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Old 17th March 2015, 10:42   #1  |  Link
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Quick slideshow

I am trying to write a script that will create a very simple and quick slideshow.
I came across two scripts that almost did what I require.
The script I require needs to dissolve between each image, and be able to set both the duration and the dissolve length (same settings for all images) and handle images of different sizes. As well it needs to be able to output different sizes.

Script 1 does all that is required quite well, except handle images of different sizes.
My problem is, not all images have been taken the same way (landscape) some have been taken as portrait which means they are a different size.
I really do not want to have to manually resize them, it would just takes too long and time consuming for the benefit.
Script 2 does overcome the different image size problem with overlay.

Script 1
anim = ImageSource("D:\Avisynth Testing\Slideshow\Base Photos\image%03d.JPG", 1,100)
anim.AssumeFPS(1).ChangeFPS(45) #repeat each frame 45 times (1 sec + 0.5 sec overlap)
vid = Trim(15, -30) # first second
for (f=45, Framecount-45, 45) {
next = Trim(f, -45) # next second, incl overlap
vid = Dissolve(vid, next, 15)
return vid.AssumeFPS("pal_video")

Script 2
function Image2Clip( clip c, int ScrWidth, int ScrHeight)

B= KillAudio( BlankClip( 100, ScrWidth, ScrHeight, color=$001144, pixel_type="RGB24"))
ImgIsWide = float(C.Width)/C.Height >= float(ScrWidth)/ScrHeight
Fact= ImgIsWide ? 1.0 *ScrWidth/C.Width : 1.0 *ScrHeight/C.Height
NewWidth= Round( Fact* C.Width)
NewHeight= Round( Fact* C.Height)
O= C.BilinearResize( NewWidth, NewHeight)
return B.Overlay( O, (ScrWidth-NewWidth)/2, (ScrHeight-NewHeight)/2)
However I have not had any luck in combining these scripts into one that does it all in one operation.
Any suggestions as to how these scripts may be combined or is there a better method?
I do know there is software outside Avisynth, that will do all this, however they generally do not allow other filters to be added if required.
Thanks and hope you can help.
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Old 17th March 2015, 10:58   #2  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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Here, script included with RT_Stats in zip.

Part 1 of 2 (copy and join together into one avs)

