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26th December 2020, 22:43 | #81 | Link |
QfG Group Germany
Join Date: Oct 2018
Location: Germany
Posts: 269
AWESOME!!! A long time im searching for a tool like this, with them i can speed up and slow down via FFMPEG and this in a GUI. I have few Ideas, if this is OK for you:
-Turn On/Off Dynamic Range Compression for AC3 Files (Example: ffmpeg.exe -drc_scale 0 -y -i) -Extract all channels as single wavs (Example for 7.1 file: (%down16% is still empty for 16-Bit wavs, using "-c:a pcm_s24le" for 24-Bit Wavs) -filter_complex "[0:a]channelsplit=channel_layout=7.1[FL][FR][FC][LFE][BL][BR][SL][SR]" -map "[FL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.L.wav" -map "[FR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.R.wav" -map "[FC]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.C.wav" -map "[LFE]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.LFE.wav" -map "[BL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.Lsr.wav" -map "[BR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.Rsr.wav" -map "[SL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.Ls.wav" -map "[SR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.Rs.wav") -After extracting a video / audio source don't leave the menu, still stand in the menu for faster extracting of other streams. -A Simple Checkbox for Output Dir = Input Dir -Video Codecs DNxHR HQ and HQX (for BD/UHD DI Files, in mxf or mov Container for using in DaVinci Resolve) "dnxhd -profile:v dnxhr_hq" "dnxhd -profile:v dnxhr_hqx" "dnxhd -profile:v dnxhr_444"
Last edited by -QfG-; 26th December 2020 at 23:12. |
7th January 2021, 01:30 | #85 | Link |
QfG Group Germany
Join Date: Oct 2018
Location: Germany
Posts: 269
DnxHR Encoding works perfectly. Good choice is the mxf container. I have a *bat script for my Audio to single channel wav encoding, perhaps it helps you to implate.
@echo off & setlocal mode con cols=120 lines=50 TITLE Audio Stream Channel Extractor [Team QfG] v0.13 beta rem --- Hardcoded settings. Can be changed manually --- set "sfkpath=%~dp0tools\sfk.exe" rem Path to sfk.exe set "eac3topath=%~dp0tools\eac3to.exe" rem Path to eac3to.exe set "FFMPEGpath=%~dp0tools\ffmpeg.exe" rem Path to FFMPEG.exe set "ENCODER=FFMPEG" rem FFMPEG/eac3to - Standard Encoder set "DOWNS=Yes" rem Yes/No - Activate/Deactivate 16 Bit downsampling set "SURROUND=71" rem 10/20/21/51/61/71/71S - Channel Layout for FFMPEG set "TRACK=2" rem 1/2/3/... - Standard Track Nunmber rem --- Hardcoded settings. Cannot be changed --- set WAIT="%sfkpath%" sleep set GREEN="%sfkpath%" color green set RED="%sfkpath%" color red set YELLOW="%sfkpath%" color yellow set WHITE="%sfkpath%" color white set CYAN="%sfkpath%" color cyan set MAGENTA="%sfkpath%" color magenta set GREY="%sfkpath%" color grey %green% echo Copyright (c) 2020 TeamQfG echo. %white% echo ==================================== %green% echo Audio Stream Channel Extractor %white% echo ==================================== echo. %white% IF "%~1"=="" ( %yellow% echo. echo No Input File. Drag and Drop a file over this script. echo. "%~dp0eac3to.exe" "%~1" echo. %white% echo Press [ENTER] to Exit. pause>nul exit ) IF /i "%~x1"==".mkv" set "CONTTRUE=TRUE" IF /i "%~x1"==".mka" set "CONTTRUE=TRUE" IF /i "%~x1"==".evo" set "CONTTRUE=TRUE" IF /i "%~x1"==".vob" set "CONTTRUE=TRUE" IF /i "%~x1"==".m2ts" set "CONTTRUE=TRUE" IF /i "%~x1"==".ts" set "CONTTRUE=TRUE" :START cls %green% echo Copyright (c) 2020 TeamQfG echo. %white% echo ==================================== %green% echo Audio Stream Channel Extractor %white% echo ==================================== echo. %white% echo Source Informations: %yellow% echo. "%eac3topath%" "%~1" echo. %white% echo Encoder Settings: %green% echo. if "%ENCODER%"=="FFMPEG" ( if "%SURROUND%"=="10" set "Surrounddisp=Mono" if "%SURROUND%"=="20" set "Surrounddisp=Stereo" if "%SURROUND%"=="21" set "Surrounddisp=Surround 2.1" if "%SURROUND%"=="51" set "Surrounddisp=Surround 5.1" if "%SURROUND%"=="61" set "Surrounddisp=Surround 6.1" if "%SURROUND%"=="71" set "Surrounddisp=Surround 7.1" if "%SURROUND%"=="71S" set "Surrounddisp=Surround 7.1 [STRANGE]" ) if "%ENCODER%"=="eac3to" ( echo 1. Encoder : %ENCODER% echo 2. 