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Old 29th May 2023, 11:12   #1  |  Link
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Fill black frames with interpolations,...

Hi, I wrote two small functions:
  • ReplaceBlackFrames: replace a black frames with interpolations of the surrounding frames.
  • FillBlackFrames: replace a black frames with interpolations of the surrounding frames.
ReplaceBlackFrames works as expected.
Problem is FillBlackFrames, where I suspect that I messed up indices somewhere:
# replace the frames 'firstFrametoReplace' to 'firstGoodFrame-1' with interpolations between 'firstFrametoReplace - 1' and 'firstGoodFrame'
def fillMultipleWithSVP(clip, firstFrametoReplace=None, firstGoodFrame=None, gpu=False):
  clip1 = core.std.AssumeFPS(clip, fpsnum=1, fpsden=1)
  start = core.std.Trim(clip1, first=firstFrametoReplace-1, length=1) # last good frame before black frames
  end = core.std.Trim(clip1, first=firstGoodFrame, length=1) # first good frame after black frames
  startend = start + end
  if gpu:
    super  = core.svp1.Super(startend,"{gpu:1}")
    super  = core.svp1.Super(startend,"{gpu:0}")
  vectors= core.svp1.Analyse(super["clip"],super["data"],startend,"{}")

  # interpolate
  r = core.svp2.SmoothFps(startend,super["clip"],super["data"],vectors["clip"],vectors["data"],"{rate:{num:"+str(firstGoodFrame-firstFrametoReplace+1)+",den:1,abs:false}}")
  a = core.std.Trim(clip1, first=0, last=firstFrametoReplace-2) # last good frame before is part of r
  b = core.std.Trim(clip1, first=firstGoodFrame+1) # first good frame, ist part of r
  # join
  join = a + r + b
  if (join.num_frames != clip.num_frames): # did I messup with the join
    raise vs.Error(f"fillMultipleWithSVP: frame count issue join '{join.num_frames}' vs clip '{clip.num_frames}'")
  return core.std.AssumeFPS(join, src=clip)

# replace a black frames with interpolations of the surrounding frames.
# threshold average frame threshold
def FillBlackFrames(clip, thresh=0.1, debug=False):
    if not isinstance(clip, vs.VideoNode):
        raise ValueError('This is not a clip')
    def selectFunc(n, f):
        nonlocal clip
        firstGoodFrame = f.props['FirstGoodFrame']
        if n == 0:
          clip = core.std.SetFrameProp(clip, prop="FirstGoodFrame", intval=firstGoodFrame)
          return clip
        if firstGoodFrame >= n: # this frame, we already dealt with
            return clip

        if f.props['PlaneStatsAverage'] > thresh or n == 0:
            if debug:
                return core.text.Text(clip=clip, text="Org, avg: " + str(f.props['PlaneStatsAverage']), alignment=8)
            clip = core.std.SetFrameProp(clip, prop="FirstGoodFrame", intval=n)
            return clip
        firstFrametoReplace = n
        firstGoodFrame = n + 1
        for i in range(n, clip.num_frames-1):
            if clip.get_frame(i).props['PlaneStatsAverage'] <= thresh:
            firstGoodFrame = i
        clip = core.std.SetFrameProp(clip, prop="FirstGoodFrame", intval=firstGoodFrame)
        replaced = fillMultipleWithSVP(clip, firstFrametoReplace, firstGoodFrame, gpu=True)
        if debug:
            return core.text.Text(clip=replaced, text="Replaced from " + str(firstFrametoReplace) + " to " + str(firstGoodFrame-1))
        return replaced
    clip = core.std.SetFrameProp(clip, prop="FirstGoodFrame", intval=0)
    clip = core.std.PlaneStats(clip)
    fixed = core.std.FrameEval(clip, selectFunc, prop_src=clip)
    return fixed

When I have a clip where:
Frame 19 is fine
Frame 20&21 are black
Frame 22 is fine
and I apply FillBlackFrames to it, both frame 20&21 get replaced, but frame 21 is the same as 22.