Function ImageSplicer(String "FileName",int "SzLimit",Float "FAR",Bool "AutoCrop",Float "AutoLevelStrength",bool "ShowAutoLevel",bool "ShowBorder", \
        bool "Subs", Float "CropThresh",Float "FPS",int "WMod",int "HMod",int "Baffle",Float "ScanPerc", \
        bool "Debug", bool "Debug_QBC",String "Resizer",int "Matrix",float "Ignore",Int "BorderColor",float "ATM") {
    VERS="ImageSplicer v1.11 - 17 Mar 2015"     # Requires GScript, RT_Stats v1.4
# ImageSplicer, joins together images of different sizes into a sort of slideshow, auto cropping borders, auto levelling, resizing or original size,
#  border padding to chosen aspect ratio.
#  Gets max width/height of all images (after optional auto cropping) and creates a background 'canvas' based on SzLimit & FAR.
#  SzLimit==0: Images kept at original dimensions (post cropping), canvas made to encompass all cropped images.
#  SzLimit>0:  The shorter canvas dimension (FAR) limited to AT MOST SzLimit, where images will be resized to fit canvas.
#    Avoids upsizing to a larger size than biggest cropped source image, if biggest less than SzLimit then output is biggest.
#  SzLimit<0:  The shorter canvas dimension (FAR) set at abs(SzLimit) and images resized to fit canvas.
# Args:-
#  Filename: Default "*.BMP|JPG|JPE|JPEG|PNG|TGA|TIF|GIF|TIFF". Image Path and wildcard with mulitple pipe separated extensions.
#  SzLimit: Default=0, 0=No resize. Greater than 0 is limit on shorter dimension (see FAR), -ve resize to abs(SzLimit) shorter dimension.
#  FAR: Default 4.0/3.0. Output Frame Aspect Ratio, if FAR>=1.0 then SzLimit affects height, else affects width.
#  AutoCrop: Default=True. Crops borders off images.
#  AutoLevelStrength: Default 0.0, Auto luma leveling, range 0.0 -> 1.0, 0.0 is OFF.
#  ShowAutoLevel: Default False. If true then shows Auto leveling on right hande side of image ONLY.
#  ShowBorder: Default False. When padding to maintain Frame Aspect Ratio, borders are shown in red.
#  Subs: Default False. Shows Subtitled info on frames.
#  CropThresh: Default -0.5
#    CropThresh <=0.0 is PC levels AUTO thresh where cropthresh is set to minimum luma pixel + abs(CropThresh).
#      Default is very sensitive threshold to avoid possibility of overcropping (-0.5 -> -1.0, usually safe, more -ve less safe).
#      You may raise (make more -ve) auto CropThresh if not cropping enough but risk overcropping on dark images if you do.
#    CropThresh >0.0 is explicit threshold @ PC Levels, probably best avoided.
#    RGB clips are converted to YUV-Y using Matrix arg @ PCLevels and CropThresh acting on Average Luma of scanline (h/v).
#  FPS: Default 1.0. Frames Per Second of output clip.
#  WMod: Default 2. Output clip width is a multiple of WMod.
#  HMod: Default 2. Output clip height is a multiple of HMod.
#  Baffle: Default 4 (1->32), affects cropping.
#    Number of scanlines that must break a CropThresh to be accepted as Image. Avoids noise. Not usually altered.
#    Baffle also affects speed, higher can be faster for big borders but also means that more scanlines must break threshold to be accepted as image.
#  ScanPerc: Default 49.0, cropping. Percentage of image to scan per side. Not usually altered.
#  Debug: Default False. Show debug info via DebugView. Need DebugView: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/sysinternals/bb545027
#  Debug_QBC: Default False. Show debug messages from RT_QueryBorderCrop.
#  Resizer: Default "Spline36Resize(_W_,_H_)", the resizer to use. "_W_" and "_H_" are replaced by the resize width & height.
#  Matrix: 2->3, Default If pic width <=720 Then 2(PC601) Else 3(PC709). Used in converting RGB to YUV-Y.
#  Ignore: Default 0.2, Cropping. Percentage, Threshold of pixels to ignore when getting Luma minimum, avoids a few noisy pixels. 
#    As for YPlaneMin Threshold arg.
#  BorderColor: Default $000000, Color used when ShowBorder=False.
#  ATM: Default 0.5. RT_QueryBorderCrop arg, See RT_QueryBorderCrop. 
    SzLimit=Default(SzLimit,0)                                                  # 0 Crop only.
    WMod=Default(WMod,2)                                                        # Canvas