16-Bit downsampling : %DOWNS% if "%CONTTRUE%"=="TRUE" echo 3. Select Audio Track : %TRACK% echo. echo. %white% echo Change Settings and press [S] to start^! if "%CONTTRUE%"=="TRUE" CHOICE /C 123S /N /M "Select a Letter 1,2,3,S" if not "%CONTTRUE%"=="TRUE" CHOICE /C 12S /N /M "Select a Letter 1,2,S" if "%CONTTRUE%"=="TRUE" ( IF errorlevel 4 goto EXTRACT IF errorlevel 3 ( echo. %white% echo Type in the Audio Track Number, which will be extracted. echo Importend^! Only Audio Tracks are supported yet. echo For Example: For Audio Track 3 type 3 and press Enter^! echo. set /p "Track=Insert ONLY ONE Track Number here and press [ENTER]: " goto START ) ) if not "%CONTTRUE%"=="TRUE" ( IF errorlevel 3 goto EXTRACT ) IF errorlevel 2 ( if "%DOWNS%"=="Yes" set "downs=No" if "%DOWNS%"=="No" set "downs=Yes" goto START ) IF errorlevel 1 ( set "Encoder=FFMPEG goto START ) ) if "%ENCODER%"=="FFMPEG" ( echo 1. Encoder : %ENCODER% echo 2. Channel Settings : %Surrounddisp% echo 3. 16-Bit downsampling : %DOWNS% if "%CONTTRUE%"=="TRUE" echo 4. Select Audio Track : %TRACK% echo. echo. %white% echo Change Settings and press [S] to start^! if "%CONTTRUE%"=="TRUE" CHOICE /C 1234S /N /M "Select a Letter 1,2,3,4,[S]tart" if not "%CONTTRUE%"=="TRUE" CHOICE /C 123S /N /M "Select a Letter 1,2,3,[S]tart" if "%CONTTRUE%"=="TRUE" ( IF errorlevel 5 goto EXTRACT IF errorlevel 4 ( %white% echo. echo Type in the Audio Track Number, which will be extracted. echo Importend^! Only Audio Tracks are supported yet. echo For Example: For Audio Track 3 type 3 and press Enter^! echo. set /p "Track=Insert ONLY ONE Track Number here and press [ENTER]: " goto START ) ) if not "%CONTTRUE%"=="TRUE" ( IF errorlevel 4 goto EXTRACT ) IF errorlevel 3 ( if "%DOWNS%"=="Yes" set "downs=No" if "%DOWNS%"=="No" set "downs=Yes" goto START ) IF errorlevel 2 ( if "%SURROUND%"=="10" set "Surround=20" if "%SURROUND%"=="20" set "Surround=21" if "%SURROUND%"=="21" set "Surround=51" if "%SURROUND%"=="51" set "Surround=61" if "%SURROUND%"=="61" set "Surround=71" if "%SURROUND%"=="71" set "Surround=71S" if "%SURROUND%"=="71S" set "Surround=10" goto START ) IF errorlevel 1 ( set "Encoder=eac3to goto START ) ) :EXTRACT %WHITE% if "%CONTTRUE%"=="TRUE" set "EXTRACTCONT=TRUE" if "%ENCODER%"=="eac3to" if "%CONTTRUE%"=="TRUE" goto EXTRACTEAC3TOCONT if "%ENCODER%"=="eac3to" if not "%CONTTRUE%"=="TRUE" goto EXTRACTEAC3TO if "%ENCODER%"=="FFMPEG" if "%CONTTRUE%"=="TRUE" goto EXTRACTFFMPEGCONT if "%ENCODER%"=="FFMPEG" if not "%CONTTRUE%"=="TRUE" goto EXTRACTFFMPEG :EXTRACTEAC3TO cls if not "%DOWNS%"=="Yes" set "downs16=" if "%DOWNS%"=="Yes" set "downs16=-down16" echo. echo Encoding with [eac3to] using the following settings: echo. echo 16-Bit downsampling : %DOWNS% echo. "%eac3topath%" "%~1" "%~dp1[eac3to] %~n1\%~n1.wavs" %downs16% echo. echo Press [ENTER] to continue ... pause>nul goto START :EXTRACTEAC3TOCONT cls if not "%DOWNS%"=="Yes" set "downs=" if "%DOWNS%"=="Yes" set "downs=-down16" echo. echo Encoding with [eac3to] using the following settings: echo. echo 16-Bit downsampling : %DOWNS% echo. "%eac3topath%" "%~1" %TRACK%: "%~dp1[eac3to] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.wavs" %downs16% echo. echo Press [ENTER] to continue ... pause>nul goto START :EXTRACTFFMPEG cls if not "%DOWNS%"=="Yes" set "downs16=-c:a pcm_s24le" if "%DOWNS%"=="Yes" set "downs16=" if not exist "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1" md "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1" echo. echo Encoding with [FFMPEG] using the following settings: echo. echo Channel Settings : %Surrounddisp% echo 16-Bit downsampling : %DOWNS% echo. if "%SURROUND%"=="71S" "%FFMPEGpath%" -drc_scale 0 -y -i "%~1" -loglevel error -stats -filter_complex "[0:a]channelsplit=channel_layout=7.1[FL][FR][FC][LFE][BL][BR][SL][SR]" -map "[FL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.L.wav" -map "[FR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.R.wav" -map "[FC]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.C.wav" -map "[LFE]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.LFE.wav" -map "[BL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.Lsr.wav" -map "[BR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.Rsr.wav" -map "[SL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.Ls.wav" -map "[SR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.Rs.wav" if "%SURROUND%"=="71" "%FFMPEGpath%" -drc_scale 0 -y -i "%~1" -loglevel error -stats -filter_complex "[0:a]channelsplit=channel_layout=7.1[FL][FR][FC][LFE][BL][BR][SL][SR]" -map "[FL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.L.wav" -map "[FR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.R.wav" -map "[FC]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.C.wav" -map "[LFE]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.LFE.wav" -map "[BL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.Lsr.wav" -map "[BR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.Rsr.wav" -map "[SL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.Lss.wav" -map "[SR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.Rss.wav" if "%SURROUND%"=="61" "%FFMPEGpath%" -drc_scale 0 -y -i "%~1" -loglevel error -stats -filter_complex "[0:a]channelsplit=channel_layout=6.1[FL][FR][FC][LFE][BC][SL][SR]" -map "[FL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.L.wav" -map "[FR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.R.wav" -map "[FC]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.C.wav" -map "[LFE]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.LFE.wav" -map "[BC]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.Cs.wav" -map "[SL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.Ls.wav" -map "[SR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.Rs.wav" if "%SURROUND%"=="51" "%FFMPEGpath%" -drc_scale 0 -y -i "%~1" -loglevel error -stats -filter_complex "[0:a]channelsplit=channel_layout=5.1[FL][FR][FC][LFE][SL][SR]" -map "[FL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.L.wav" -map "[FR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.R.wav" -map "[FC]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.C.wav" -map "[LFE]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.LFE.wav" -map "[SL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.Ls.wav" -map "[SR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.Rs.wav" if "%SURROUND%"=="21" "%FFMPEGpath%" -drc_scale 0 -y -i "%~1" -loglevel error -stats -filter_complex "[0:a]channelsplit=channel_layout=2.1[FL][FR][LFE]" -map "[FL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.L.wav" -map "[FR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.R.wav" -map "[LFE]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.LFE.wav" if "%SURROUND%"=="20" "%FFMPEGpath%" -drc_scale 0 -y -i "%~1" -loglevel error -stats -filter_complex "[0:a]channelsplit=channel_layout=stereo[LEFT][RIGHT]" -map "[LEFT]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.L.wav" -map "[RIGHT]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.R.wav" if "%SURROUND%"=="10" "%FFMPEGpath%" -drc_scale 0 -y -i "%~1" -loglevel error -stats -filter_complex "[0:a]channelsplit=channel_layout=mono[FC]" -map "[FC]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1\%~n1.C.wav" echo. echo Press [ENTER] to continue ... pause>nul goto START :EXTRACTFFMPEGCONT cls set /A FFMPEGSTREAM=%TRACK%-1 if not "%DOWNS%"=="Yes" set "downs16=-c:a pcm_s24le" if "%DOWNS%"=="Yes" set "downs16=" if not exist "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]" md "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]" echo. echo Encoding with [FFMPEG] using the following settings: echo. echo Channel Settings : %Surrounddisp% echo 16-Bit downsampling : %DOWNS% echo. if "%SURROUND%"=="71S" "%FFMPEGpath%" -drc_scale 0 -y -i "%~1" -loglevel error -stats -filter_complex "[0:%FFMPEGSTREAM%]channelsplit=channel_layout=7.1[FL][FR][FC][LFE][BL][BR][SL][SR]" -map "[FL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.L.wav" -map "[FR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.R.wav" -map "[FC]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.C.wav" -map "[LFE]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.LFE.wav" -map "[BL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.Lsr.wav" -map "[BR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.Rsr.wav" -map "[SL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.Ls.wav" -map "[SR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.Rs.wav" if "%SURROUND%"=="71" "%FFMPEGpath%" -drc_scale 0 -y -i "%~1" -loglevel error -stats -filter_complex "[0:%FFMPEGSTREAM%]channelsplit=channel_layout=7.1[FL][FR][FC][LFE][BL][BR][SL][SR]" -map "[FL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.L.wav" -map "[FR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.R.wav" -map "[FC]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.C.wav" -map "[LFE]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.LFE.wav" -map "[BL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.Lsr.wav" -map "[BR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.Rsr.wav" -map "[SL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.Lss.wav" -map "[SR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.Rss.wav" if "%SURROUND%"=="61" "%FFMPEGpath%" -drc_scale 0 -y -i "%~1" -loglevel error -stats -filter_complex "[0:%FFMPEGSTREAM%]channelsplit=channel_layout=6.1[FL][FR][FC][LFE][BC][SL][SR]" -map "[FL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.L.wav" -map "[FR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.R.wav" -map "[FC]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.C.wav" -map "[LFE]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.LFE.wav" -map "[BC]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.Cs.wav" -map "[SL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.Ls.wav" -map "[SR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.Rs.wav" if "%SURROUND%"=="51" "%FFMPEGpath%" -drc_scale 0 -y -i "%~1" -loglevel error -stats -filter_complex "[0:%FFMPEGSTREAM%]channelsplit=channel_layout=5.1[FL][FR][FC][LFE][SL][SR]" -map "[FL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.L.wav" -map "[FR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.R.wav" -map "[FC]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.C.wav" -map "[LFE]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.LFE.wav" -map "[SL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.Ls.wav" -map "[SR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.Rs.wav" if "%SURROUND%"=="21" "%FFMPEGpath%" -drc_scale 0 -y -i "%~1" -loglevel error -stats -filter_complex "[0:%FFMPEGSTREAM%]channelsplit=channel_layout=2.1[FL][FR][LFE]" -map "[FL]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.L.wav" -map "[FR]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.R.wav" -map "[LFE]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.LFE.wav" if "%SURROUND%"=="20" "%FFMPEGpath%" -drc_scale 0 -y -i "%~1" -loglevel error -stats -filter_complex "[0:%FFMPEGSTREAM%]channelsplit=channel_layout=stereo[LEFT][RIGHT]" -map "[LEFT]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.L.wav" -map "[RIGHT]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.R.wav" if "%SURROUND%"=="10" "%FFMPEGpath%" -drc_scale 0 -y -i "%~1" -loglevel error -stats -filter_complex "[0:%FFMPEGSTREAM%]channelsplit=channel_layout=mono[FC]" -map "[FC]" %downs16% "%~dp1[FFMPEG] %~n1_[Stream#%TRACK%]\%~n1.C.wav" echo. echo Press [ENTER] to continue ... pause>nul goto START :EXIT exit
8th January 2021, 22:28 | #86 | Link |
QfG Group Germany
Join Date: Oct 2018
Location: Germany
Posts: 269
Found an error in the newest beta. if i put a DTS File without container in the tool, i become an error message, that i must mux this file into a container. If i click OK by this message, the message comes again. I can't stop this process and must exit the tool with CTRL+ALT+DEL.