Does someone spot where I went wrong?
(Or is this caused by Vapoursynth not really supporting linear processing in script?)

Cu Selur

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Last edited by Selur; 31st May 2023 at 18:59.
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Old 29th May 2023, 16:37   #2  |  Link
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Why ReplaceBlackFrames same meaning with FillBlackFrames??
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Old 29th May 2023, 17:36   #3  |  Link
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I just tried that first one, ReplaceBlackFrames, that you say it works, but anyway to simplify it because all it has to be done is to remember last non black n for a frame. To "remember" things is always a flag to introduce a class that just handles "globals" within itself.
import vapoursynth as vs
from vapoursynth import core
class RBF:
    def __init__(self, clip, thresh=0.1, debug=False):
        self.last_non_black_n = 0
        self.clip = clip
        self.thresh = thresh
        self.debug = debug

    def selectFunc(self, n, f):
        if f.props['PlaneStatsAverage'] > self.thresh or n == 0:
            out = self.clip
            self.last_non_black_n = n
            out = self.clip[self.last_non_black_n]
        if self.debug:
            return out.text.Text(text="Org, avg: "+str(f.props['PlaneStatsAverage']),alignment=8)            
        return out
def ReplaceBlackFrames(clip, thresh=0.1, debug=False):
    clip = core.std.PlaneStats(clip)
    rbf = RBF(clip, thresh, debug)
    fixed = core.std.FrameEval(clip, rbf.selectFunc, prop_src=clip)
    return fixed

clip1 = core.std.BlankClip(color=(255,0,0))      #red
clip2 = core.std.BlankClip()                     #black
clip3 = core.std.BlankClip(color=(255,255,255))  #white
clip = clip1+clip2+clip3
clip = ReplaceBlackFrames(clip)
so to keep the same logic, FillBlackFramescould be constructed, you do not need to mess up with indices , trimming etc.

Last edited by _Al_; 29th May 2023 at 18:11.
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Old 29th May 2023, 18:27   #4  |  Link
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to simplify it even more, interestingly, this works too:
import vapoursynth as vs
from vapoursynth import core
class ReplaceBlackFrames:
    def __init__(self, clip, thresh=0.1, debug=False):
        self.last_non_black_n = 0
        self.clip = clip.std.PlaneStats(clip)
        self.thresh = thresh
        self.debug = debug

    def selectFunc(self, n, f):
        if f.props['PlaneStatsAverage'] > self.thresh or n == 0:
            out = self.clip
            self.last_non_black_n = n
            out = self.clip[self.last_non_black_n]
        if self.debug:
            return out.text.Text(text="Org, avg: "+str(f.props['PlaneStatsAverage']),alignment=8)            
        return out
    def out(self):
        return core.std.FrameEval(self.clip, self.selectFunc, prop_src=self.clip)
clip1 = core.std.BlankClip(color=(255,0,0))      #red
clip2 = core.std.BlankClip()                     #black
clip3 = core.std.BlankClip(color=(255,255,255))  #white
clip = clip1+clip2+clip3
rbf = ReplaceBlackFrames(clip, debug=True)
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Old 30th May 2023, 01:32   #5  |  Link
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OK, :-), just tested it, it works in a linear frame request fashion, like enkoding etc., but in a previewer with random frame access it needs to be like Selur posted, hunting for a previous good frame in a loop (maybe there is another way, not sure):
import vapoursynth as vs
from vapoursynth import core
class ReplaceBlackFrames:
    def __init__(self, clip, thresh=0.1, debug=False):
        self.clip = clip.std.PlaneStats(clip)
        self.thresh = thresh
        self.debug = debug

    def selectFunc(self, n, f):
        out = self.clip[self.get_good_n(n)]
        if self.debug:
            return out.text.Text(text="Org, avg: "+str(f.props['PlaneStatsAverage']),alignment=8)            
        return out
    def get_good_n(self, n):
        for i in reversed(range(n+1)):
            if self.clip.get_frame(i).props['PlaneStatsAverage'] > self.thresh:
                return i
            return n
    def out(self):
        return core.std.FrameEval(self.clip, self.selectFunc, prop_src=self.clip)
clip1 = core.std.BlankClip(color=(255,0,0))      #red
clip2 = core.std.BlankClip()                     #black
clip3 = core.std.BlankClip(color=(255,255,255))  #white
clip = clip1+clip2+clip3
rbf = ReplaceBlackFrames(clip, debug=True)