    Mat=Default(Matrix,RT_Undefined())                                          # User supplied ?
    BORDER      = (SHOWBORDER) ? $FF0000: BorderColor                           # Color for replaced borders
    # Lesser changed settings Hard coded
    CROPMODE    = 0                                                             # 0=CropExact(RGB Only), 1=CropLess, 2=CropMore, 3=CropPlus
    OUT_FILE    = "ImageSplicer.List"                                           # Just a filename
    Assert(WMOD>=1 && HMOD>=1,"ImageSplicer: WMOD and HMOD Must be at least 1")
    Assert(RT_BitSetCount(WMOD)==1 && RT_BitSetCount(HMOD)==1,"ImageSplicer: WMOD and HMOD Must be a power of 2")
    Assert(FAR>0.0,"ImageSplicer: FAR Must be greater than 0.0")
    Assert(SzLimit==0||(FAR>=1.0 || (abs(SzLimit)%HMOD==0)),"ImageSplicer: SzLimit is not a multiple of HMod")
    Assert(SzLimit==0||(FAR< 1.0 || (abs(SzLimit)%WMOD==0)),"ImageSplicer: SzLimit is not a multiple of WMod")
    Assert(AutoLevelStrength>=0.0 && AutoLevelStrength<=1.0,"ImageSplicer: AutoLevelStrength 0.0->1.0")
    Assert(Baffle>0 && Baffle<=32,"ImageSplicer: Baffle 1->32")
    Assert(ScanPerc>=1.0 && ScanPerc<=99.0,"ImageSplicer: ScanPerc 1.0->99.0")
    Assert(!Defined(Mat) || (Mat>=2 && Mat<=3),"ImageSplicer: Matrix 2->3 ONLY")
    Assert(Ignore>=0.0 && Ignore<=99.0,"ImageSplicer: ScanPerc 0.0->99.0")
            RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:",VERS,"- By StainlessS",false)
        picclip = 0                                                             # Dummy
        result=RT_WriteFileList(FileName,OUT_FILE)                              # Create a listing FileName of Pic files
        Assert((result!=0), "ImageSplicer: No files found for "+FileName)
        FILELIST=RT_ReadTxtFromFile(OUT_FILE)                                   # Get list of files
        NFILES=RT_TxtQueryLines(FILELIST)                                       # Query Number of lines in String ie number of files.
        (DEBUG) ? RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","Found files = " + String(NFILES),false) :NOP
        # Prescan to ascertain max wid/hit of all files, also Autocrop & Auto Levels
        MAXH=0 MAXW=0                                                           # init max wid and hit
        CROPCOORDS=""                                                           # Clear results array (string)
        AUTOLEVELS=""                                                           # Clear AutoLevels array (string)
        DOAUTOLEVEL=(AutoLevelStrength>0.0)                                     # Adjust using Levels.
        For(i=0,NFILES-1) {
            FN=RT_TxtGetLine(FILELIST,i)                                        # Filename of pic/vid file i
            (DEBUG)?RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:",String(i+1)+"/"+String(NFILES)+") Getting File dimensions",FN,false):NOP
            k=ImageReader(FN,end=0).ConvertToRGB32()                            # Ensure all RGB32
            OrgW=k.width    OrgH=k.height
            W=OrgW          H=OrgH                                              # Pre-Duplicate in case of no AUTOCROP
            if (AutoCrop||DOAUTOLEVEL) {                                        # We still use QueryBorderCrop if Only AutoLevelling
                QBC = k.RT_QueryBorderCrop(Thresh=CropThresh,Baffle=Baffle,laced=false,ScanPerc=ScanPerc,ignore=Ignore, \
                        debug=(DEBUG&&DEBUG_QBC),matrix=Matrix,ScaleAutoThreshRGB=False,ATM=ATM)    # No PC scale RGB auto thresh
                Eval(QBC)                                               # Set Avisynth vars
                k=k.Crop(QBCropXP,QBCropYP,QBCropWP,QBCropHP)           # OVERCROP using CropPlus
                if(AutoCrop) {
                    QBC = RT_TxtGetLine(QBC,CROPMODE)                   # Extract REQUIRED mode, CropLess, CropMore etc
                    QBC1=RT_StrReplace(QBC,QBCTrailer,"=")              # Change all to style without a trailer eg QBCropXM to QBCropX.
                    QBC2=RT_StrReplace(QBC1,"QBC","C")                  # Change all style QBCropX to CropX
