub
        If Not g.IsValidSource Then Exit Sub

        Log.WriteHeader("Compressibility Check")

        Dim script As New VideoScript
        script.Engine = p.Script.Engine
        script.Filters = p.Script.GetFiltersCopy
        Dim code As String
        Dim every = ((100 \ p.CompCheckRange) * 14).ToString

        If script.Engine = ScriptEngine.AviSynth Then
            code = "SelectRangeEvery(" + every + ",14)"
            code = "fpsnum = clip.fps_num" + BR + "fpsden = clip.fps_den" + BR +
                "clip = core.std.SelectEvery(clip = clip, cycle = " + every + ", offsets = range(14))" + BR +
                "clip = core.std.AssumeFPS(clip = clip, fpsnum = fpsnum, fpsden = fpsden)"
        End If

        Log.WriteLine(code + BR2)
        script.Filters.Add(New VideoFilter("aaa", "aaa", code))
        script.Path = p.TempDir + p.TargetFile.Base + "_CompCheck." + script.FileType

        Dim batchPath = p.TempDir + p.TargetFile.Base + "_CompCheck.bat"
        Dim batchCode = Proc.WriteBatchFile(batchPath, GetBatchCode(Macro.Expand(CompCheckCommandLines)))
        Log.WriteLine(batchCode + BR2)

        Using proc As New Proc
            proc.Header = "Compressibility Check"
            proc.WriteLog(code + BR2)
            proc.WriteLog(batchCode + BR2)
            proc.SkipStrings = GetSkipStrings(batchCode)
            proc.File = "cmd.exe"
            proc.Arguments = "/C call """ + batchPath + """"

            Catch ex As AbortException
                Exit Sub
            Catch ex As Exception
                Exit Sub
            End Try
        End Using

        Dim bits = (New FileInfo(p.TempDir + p.TargetFile.Base + "_CompCheck." + OutputExt).Length) * 8
        p.Compressibility = (bits / script.GetFrames) / (p.TargetWidth * p.TargetHeight)



        Log.WriteLine(CInt(Calc.GetPercent).ToString() + " %")
    End Sub

Last edited by jkilez; 13th February 2019 at 16:50.
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Old 13th February 2019, 18:56   #254  |  Link
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Originally Posted by RainyDog View Post
Hi Revan, I add a few additional AVS scripts such as FillBorders, BalanceBorders etc. into StaxRip Filter Profiles so they're there as selectable options in the menus.

I'm looking to migrate over to Vapoursynth but I can't seem to make any sense out of how the scripting works on a basic level. I've got FillBorders up and running in VS using clip = core.fb.FillBorders() through trial and error.

But, for example, would you know how I can get VS script bbmod2 working in StaxRip please?

I've got as far as saving the script as a .py file in C:\Program Files\VapourSynth\plugins64 anyway

All Scripts need to be saved to the Staxrip/Apps/Plugins/VS/Scripts.

Then you just need to use the import command to use them.

It will usually always be clip = scriptname.function(source, syntax)

bbmod2(c, cTop = None, cBottom = None, cLeft = None, cRight = None, thresh = 128, blur = 999)

It should be something like this:

import Scriptname
clip = Scriptname.bbmod2(clip, options....)

My suggestion is learn a bit of Python that way VS will be very easy to understand or have Staxrip build a script and use that as a reference point.

Last edited by Revan654; 13th February 2019 at 19:01.
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Old 13th February 2019, 18:58   #255  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jkilez View Post
Found another little glitch...

The Problem: When running an Xvid compressibility check, the recorded time stats in the log are erroneous due to the start time not being set properly. It gives an output like this:
Your likely the only person who actually still uses XviD, XviD code hasn't been updated since 2016-. Instead of keep posting source code, just submit a merge on github. If it passes it could then possible be added to the Code if it passes Testing.
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Old 13th February 2019, 20:03   #256  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Revan654 View Post
All Scripts need to be saved to the Staxrip/Apps/Plugins/VS/Scripts.

Then you just need to use the import command to use them.

It will usually always be clip = scriptname.function(source, syntax)

bbmod2(c, cTop = None, cBottom = None, cLeft = None, cRight = None, thresh = 128, blur = 999)

It should be something like this:

import Scriptname
clip = Scriptname.bbmod2(clip, options....)

My suggestion is learn a bit of Python that way VS will be very easy to understand or have Staxrip build a script and use that as a reference point.
Thanks Revan.

But I've copied the script file into the Staxrip/Apps/Plugins/VS/Scripts folder and still can't get it to work unfortunately.

Both the scriptname and function is bbmod2, but clip = bbmod2.bbmod2(c, cTop = None, cBottom = None, cLeft = None, cRight = None, thresh = 128, blur = 999) still throws up the following error :-

Python exception: name 'bbmod2' is not defined

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src\cython\vapoursynth.pyx", line 1927, in vapoursynth.vpy_evaluateScript
File "src\cython\vapoursynth.pyx", line 1928, in vapoursynth.vpy_evaluateScript
File "C:\Encoding\Source\The Revenge A S..._temp\The Revenge A Scar That Never Disappears (1996).vpy", line 12, in <module>
clip = bbmod2.bbmod2(c, cTop = None, cBottom = None, cLeft = None, cRight = None, thresh = 128, blur = 999)
NameError: name 'bbmod2' is not defined
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Old 13th February 2019, 22:17   #257  |  Link
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Originally Posted by RainyDog View Post
Thanks Revan.

But I've copied the script file into the Staxrip/Apps/Plugins/VS/Scripts folder and still can't get it to work unfortunately.

Both the scriptname and function is bbmod2, but clip = bbmod2.bbmod2(c, cTop = None, cBottom = None, cLeft = None, cRight = None, thresh = 128, blur = 999) still throws up the following error :-
That's because you didn't define your source & you didn't import the Script.

import ScriptName
clip = bbmod2.bbmod2(c, cTop = None, cBottom = None, cLeft = None, cRight = None, thresh = 128, blur = 999)

c should be replaced with clip

ScriptName should be replaced with the name of the script.
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Old 14th February 2019, 07:30   #258  |  Link
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I am trying to update StaxRip but I am getting the following message, any idea how to fix it?:

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Old 14th February 2019, 17:41   #259  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Revan654 View Post
Your likely the only person who actually still uses XviD, XviD code hasn't been updated since 2016-.
I assumed that the Xvid code would not be a high priority. That is why I spent the time to investigate the issues and provided solutions to the problems found.

Originally Posted by Revan654 View Post
Instead of keep posting source code, just submit a merge on github. If it passes it could then possible be added to the Code if it passes Testing.
Hopefully, there will not be a need to post more code, but if I spot more glitches, I will check out the github merge process.
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Old 14th February 2019, 22:45   #260  |  Link
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Originally Posted by jkilez View Post
I assumed that the Xvid code would not be a high priority. That is why I spent the time to investigate the issues and provided solutions to the problems found.

Hopefully, there will not be a need to post more code, but if I spot more glitches, I will check out the github merge process.
XviD is considered Legacy, I've been considering just to drop it Completely and let it remain in FFmpeg.

Any Code Posted So far should also be added to merge.
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