Last edited by _Al_; 30th May 2023 at 02:34.
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Old 30th May 2023, 04:47   #6  |  Link
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@_AI_:Thanks, will look at it later after work.
Why ReplaceBlackFrames same meaning with FillBlackFrames??
Yeah, naming could be better, it might end up with just ReplaceBlackFrames and a 'method'-parameter ('last non-black','interpolation (SVP)',...).
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Old 30th May 2023, 06:04   #7  |  Link
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As for FillBlackFrames, to interpolate black frames,
I came up with this, seams to work, but tested only with posted example, where I manually inserted 5 black frames into a video (made sure there was some movement) and it was successfully interpolated:
import vapoursynth as vs
from vapoursynth import core

class FillBlackFrames:
    def __init__(self, clip, thresh=0.1, debug=False, gpu=False):
        self.clip = clip.std.PlaneStats(clip)
        self.thresh = thresh
        self.debug = debug
        self.gpu = gpu
        self.smooth = None

    def selectFunc(self, n, f):
        out = self.get_clip(n)
        if self.debug:
            return out.text.Text(text="Org, avg: "+str(f.props['PlaneStatsAverage']),alignment=8)            
        return out
    def is_not_black(self, n):
        return self.clip.get_frame(n).props['PlaneStatsAverage'] > self.thresh

    def get_clip(self, n):
        if self.is_not_black(n):
            return self.clip[n]
        for start in reversed(range(n+1)):
            if self.is_not_black(start):
            #there are all black frames preceding n, return current n frame
            return self.clip[n]
        for end in range(n, len(self.clip)):
            if self.is_not_black(end):
            #there are all black frames to the end, return current n frame
            return self.clip[n]

        #does interpolated smooth clip exists for requested n frame? Use n frame from it.
        if self.smooth is not None and start >= self.smooth_start and end <= self.smooth_end:
            return self.smooth[n-start]

        #interpolating two frame clip  into end-start+1 fps
        clip = self.clip[start] + self.clip[end]
        clip = clip.std.AssumeFPS(fpsnum=1, fpsden=1)
        if self.gpu:
            super = core.svp1.Super(clip,"{gpu:1}")
            super = core.svp1.Super(clip,"{gpu:0}")
        vectors = core.svp1.Analyse(super["clip"],super["data"],clip,"{}")
        num = end - start +1
        self.smooth = core.svp2.SmoothFps(clip,super["clip"],super["data"],vectors["clip"],vectors["data"],f"{{rate:{{num:{num},den:1,abs:true}}}}")
        self.smooth_start = start
        self.smooth_end   = end
        return self.smooth[n-start]

    def out(self):
        return core.std.FrameEval(self.clip, self.selectFunc, prop_src=self.clip)
clip1 = core.lsmas.LibavSMASHSource(r'F:\video.mp4')[500:530]
clip2 = clip1.std.BlankClip()[:5] # inserted 5 black frames
clip3 = core.lsmas.LibavSMASHSource(r'F:\video.mp4')[535:700]

clip = clip1+clip2+clip3
fbf = FillBlackFrames(clip, debug=True)
It interpolates from one available frame on the left and one to the right.

Does it interpolate better if it has more frames available on those sides? I guess yes, I might add it later , to use more frames if it is possible.