                    Eval(QBC2)                                          # Get the required cropmode into CropX,CropY,CropW,CropH
                    W=CropW    H=CropH                                  # The actual required crop mode dimensions.
                    CROPCOORDS=RT_TxtAddStr(CROPCOORDS,QBC2)            # Avisynth Bugfix, same as CROPCOORDS = CROPCOORDS + QBC + Chr(10)
                if (DOAUTOLEVEL) {
                    k.RT_YStats(n=0,matrix=Matrix,flgs=3,Prefix="IS_")  # Get ymin & ymax together at once
                    IS="IS_"+"yMin="+String(IS_yMin)+" IS_"+"yMax="+String(IS_yMax)
                    AUTOLEVELS=RT_TxtAddStr(AUTOLEVELS,IS)              # Avisynth Bugfix
            If(MAXW<W) {MAXW=W}
            If(MAXH<H) {MAXH=H}
            if (DEBUG) {                                                # KEEP main debug messages together
                RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","Orig Width =",String(orgW),"Orig Height =",String(OrgH),false)
                if((W != OrgW) || (H != OrgH)) {                        # Was Caused by AUTOCROP
                    RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","AutoCrop Width =",String(W),"AutoCrop Height =",String(H),false)
                    (DOAUTOLEVEL) ? RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","AutoLevel On Cropped : MinLuma=",String(IS_yMin)," MaxLuma =",String(IS_yMax),false) : NOP
                } else {
                    (AutoCrop) ? RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","AutoCrop Found no borders",false) : NOP
                    (DOAUTOLEVEL)? RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","AutoLevel NonCropped : MinLuma=",String(IS_yMin)," MaxLuma =",String(IS_yMax),false) : NOP
                RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","MAX Width So Far =",String(MAXW),"MAX Height So Far =",String(MAXH),false)
                RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:"," ----------------------------- ",false)              # line separator
        maxFAR = Float(MAXW) / MAXH
        if(SzLimit == 0) {  # NO SIZE LIMITING, Pad Only
            if(FAR >= maxFAR) { # Need to pad horizontal
                canvasheight    = Int((MAXH  + (HMOD-1)) / HMOD) * HMOD
                canvaswidth     = Int((canvasheight * FAR + (WMOD-1)) / WMOD) * WMOD
            } else {            # Need to pad vertical
                canvaswidth     = Int((MAXW  + (WMOD-1)) / WMOD) * WMOD
                canvasheight    = Int((canvaswidth / FAR + (HMOD-1)) / HMOD) * HMOD
        } else if(SzLimit<0) {
            if(FAR>=1.0) {  # Height Resize
                canvasheight    = -SzLimit
                canvaswidth     = Int((canvasheight * FAR + (WMOD/2)) / WMOD) * WMOD
            } else {        # Width Resize
                canvaswidth     = -SzLimit
                canvasheight    = Int((canvaswidth / FAR + (HMOD/2)) / HMOD) * HMOD
        } else {
            if(FAR>=1.0) {  # Height Limit
                canvasheight = Int((MAXH  + (HMOD-1)) / HMOD) * HMOD
                if(canvasheight > SzLimit) {
                    canvasheight = SzLimit
                canvaswidth     = Int((canvasheight * FAR + (WMOD/2)) / WMOD) * WMOD
            } else {        # Width Limit
                canvaswidth = Int((MAXW  + (WMOD-1)) / WMOD) * WMOD
                if(canvaswidth > SzLimit) {
                    canvaswidth = SzLimit
                canvasheight    = Int((canvaswidth / FAR + (HMOD/2)) / HMOD) * HMOD
Perhaps you could hack to implement dissolve or create single frame slide show and then using 2nd script, duplicate each frame
multiple times and then add dissolves to that.
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 17th March 2015 at 12:23.
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Old 17th March 2015, 11:09   #3  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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Script contained TAB characters which did not look good in forum post [too wide], I replaced with spaces, unfortunately will no longer fit 16 KB post limit
so I've posted again in two parts, just copy and paste together into one script.

