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Old 19th December 2010, 02:42   #1  |  Link
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VirtualDub unable to open avisyth scripts

OK, I am getting really frustrated. I have been using VirtualDub/VirtualDubMod and avisynth for years, and processed hundreds of videos but today, I am stuck. I suspect the problem comes from my recent installation of MediaMonkey, PS3MediaServer and the CCC codec pack.

I was before using the K-lite codec pack. I have spent a lot of time searching the web, Doom9, the VirtualDub forum, VideoHelp. No solution so far.

I have un-installed and re-installed (several times) avisynth 2.5.85, VirtualDub 1.9.10, VirtualDubMod, the K-lite codec pack, ran CCleaner, rebooted.

I am at the same point: I can't open even a very simple avisynth script with VirtualDub, such as:

(What I am really trying to do is run
but I am trying to do something basic at this point.)

When I try to open it with VirtualDub, the VirtualDub window opens for a fraction of a second, and closes. With VirtualDubMod, I get the error:
AVI Import Filter error: (Unknown) 80040154
On the other hand:
  • Media Player Classic can run the script, as well as Windows Media Player and apparently other applications (I ran HcGui), which tells me that avisynth seems to work normally.
  • At the same time, VirtualDub or VirtualDubMod can open and play the video directly.
So it looks like the only type of file VirtualDub doesn't like is the avs script, and the only application that doesn't run the avs script is VirtualDub.

The problem is that I installed, configured these applications with all the plugins I needed 3-4 years ago, and I am not able to go through the same exact process any more.

I tried to run VirtualDub with minimum plugins, no success.

I would REALLY appreciate any help. I love VirtualDub, and I think I need it to edit my avisynth scripts prior to encoding.

Thank you.

Last edited by JeanMarc; 19th December 2010 at 19:20. Reason: Corrected avisynth version.
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Old 19th December 2010, 11:01   #2  |  Link
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Some suggestions...
Dont install codec packs
Wipe out your Avisynth\Plugin folder (Save to another location for future reference)
Install Avisynth 2.58 (Where did you get 2.59?)
Make sure there is a YV12 Decoder installed on your system.
May I suggest Helix/Xvid/Divx or any other..
Reset VirtualDub to default settings.
Try to open just the version.avs from the Avisynth\Examples directory in VirtualDub.
Your vfw variables are somewhat burked.
I dont know if the Codec Tweak Tool (standalone version) from the K-Lite web site give some insight.
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Old 19th December 2010, 19:51   #3  |  Link
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Thanks for the suggestions. I will try that. (you are right, it was 2.5.8). I am focusing on codecs because I know I changed them when I installed the CCC pack as recommended by PS3 Media Server. That was probably a mistake.
However, I don't understand how the codecs get into the picture when VirtualDub is unable to open an Avisynth script that just contains one command: version(). That seems to be unrelated to any video content, just to the Avisynth application.
At the same time, VirtualDub seems to work normally with avi files, or mpg files for VirtualDubMod.
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Old 19th December 2010, 22:16   #4  |  Link
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VirtualDub unable to open avisynth scripts - RESOLVED!

Thanks to all for the feedback. I think I resolved the issue.
Following Sambat advice on Videohelp.com, I re-did what I tried to do before: remove all the avisynth plugins and add them back progressively. Except this time, I used this very simple avs script: just the command version(), to eliminate other potential sources of error.
Bingo, VDub started working with the script!
I found out I had an extra copy of avisynth.dll in the plugin folder. Removing it resolved the problem .
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avisynth script, incompatibility, virtualdub

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