Last edited by _Al_; 30th May 2023 at 07:07.
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Old 30th May 2023, 17:54   #8  |  Link
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Hmm,.. I changed it to:
import vapoursynth as vs
from vapoursynth import core

call using:

from ReplaceBlackFrames import ReplaceBlackFrames
rbf = ReplaceBlackFrames(clip, debug=True, thresh=0.1, method='previous')
clip = rbf.out

debug: whether to display the average luma
 'previous': replace black frames with the last non-black frame
 'interpolateSVP': replace black frames whit interpolatied frames using SVP (GPU)
 'interpolateSVPCPU': replace black frames whit interpolatied frames using SVP (CPU)


class ReplaceBlackFrames:
  # constructor
  def __init__(self, clip: vs.VideoNode, thresh: float=0.1, debug: bool=False, method: str='previous'):
      self.clip = clip.std.PlaneStats(clip)
      self.thresh = thresh
      self.debug = debug
      self.method = method

  def previous(self, n, f):
    if f.props['PlaneStatsAverage'] > self.thresh or n == 0:
      out = self.clip
      self.last_non_black_n = n
      out = self.clip[self.last_non_black_n]
    if self.debug:
       return out.text.Text(text="avg: "+str(f.props['PlaneStatsAverage']),alignment=8)            
    return out
  def interpolate(self, n, f):
    out = self.get_clip(n)
    if self.debug:
      return out.text.Text(text="avg: "+str(f.props['PlaneStatsAverage']),alignment=8)            
    return out

  def is_not_black(self, n):
    return self.clip.get_frame(n).props['PlaneStatsAverage'] > self.thresh

  def get_clip(self, n):
    if self.is_not_black(n):
      return self.clip[n]
    for start in reversed(range(n+1)):
      if self.is_not_black(start):
      else: #there are all black frames preceding n, return current n frame
        return self.clip[n]
    for end in range(n, len(self.clip)):
      if self.is_not_black(end):
        #there are all black frames to the end, return current n frame
        return self.clip[n]

    #does interpolated smooth clip exists for requested n frame? Use n frame from it.
    if self.smooth is not None and start >= self.smooth_start and end <= self.smooth_end:
      return self.smooth[n-start]

    #interpolating two frame clip  into end-start+1 fps
    clip = self.clip[start] + self.clip[end]
    clip = clip.std.AssumeFPS(fpsnum=1, fpsden=1)
    if self.method == 'interpolateSVP':
      super = core.svp1.Super(clip,"{gpu:1}")
      super = core.svp1.Super(clip,"{gpu:0}")
    vectors = core.svp1.Analyse(super["clip"],super["data"],clip,"{}")
    num = end - start +1
    self.smooth = core.svp2.SmoothFps(clip,super["clip"],super["data"],vectors["clip"],vectors["data"],f"{{rate:{{num:{num},den:1,abs:true}}}}")
    self.smooth_start = start
    self.smooth_end   = end
    return self.smooth[n-start]
  def out(self):
    if self.method == 'previous':
      return core.std.FrameEval(self.clip, self.previous, prop_src=self.clip)
      return core.std.FrameEval(self.clip, self.interpolate, prop_src=self.clip)
to join both methods (replace and interpolate) into one class (don't think I changed the logic).

Sadly, only the 'previous' (= old ReplaceBlackFrames) work. Using 'interpolateSVP' I end with the output not having interpolated frames.
No clue where I broke it.

I uploaded my test file and my test script to my GoogleDrive.

Cu Selur
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Old 31st May 2023, 00:01   #9  |  Link
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In constructor method, __init__(), add
and two else blocks are in a wrong block, notice in my example:
        for start in reversed(range(n+1)):
            if self.is_not_black(start):
            #there are all black frames preceding n, return current n frame
            return self.clip[n]
        for end in range(n, len(self.clip)):
            if self.is_not_black(end):
            #there are all black frames to the end, return current n frame
            return self.clip[n]
if for in loop is exhausted, going thru whole range and it is not breaking, would fire else statement. So that else belongs under for in loop, not below that if block statement.

Also for that simple previous good frame instead of black, you selected version that works the same only in linear fashion, I guess that second should be used.