Part 2 of 2
        if(DEBUG){RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","SET CANVAS "+SZS+", Width =",String(canvaswidth)," Height =",String(canvasheight),false)}
        if(DEBUG){RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:"," ----------------------------- ",false)}         # line separator
        For(i=0,NFILES-1) {
            FN=RT_TxtGetLine(FILELIST,i)         # Filename of pic/vid file i
            if(DEBUG){RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:",string(i+1)+"/"+String(NFILES)+")","Processing File",FN,false)}
            k=ImageReader(FN,end=0).ConvertToRGB32()                           # RGB24 problems with addborders
            OrgH=k.height    OrgW=k.width
            CropX=0 CropY=0 CropW=OrgW CropH=OrgH
            if (AutoCrop) {                                                             # We must crop first so as to centre if show AUTOLEVEL
                QBC = RT_TxtGetLine(CROPCOORDS,i)                                   # Get required coords from first pass
                Eval(QBC)                                                           # Set variables in Avisynth, ie CropX etc
            if (DOAUTOLEVEL) {
                ISAL = RT_TxtGetLine(AUTOLEVELS,i)
                ALMin = Int(0 - ((0 - IS_yMin) * AutoLevelStrength) + 0.5) # Round Up
                ALMax = Int(255 - ((255 - IS_yMax) * AutoLevelStrength))       # Round down
                (DEBUG) ? RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","Levels("+String(ALMin)+",1.0,"+String(AlMax)+",0,255"+",Coring=False)",false) : NOP
                k = k.Levels(ALMin,1.0,ALMax,0,255,Coring=False)              # DONT EVER USE Coring
                if(ShowAutoLevel) {
                    LeftClip = TMP_K.Crop(0,0,tmpw,-0)
                    RightClip= k.Crop(tmpw,0,-0,-0)
            if(SzLimit==0) {
                Left    =   (canvaswidth-CropW) / 2
                Right   =   canvaswidth-CropW - Left
                Top     =   (canvasheight-CropH) / 2
                Bot     =   canvasheight-CropH-Top
                rwid    =   CropW   rhit    =   CropH
            } else {
                cFAR    = Float(canvaswidth) / canvasheight
                iFar    = Float(CropW) / CropH
                if(cFAR >= iFAR) {  # Canvas Aspect ratio greater (wider), resize to vertical and pad horizontal
                    rhit    =   canvasheight
                    rwid    =   Int(rhit*iFAR/WMOD)*WMOD
                    Left    =   (canvaswidth-rwid) / 2
                    Right   =   canvaswidth - rwid - Left
                    Top     =0  Bot = 0
                } else {            # Canvas Aspect ratio smaller (taller), resize to horizontal and pad vertical
                    rwid    =   canvaswidth
                    rhit    =   Int(rwid/iFAR/HMOD)*HMOD
                    Top     =   (canvasheight-rhit) / 2
                    Bot     =   canvasheight - rhit - Top
                    Left    =0  Right=0
            (DEBUG)? RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","Crop("+String(CropX)+","+String(CropY)+","+String(CropW)+","+String(CropH)+")",false) : NOP
            if(SzLimit!=0) {
                if(k.width != rwid || k.height != rhit) {
                    Resizer_Cmd = RT_StrReplaceMulti(Resizer,RT_TxtAddStr("_W_","_H_"),RT_TxtAddStr(String(rwid),String(rhit)))
                } else {
                    (DEBUG)?RT_Debug("ImageSplicer: No Resize Necessary",false):NOP
            (DEBUG) ? RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","AddBorders("+String(Left)+","+String(Top)+","+String(Right)+","+String(Bot)+")",false) : NOP
            k = k.Addborders(Left,Top,Right,Bot,BORDER)
            k = k.assumefps(fps)
            if(SUBS) {
                k=k.subtitle(String(i+1) + "/"+String(NFILES) +" " + FN)
                k=k.subtitle("Orig width=" + string(orgW) +" "   + "Orig  height=" + string(orgH) +" FAR="+String(Float(orgW) /orgH, "%.2f"),20,20)
                if (AutoCrop) {
                    if(OrgW!=CropW || OrgH!=CropH) {
                        k=k.subtitle("Crop width="+string(CropW)+" "+"Crop height="+string(CropH)+" FAR="+String(Float(CropW)/CropH,"%.2f"),20,40)
                    } else {
                        k=k.subtitle("NO CROP FOUND",20,40)                 
                } else {k=k.subtitle("AUTOCROP OFF",20,40)}
                k=k.subtitle("Resize width=" + string(rwid) +" " + "Resize height=" + string(rhit)+" FAR="+String(Float(rwid)/rhit,"%.2f"),20,60)
                k=k.subtitle("Out width=" + string(k.Width) +" " + "Out height=" + string(k.Height)+" FAR="+String(Float(k.Width)/k.Height,"%.2f"),20,80)
                if(DOAUTOLEVEL) {
                    k=k.subtitle("AutoLevel @ " + String(AutoLevelStrength*100.0,"%.0f") + "%",20,100)
                    k=k.subtitle("yMin = " + String(IS_yMin) + " yMax = " +String(IS_yMax),20,120)
                    if(IS_yMin==0 && IS_yMax==255) {
                        k=k.subtitle("NOT AUTOLEVELLED",20,140)
                    } else {
                        k=k.subtitle("Auto Levels(" + String(ALMin) + ",1.0," + String(ALMAx) + ",0,255)",20,140)
                } else {k=k.subtitle("NO AUTOLEVEL",20,100)}
            picclip = (IsClip(picclip)) ? picclip ++ k : k              # Append to  clip so far
                RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:"," ----------------------------- ",false)
    (DEBUG)?RT_Debug("ImageSplicer:","File Delete",OUT_FILE,false):NOP
    return PicClip
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 17th March 2015 at 12:14.
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Old 17th March 2015, 12:19   #4  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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#2 and #3 updated. Added BorderColor and ATM args to function.
Added BorderColor to comply with your Border color requirement (was black only).
Default ATM added/changed in RT_QueryBorderCrop, would fail to find any croppings as had not been added/updated in this script.