Last edited by -QfG-; 8th January 2021 at 22:40. |
9th January 2021, 17:05 | #87 | Link | |
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 395
ffmpeg -i input.dts -c copy output.mp4 This will refresh the timestamps and the new mp4 should load without problems in clever FFmpeg GUI. This procedure should make the program itself fully automatic. Why this creates a loop, I have to investigate first. |
11th January 2021, 09:02 | #88 | Link | |
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Posts: 395
11th January 2021, 18:10 | #89 | Link |
QfG Group Germany
Join Date: Oct 2018
Location: Germany
Posts: 269
Confirmend! DTS Raw Streams works fine now.
Is there any chance to implate single mono wavs export? With this Option i can delete all my other tools .
Last edited by -QfG-; 11th January 2021 at 18:14. |
3rd February 2021, 11:01 | #91 | Link |
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 395
February 02, 2021
Added Avisynth support (only for the video track) into the newest beta (2.7.2_05_Beta). On request, the loaded video will be imported into an Avisynth script. This script can then be customized and modified as desired. The script can then be tested with virtualdub. If it works as desired, it is encoded in clever FFmpeg-GUI with the desired codec. |
8th February 2021, 14:56 | #92 | Link |
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 395
February 08, 2021 update to version 2.7.2.
Fixed: Small bugs. Added: VP8 encoding, multiplex to webm. Added: Video merge (concat demuxer). Added: Support for Avisynth. A basic Avisynth script is created that you can customize, modify, test and then encode with the desired encoder. Removed: Inverse Telecine (IVTC), QTGMC deinterlacing. You can use your own scripts now. Improved: Many fine tunings. |
11th February 2021, 13:28 | #97 | Link |
Acid fr0g
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Italy
Posts: 2,848
[mp4 @ 00000288a4288dc0] track 1: codec frame size is not set [mp4 @ 00000288a4288dc0] Could not find tag for codec ass in stream #2, codec not currently supported in container Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid argument Error initializing output stream 0:12 -- Stream mapping: Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (copy) Stream #0:1 -> #0:1 (copy) Stream #0:2 -> #0:2 (copy) Stream #0:3 -> #0:3 (copy) Stream #0:4 -> #0:4 (copy) Stream #0:5 -> #0:5 (copy) Stream #0:6 -> #0:6 (copy) Stream #0:7 -> #0:7 (copy) Stream #0:8 -> #0:8 (copy) Stream #0:9 -> #0:9 (copy) Stream #0:10 -> #0:10 (copy) Stream #0:11 -> #0:11 (copy) Stream #0:12 -> #0:12 (copy) Last message repeated 1 times
@turment on Telegram |
11th February 2021, 18:31 | #99 | Link |
Acid fr0g
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Italy
Posts: 2,848
Multiple -c, -codec, -acodec, -vcodec, -scodec or -dcodec options specified for stream 2, only the last option '-c:s mov_text' will be used. [mp4 @ 0000021919779e00] track 1: codec frame size is not set [mp4 @ 0000021919779e00] Could not find tag for codec ttf in stream #3, codec not currently supported in container Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid argument Error initializing output stream 0:12 -- Stream mapping: Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (copy) Stream #0:1 -> #0:1 (copy) Stream #0:2 -> #0:2 (ass (ssa) -> mov_text (native)) Stream #0:3 -> #0:3 (copy) Stream #0:4 -> #0:4 (copy) Stream #0:5 -> #0:5 (copy) Stream #0:6 -> #0:6 (copy) Stream #0:7 -> #0:7 (copy) Stream #0:8 -> #0:8 (copy) Stream #0:9 -> #0:9 (copy) Stream #0:10 -> #0:10 (copy) Stream #0:11 -> #0:11 (copy) Stream #0:12 -> #0:12 (copy) Last message repeated 1 times
@turment on Telegram |
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