Last edited by _Al_; 31st May 2023 at 01:00.
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Old 31st May 2023, 01:03   #10  |  Link
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I rather post your integrated solution, the whole thing, as it should be I guess, so there is no confusion:
import vapoursynth as vs
from vapoursynth import core

call using:

from ReplaceBlackFrames import ReplaceBlackFrames
rbf = ReplaceBlackFrames(clip, debug=True, thresh=0.1, method='previous')
clip = rbf.out

debug: whether to display the average luma
 'previous': replace black frames with the last non-black frame
 'interpolateSVP': replace black frames whit interpolatied frames using SVP (GPU)
 'interpolateSVPCPU': replace black frames whit interpolatied frames using SVP (CPU)


class ReplaceBlackFrames:
  # constructor
  def __init__(self, clip: vs.VideoNode, thresh: float=0.1, debug: bool=False, method: str='previous'):
      self.clip = core.std.PlaneStats(clip)
      self.thresh = thresh
      self.debug = debug
      self.method = method
      self.smooth = None

  def previous(self, n, f):
    out = self.get_current_or_previous(n)
    if self.debug:
      return out.text.Text(text="Org, avg: "+str(f.props['PlaneStatsAverage']),alignment=8)            
    return out
  def interpolate(self, n, f):
    out = self.get_current_or_interpolate(n)
    if self.debug:
      return out.text.Text(text="avg: "+str(f.props['PlaneStatsAverage']),alignment=8)            
    return out

  def get_current_or_previous(self, n):
    for i in reversed(range(n+1)):
      if self.is_not_black(i):
        return self.clip[i]
      #all previous are black, return current n frame
      return self.clip[n]

  def get_current_or_interpolate(self, n):
    if self.is_not_black(n):
      #current non black selected
      return self.clip[n]

    #black frame, frame is interpolated
    for start in reversed(range(n+1)):
      if self.is_not_black(start):
    else: #there are all black frames preceding n, return current n frame
      return self.clip[n]
    for end in range(n, len(self.clip)):
      if self.is_not_black(end):
      #there are all black frames to the end, return current n frame
      return self.clip[n]

    #does interpolated smooth clip exist for requested n frame? Use n frame from it.
    if self.smooth is not None and start >= self.smooth_start and end <= self.smooth_end:
      return self.smooth[n-start]

    #interpolating two frame clip  into end-start+1 fps
    clip = self.clip[start] + self.clip[end]
    clip = clip.std.AssumeFPS(fpsnum=1, fpsden=1)
    if self.method == 'interpolateSVP':
      super = core.svp1.Super(clip,"{gpu:1}")
      super = core.svp1.Super(clip,"{gpu:0}")
    vectors = core.svp1.Analyse(super["clip"],super["data"],clip,"{}")
    num = end - start + 1
    self.smooth = core.svp2.SmoothFps(clip,super["clip"],super["data"],vectors["clip"],vectors["data"],f"{{rate:{{num:{num},den:1,abs:true}}}}")
    self.smooth_start = start
    self.smooth_end   = end
    return self.smooth[n-start]

  def is_not_black(self, n):
    return self.clip.get_frame(n).props['PlaneStatsAverage'] > self.thresh
  def out(self):
    if self.method == 'previous':
      return core.std.FrameEval(self.clip, self.previous, prop_src=self.clip)
      return core.std.FrameEval(self.clip, self.interpolate, prop_src=self.clip)

Last edited by _Al_; 31st May 2023 at 02:08.
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Old 31st May 2023, 15:24   #11  |  Link
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Nice! Thanks a lot. This confused about how Python uses indention.
... Ahhh I got it, the 'else: ' part are executed if the for loop ends normally (not stopped by break)

Cu Selur

Ps.: but it on GitHub and added interpolation through RIFE to it.
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Last edited by Selur; 31st May 2023 at 19:00.
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Old 2nd June 2023, 00:29   #12  |  Link
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more smooth results are using:
num = end - start
if using num = end - start + 1 there seams to be a slight jump in position. Not sure about RIFE, just using SVP.
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Old 2nd June 2023, 04:43   #13  |  Link
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I'll test it.
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Old 2nd June 2023, 17:24   #14  |  Link
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Works with RIFE fine too.

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