Here also a client script to get you going (will update script in RT_Stats next update).


FN =  "Base Photos\*.BMP"
SZLIMIT     =   -768        # Height=Abs(SZLIMIT)
FAR         =   4.0/3.0
STRENGTH    =   0.66
SHOWAL      =   False
SHOWBORD    =   False
SUBS        =   False
CROPTHRESH  =   -0.5
FPS         =   1.0
WMOD        =   4
HMOD        =   4
DEBUG       =   TRUE
IGNORE      =   0.4
BORDCOL     =   $001144     # Added for goorawin
ATM         =   0.5         # Added, arg to QueryborderCrop

Anim = ImageSplicer(FN,SzLimit=SZLIMIT,Far=FAR,AutoCrop=AUTOCROP,AutoLevelStrength=STRENGTH,ShowAutoLevel=SHOWAL,ShowBorder=SHOWBORD,
                \ Subs=SUBS,CropThresh=CROPTHRESH,Fps=FPS,Wmod=WMOD,Hmod=HMOD,Debug=DEBUG,IGnore=IGNORE,BorderColor=BORDCOL,ATM=ATM)

anim.AssumeFPS(1).ChangeFPS(45) #repeat each frame 45 times (1 sec + 0.5 sec overlap)        
Vid = Trim(15, -30)           # first second
    for (f=45, Framecount-45, 45) {
    next = Trim(f, -45) # next second, incl overlap
    vid = Dissolve(vid, next, 15)
Return Vid.AssumeFPS("pal_video")
EDIT: In actual fact, ATM would have made no difference, only pertinent if using RT_QueryBorderCrop default AutoThresh (-32.0).
I forgot how it works.
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 18th March 2015 at 21:55.
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Old 18th March 2015, 01:38   #5  |  Link
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Hi StainlessS
Thank you very much for your assistance. Your ImageSplicer seems to be great.
I have just got it all working but now need to figure out what all the arguments do, and do they need adjustment. Some I have tried did not seem to work but I probably did not use them correctly. Can you use a different resizer when using resizer, other than "Spline36Resize", if so how?
Anyway thank again for all your input.
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Old 18th March 2015, 18:42   #6  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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Just use eg Resizer="Lanczos4Resize(_W_,_H_)"

Some I have tried did not seem to work
They should all work fine, if you enable eg ShowAl, then will only show auto levelling on Right half of pics, but if auto levelling not needed then you will see nothing different.
CropThresh of -0.5 is deliberately low so as not to overcrop, raise (make more -ve) but you run the risk of overcropping.

EDIT: I accidentally set cropthresh to 0.5 instead of -0.5, fixed. (-0.5 is auto 0.5 above YPlaneMin)
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 19th March 2015 at 01:08.
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Old 19th March 2015, 03:20   #7  |  Link
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Thank you for that information, you have certainly done some great work.
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