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19th June 2022, 07:15 | #481 | Link | ||
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I don't seem to get notification emails? Quote:
19th June 2022, 07:15 | #482 | Link |
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I don't know if there's any interest still, but I (finally) think it might be a good idea to make the Deshaker source code public.
Any recommendation on the best way to do this? Do I just put a zip on my Deshaker page? Or should I put it on GitHub, or something, and how much work is that? Maybe someone else would like to "run" it?? And what license? I don't really care if people make money on it (anymore), but is it still a bad idea to make it completely free? (Excuse my lack of knowledge and interest in legal stuff.) Also, please keep in mind I've become rather lazy. |
19th June 2022, 11:03 | #483 | Link |
Pig on the wing
Join Date: Mar 2002
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The notification emails have been broken since a long time ago
I vote for putting the source code on GitHub. I do not believe that it's a big job but someone else can confirm that - or just add it to their repo I'm sure there's something useful for someone in the code sooner or later.
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes I'll see you on the dark side of the Moon... |
19th June 2022, 11:38 | #484 | Link | |
HeartlessS Usurer
Join Date: Dec 2009
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I dont do GitHub and so cannot comment on how easy that would be.
to say that they are the authors, and make a packet of cash from the people that they deceive. Open source with GPL would maybe be best. Nice to see you again Guth
I sometimes post sober. StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace "Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ??? |
20th June 2022, 11:50 | #485 | Link | ||||
Banana User
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This is do whatever you want license: Quote:
InpaintDelogo, DoomDelogo, JerkyWEB Fixer, Standalone Faster-Whisper - AI subtitling Last edited by VoodooFX; 20th June 2022 at 12:03. |
21st June 2022, 14:36 | #486 | Link | |
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Anyway, thanks for the input, guys. If nothing unexpected happens I'll put it on GitHub within a couple of weeks. |
28th June 2022, 19:43 | #487 | Link |
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The Deshaker source code is now on GitHub:
https://github.com/gu-t/Deshaker Please let me know if you see anything weird. I've used Git before, but I'm new to GitHub. |
28th June 2022, 20:19 | #488 | Link |
HeartlessS Usurer
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Over the rainbow
Posts: 11,043
Most gracious of you, cheers Guth.
I sometimes post sober. StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace "Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ??? |
30th May 2023, 11:59 | #492 | Link |
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Can i somehow set a horizon across different control frames so Deshaker would stabilize rotation to match this horizon or any way to set horizon at all?
Here's sample video https://www.upload.ee/files/15288523..._clip.zip.html What approach would you use to make horizon straight with Deshaker? Last edited by Rob105; 31st May 2023 at 06:58. |
17th October 2024, 23:39 | #494 | Link |
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Automatic chapter Generation using LOG n_scene info
Hi, I made a PowerShell script [+batch caller] which will pick up all .LOGs from current [or specified] folder and generate fileName_OGG.txt chapter info per LOG (ie: to use with MKVmerge). Minimum duration can be specified (default 75sec). FPS must be known (default NTSC). Has chapter name skeleton as used in mkvtoolnix-gui.exe.
Here's Log2chaps.ps1 script: Code:
# PARAM must be first command param ( [int]$gi_minSec=75, [float]$gr_fps=29.970, [string]$gs_chapSkel='Chap <NUM:2>', [switch]$pal, [switch]$ntsc, [switch]$yes ) $debugging= $false write-host -ForegroundColor Green '' write-host -ForegroundColor Green 'Log2Chaps v24.1016' write-host -ForegroundColor Green '' write-host -ForegroundColor Green ' Extract chapter list from each deShake .LOG files' write-host -ForegroundColor Green ' Generates: originalfilename_OGG.txt' write-host -ForegroundColor Green '' write-host -ForegroundColor Green 'Usage: Log2Chaps [[[minSec] fps] chapSkeleton] [-ntsc|-pal] [-yes]' write-host -ForegroundColor Green ' minSec: Minimun Chapter length in seconds (default 75)' write-host -ForegroundColor Green ' fps: Frames Per Second (default 29.970) or -pal / -ntsc' write-host -ForegroundColor Green ' chapSkeleton: (default "Chap <NUM:2>" where NUM is chapter # using :N digits)' write-host -ForegroundColor Green ' -ntsc: 29.970 takes precedence over fps' write-host -ForegroundColor Green ' -pal: 25 takes precedence over ntsc' write-host -ForegroundColor Green " -yes: unnatended" write-host -ForegroundColor Green '' # param ( $G_ARCHIVE = $(throw 'Need file to upload!'), # $G_LOGFILE = $(throw 'Need logfile!') ) # # Run as ADMIN # Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force # 24.1016 better dispay info # 23.0513 fps between [3..240]; only inform skipped >10 frames # 23.0510 escaped ´: in write-host, avoids error in win10 # 22.0918 minSec first argument, newline after chapterlist # 22.0916 switches: -yes -pal -ntsc # 22.0914 success/ already done messages # 22.0831 range check # 22.0829 vars: XY_name: {X: Local, Global} {Y: Integer Long Real(float) String Fileinfo Timespan Date ...} # Array: XAY_name (ie local string array: las_nameOfVariable) # 22.0829 do all LOGs, ask before # 22.0824 implement digits # 22.0823 chapNames as MKVGui default: 'Chap <NUM:2>' # 22.0822 ogg chapters format # 22.0821 chapters time hh:mm:ss.ddd # 22.0806 initial idea # function parse_log { param ( [ref]$lf_inFile, [long]$li_minSec=90, ` [float]$lr_fps=29.970, ` [string]$ls_chapName='Chap <NUM>', ` [string]$ls_chapNDig='00' ) write-host -ForegroundColor Green 'Params:', $lf_inFile.value.name, ` "; chapNm:$ls_chapName; fps:$lr_fps; minSec:$li_minSec; ` chapDigStr:$ls_chapNDig" -separator '' # no separator # parse file ### $las_nscenes= @( get-content $lf_inFile.value | Where-Object { $_ -match "n_scene"} ) [long]$ll_minimo= $lr_fps * $li_minSec [long]$ll_lastChapN= 0 [long]$ll_lastSkipN= 0 write-host -ForegroundColor Green "`n Chap 0 " -nonewline # `n is newLine only in double quotes $lal_chapterFrames= @( [long]0 ) + @( foreach( $ls_line in $las_nscenes) { # $ll_n= [long]( $ls_line -split '[ \t]+',3)[1] # 1st method: Take 2nd element, must have first empty $null= $ls_line -match '\D+(?<digitos>\d+)' # OR 2nd method: Seek first digits, faster and +reliable [long]$ll_n= [long]$matches[ 'digitos'] if ( $ll_n - $ll_lastChapN -lt $ll_minimo) { # skip if less than min seconds if ( $ll_n - $ll_lastSkipN -gt 50) { #only inform if more than 50 frames $ll_lastSkipN= $ll_n write-host -ForegroundColor Green " skp$ll_n" -nonewline } } else { # new chapter write-host -ForegroundColor Green "`n Chap $ll_n " -nonewline $ll_lastChapN= $ll_n $ll_n # Returns chapter number of frames } } ) # end foreach $las_nscenes if ( $ll_lastChapN -eq 0) { write-host -ForegroundColor Red "*** no chapters ***`n"; return } write-host -ForegroundColor Green "`n" # write-host $lal_chapterFrames [float]$lr_1frame_ms= 1000/ $lr_fps [int]$li_chapNum= 1 foreach ( $ll_frames in $lal_chapterFrames) { # *NO* $lt_chap_ms= new-timespan -seconds $lal_chapterFrames[ 2] # [string]$ls_chapMs= new-timespan -seconds ( [float]$ll_frames* $lr_1frame_ms* 1000) $lt_chap_ms= [timespan]::frommilliseconds( [float]$ll_frames* $lr_1frame_ms) # $ls_chapMs= "{0}" -f $lt_chap_ms; [string]$ls_chapMs= $lt_chap_ms; $ls_chapMs= $lt_chap_ms.tostring(); [string]$ls_chapMs= $lt_chap_ms.tostring() if ( $ls_chapMs.length -eq 8) { $ls_chapMs+= ".0000000" } #add missing ms in case of exact seconds $ls_chapMs= $ls_chapMs.subString( 0, 12) # keep first 3 digits of ms leaving: hh:mm:ss.fff # write-host -ForegroundColor Green ( '{0:hh\:mm\:ss\,fff}' -f $ls_chapMs) # not for powershell v2 $ls_outOdd= "CHAPTER{0:00}={1}" -f $li_chapNum, $ls_chapMs write-output $ls_outOdd $chapStr= $ls_chapName -replace '<num>', $li_chapNum.tostring( "$ls_chapNDig") $ls_outEven= ( "CHAPTER{0:00}NAME={1}" -f $li_chapNum, $chapStr) write-output $ls_outEven $li_chapNum+= 1 } # @{ frame= $_.Split( ' ')[0] } # | foreach-object { $_ -spilt " ", 2) } # select-string -path $lf_inFile -pattern "n_scene" # write-output $chapters } # # MAIN # [int]$li_chapDigits=2 if ( $gs_chapSkel -match '<NUM:*(?<xnumero>\d+)>') { [int]$li_chapDigits= $matches.xnumero } if ( $li_chapDigits -lt 1 -or $li_chapDigits -gt 9 ) { $li_chapDigits= 2 } $gs_chapNDig= '0' * $li_chapDigits # number of digits to print '00' $gs_chapSkel= $gs_chapSkel -replace '<NUM:*(?