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Old 5th February 2024, 14:11   #1  |  Link
Mt. Fuji Encoding Alumni
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Join Date: Nov 2016
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Posts: 13
Jaded Encoding Thaumaturgy - Vapoursynth functions and plugins

Jaded Encoding Thaumaturgy
A modern collection of plugins and packages

Source code | Support

Jaded Encoding Thaumaturgy is a Github organization centered around optimizing, bug-fixing, and extending the most useful Vapoursynth/Avisynth
filtering plugins and functions, as well as introducing more tooling for package developers and users to help with writing scripts and developing new filters.

We offer roughly 25 different Python packages, each focused on specific types of filtering, and all interconnected to provide users many different tools
to help them filter video sources. We also include updated plugins with new, previously-sorely missing features, such as our updated descale plugin.

We also offer the most feature-rich Vapoursynth script previewer currently available in vs-preview.
This previewer does not come with its own IDE, and is instead meant to be paired with a code editor of your choice, such as PyCharm,
Visual Studio Code, Vim, Notepad++, etc. Anything that can launch external programs can support vs-preview!

This also comes with all the benefits that come with using a dedicated code editor, such as auto-complete (using vsgenstubs to generate stubs),
type hinting, linting, useful error messages and logging, and the ability to read docstrings without having to navigate to an external webpage.

vs-preview also contains its own plugin system, allowing users to add new features or extend existing ones!
This includes DCT graphs, modern helpers for determining native (fractional!) resolutions, etc.

For more information, please refer to the vs-preview README.

How to install

Python packages

The easiest way to install our core Python packages is through vs-jet.

You can install vs-jet with the following terminal command:

pip install vsjet
Once installed, you can also upgrade all packages to Git latest by running the following command;

python -m vsjet latest

Certain plugins may be installable via vsrepo.

For example, to install our descale plugin, run the following terminal command:

vsrepo install descale
Currently Available Downloads

For usage examples and documentation, please refer to the individual function docstrings and/or repository READMEs.

Main packages

Additional utility packages

Filter plugins


Contributing and user feedback

If you'd like to contribute, please open an issue or create a pull request in the relevant repository!
If you run into any errors, please post a stack trace in the replies or join our support server!
Suggestions are also welcome.

Last edited by LightArrowsEXE; 6th February 2024 at 09:22.
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Old 10th February 2024, 16:29   #2  |  Link
Fighting spam with a fish
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I'm amazed that this hasn't been posted here before!

I've been using many of these packages, especially vsdenoise for some time now, particularly for its convenient wrapper functions around BM3D and MVTools, while also contributing the implementation of TemporalDegrain2 (which Setsu rewrote a bit).

Thank you so much for this contribution of the VS community. It's been a great resource.
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filtering, maintained, package, vapoursynth

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