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Old 13th August 2023, 20:06   #1  |  Link
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dvd shrink

hey guys, been a long time since i looked at this forum, and am happy to see it still around. i come to ask if anybody else has had issues with dvdshrink not working anymore.
i have happily used it since the early days, installing it on whichever OS i was using at the time (now on win10 and have been for a few years) with little to no issues until two days ago i went to fire it up, and NOTHING! no error messages popup, nothing, cursor circles for an instant then stops, and you could wait a year and nothing comes on the screen. there is a message in the applications events in event viewer about it, an application error that i didn't save a screenshot of, so i can't relay that message (i stupidly cleared my logs while i was there)... but it just pointed to the program wasn't starting, blah, blah, blah.
anyhow, i dirty install dvdshrink again, same result. then clean install it, same result, although this time it does error in a manner that you see something on the screen when it installs that says "the program did not install correctly... but there's the icon on the desktop, and same result when you hit that icon.
this happened out of the blue the other day. i had used it maybe a month an a half ago with no issues. nothing has changed much about my system lately, save for windows updates.
so then i load up an older win7 OS that i had on another hdd laying around, SAME THING... you hit the icon and nothing.
i tell my sister about it, she uses it from time to time too. she also is on win10 and doesn't keep up with windows updates as much as i do... she reports back that hers stopped working too in much the same manner.
was there some kind of timebomb written into the software to EOL this program? what's up? it did the same thing on 2 different systems, and 3 different OS's (one being a legacy OS that hasn't been updated in any way in YEARS!).
next i'm going to break out my old XP install from a different hdd to see if i can get it working again in this machine to see if shrink produces the same result there.
TIA. i hope to read any results others are having.
also, is there an alternative? i used handbrake to turn my dvd into a .mkv file (that was 20 gigs big, so great quality), then i took the result and put it thru bdtoavchd to shrink it down to fit on a dvd5, and i thought i had the alternative i was searching for, but the final stage of the process errored out... so no joy there.

Last edited by bdub; 13th August 2023 at 20:09.
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Old 14th August 2023, 08:13   #2  |  Link
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Works here on W10 [EDIT: Home, x64] with Win updates applied a few days ago [EDIT: 8/Aug/2023].

EDIT: Suggest check if antimalware is preventing startup. [I dont use windows defender]

Then Uninstall, and remove entries in Registry, via regedit.

I dont seem to have any entries in "C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\ for DvdShrink,
if you do then delete all.

Then reboot and try re-install.

EDIT: I've just noticed this:- C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\CrashDumps
Maybe take a peek in there for anything DvdShrink related, mine just had dumps for Explorer.exe and VirtualDub.Exe

there is a message in the applications events in event viewer about it, an application error that i didn't save a screenshot of, so i can't relay that message (i stupidly cleared my logs while i was there)... but it just pointed to the program wasn't starting, blah, blah, blah.
If still no joy, then post your windows event log for the problem.
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Last edited by StainlessS; 14th August 2023 at 09:18.
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Old 14th August 2023, 16:31   #3  |  Link
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Originally Posted by bdub View Post
i used handbrake to turn my dvd into a .mkv file (that was 20 gigs big, so great quality)
I have never seen a movie DVD being bigger than around 8 GB which would be DVD9 standard. So I assume you just bloated up the original source quite heavily (which happens more than often with grainy sources).

Other than that: Win 10 Pro here and it's also running without problems. Yet there are quite some copy protections, where DVD Shrink can't help you at all. DVD Decrypter has less problems, but also sometimes there are DVDs, which make it stop working.

Best of course is an up to date program like MakeMKV.
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Old 15th August 2023, 15:51   #4  |  Link
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Yet there are quite some copy protections, where DVD Shrink can't help you at all. DVD Decrypter has less problems, but also sometimes there are DVDs, which make it stop working.
Sounds to me like it fails only on startup, and without even getting to the point of using DVdShrink for anything.

I personally only use DvdShrink to create separate VOB sets [EDIT: VIDEO_TS folders] where source has multiple xx video clips, VTS_xx_1.VOB, VTS_xx_2.VOB etc.
(Is used by me only on decrypted VOB's)

EDIT: And for me, RipIt4Me (which uses DvdDecryptor) is the best combo [where I do not use DvdShrink via RipIt4Me option, I only use it later as video clip editor thingy to create separate VIDEO_TS folders].
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Last edited by StainlessS; 15th August 2023 at 16:08.
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Old 15th August 2023, 23:15   #5  |  Link
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I just tried it. DVDShrink works here on W11, Intel i5.
I seem to remember though that I had to copy a certain old .dll into the Windows system or similar folder. Long time since, so I can't remember what was missing.

And take a look here:

Last edited by Sharc; 15th August 2023 at 23:32.
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Old 16th August 2023, 01:23   #6  |  Link
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thanx for the suggestions and comments. glad to hear it's something that should be able to be fixed.
registry is void of dvdshrink info, and nothing in appdata folders that apply. i use ccleaner quite often, so maybe that cleared the registry and folders since i uninstalled dvdshrink.
i've tried everything with my virus protection turned off, too. pretty much all those troubleshoot methods, done them. i even turned back the system to a previous restore point, that didn't help. maybe it was not far back enough though?
having this same thing happen on my old win7 hdd is the real curious thing, along with my sister's w10 machine. still haven't tried my old OLD xp hdd, but i'll get around to that sometime.
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Old 19th August 2023, 19:57   #7  |  Link
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started up xp on this mobo. dvdshrink running as we speak. question is how to get it running on win10 again?
now that i read Sharc's last post again, and going to that link... it reminded me that i turned on DEP for all programs recently in my win10 for this machine, and i bet that's the problem. i might have done the same thing for 7 for some reason.

edit: yep, turned off DEP, and shrink runs like it always did.
thanks for the input everyone!

Last edited by bdub; 20th August 2023 at 08:18.
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Old 27th October 2023, 17:21   #8  |  Link
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edit: yep, turned off DEP, and shrink runs like it always did.
I dont like the sound of that, I have always got DEP switched on (is Windows 10 ISO setup default) and runs fine.
Sounds like your ver$ DVD Shrink is maybe calling self modified code or something,
sounds very suspicious to me.
I would check that you are using dvd shrink from here [download and re-install, even if it says its the same version].
DVD Shrink english:- https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=154787
Also check the MD5.

EDIT: I'm using the one in BLUE with DEP on.
DVD Shrink english
e6b0a6346fe640365f4ab9d5c7d9fb93 *dvdshrink32setup.zip
efc4643607d821ee5b1e306b5181917c *dvdshrink32setup.exe
EDIT: HashCheck (Install, then Explorer, right click on file Properties, and click Checksums tab):- https://github.com/gurnec/HashCheck
HashCheck 'Options', allows to enable/disable some checksum types, eg MD5, or SHA-512, or SHA3-512, or etc.
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Last edited by StainlessS; 28th October 2023 at 12:27.
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