<numero>\d+)>', '<NUM>' if ( $gr_fps -lt 3 -or $gr_fps -gt 240 -or $ntsc ) { [float]$gr_fps= 29.970 } if ( $pal ) { [float]$gr_fps= 25 } if ( $gi_minSec -lt 1 -or $gi_minSec -gt 960 ) { #not more than 16min $gi_minSec= 75 } write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Params: minSec:$gi_minSec; ", "fps:$gr_fps; chapSkel:$gs_chapSkel; digits:$li_chapDigits" write-host '' if ( $debugging) { b:; cd \v } # use B:\V tor testing if ( -not $debugging -and -not $yes # -and $gs_chapSkel -eq 'Chap <NUM>' #no params ) { do { $ls_confirm= Read-Host -Prompt 'Press (Y)es to continue, (N)o to abort' if ( $ls_confirm -match 'n') { return ' ABORT '} } until ( $ls_confirm -match '[ys]') } $li_outCount= 0 foreach ( $lf_logfile in get-childitem *.log) { #all .LOGs if ( $lf_logfile.mode -match 'd') { continue } #skip dirs write-host -ForegroundColor Green $lf_logfile $ls_oggFileName= $lf_logfile.basename+'_OGG.txt' if ( -not ( test-path -path $ls_oggFileName -pathType leaf )) { # parse $gas_oggFileOut= parse_log ([ref]$lf_logfile) $gi_minSec $gr_fps $gs_chapSkel $gs_chapNDig write-host -ForegroundColor blue $gas_oggFileOut if ( $gas_oggFileOut.count -gt 1) { out-file $ls_oggFileName -inputobject $gas_oggFileOut -encoding ASCII -Width 132 } if ( test-path -path $ls_oggFileName -pathType leaf ) { $li_outCount+= 1 write-host "** Generated $li_outCount`: $ls_oggFileName" write-host } if ( $debugging) { break } # debug: stop after first .LOG } else { write-host -- Already present: $ls_oggFileName } } # foreach .log write-host if ( $li_outCount -gt 0 ) { write-host *** TOTAL Generated Files: $li_outCount *** } else { write-host *** Nothing to do *** } write-host Last edited by isidroco; 18th October 2024 at 03:25. |
17th October 2024, 23:40 | #495 | Link |
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 52
And here's the log2chaps.bat batch caller (directory may be specified), help included:
@echo off set log2chapsVersion=log2chaps v24.1016, isidrococo @ gmail setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion & REM to get var value at exec with !varNm! rem Log2Chaps [PATH] [minSec] [chapSkeleton] [fps]|[-pal]|[-ntsc] [-yes] rem 75 "Chap <NUM:2>" 29.970 -yes title %isiVersion% echo/ echo/%log2chapsVersion% echo/ echo/ Extract chapter list from each deShake .LOG files based in n_scene marks echo/ Generates: originalfilename_OGG.txt echo/ echo/Usage: Log2Chaps [logsFullPath] [[[minSec] fps] chapSkeleton] echo/ [-ntsc^|-pal] [-yes] [-noPause] echo/ echo/ logsFullPath: Path of all deshaker .LOG echo/ minSec: Minimum Chapter length in seconds (default 75) echo/ fps: Frames Per Second (default 29.970) or -pal / -ntsc echo/ chapSkeleton: ^(default "Chap <NUM:2>" where NUM is chapter # using :N digits^) echo/ -ntsc: 29.970 takes precedence over fps echo/ -pal: 25 takes precedence over ntsc echo/ -yes: unnatended echo/ echo/ rem 24.1016 added pathDir and elevate command sending current dir, change parameters order, noPause rem 22.0918 simple call to powershell set selfDir="%~dp0" set selfFullPath="%~f0" echo Current dir "%cd%", batch dir %selfDir% rem If 1st param has :\ try changing to it and remove it from PARAM rem ~ remove and [re-]add quotes set param1="%~1" rem needs to be % instead of !, to avoid :: comment out if not %param1% == %param1::\=% ( cd /d %param1% 2>nul& rem make current dir rem remove first param shift ) echo Current dir %cd% rem set PARAM= :getParam rem Include trailing space set paramN=%1 &rem dummy set "PARAM=!PARAM!!paramN!" shift if not "!paramN!"==" " goto getParam REM Check privileges; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7044985/how-can-i-auto-elevate-my-batch-file-so-that-it-requests-from-uac-administrator/12264592#12264592 net file 1>NUL 2>NUL if not '%errorlevel%' == '0' ( REM ELEVATE AND RERUN -WorkingDirectory "%cd%" rem echo powershell -NoProfile -Exec Bypass Start-Process -FilePath %selfFullPath% -ArgumentList '"%cd%" %PARAM%' -verb runas powershell -NoProfile -Exec Bypass Start-Process -FilePath %selfFullPath% -ArgumentList '"%cd%" %PARAM%' -verb runas rem >NUL 2>NUL exit /b ) REM ensure powershell privileges to run scripts {not recommended, better use -ExecutionPolicy ByPass on run} rem powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope LocalMachine REM Change directory to current script. "runas" starts in C:\Windows\System32 rem cd /d %~dp0 net file 1>NUL 2>NUL if not '%errorlevel%' == '0' ( echo Must execute as adminstrator !!! pause exit ) echo powershell -noprofile -exec ByPass -file "%selfDir:"=%log2chaps.ps1" %PARAM% powershell -noprofile -exec ByPass -file "%selfDir:"=%log2chaps.ps1" %PARAM% IF "%PARAM:nop=%"=="%PARAM%" pause |
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