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Old 1st May 2020, 15:20   #1  |  Link
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Using for loop with imagewriter

Is there any chance to use a for loop and inside this loop to have executed a series of imagewriters? One at each step of the loop, in order to write some frames of a clip? I have already tried:

for (i=0,3,1)
imagewriter (clip,"path",start=i,end=i,type="jpg")

But it seems that ONLY for the last value of i, the imagewriter is executed. How could I tell the imagewriter to be executed for my specific number of steps, not only for the last one? Thank you for any advice!
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Old 1st May 2020, 20:26   #2  |  Link
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The reason this doesn't work is that ImageWriter() only produces output when frames are requested from the filter, and for this to happen the filter must be in the filter graph contributing to the final result of the script.
In your script, only the last loop iteration is used in the result of the script so it's the only one that actually does any writing.

But if I understand what you are trying to do, you don't need a loop here.
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Old 1st May 2020, 21:02   #3  |  Link
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Damn that Gavino, stays aways for years at a time and then jumps in to spoil my fun.

Anyway, pretending that above did not happen.

script 1 [EDIT: play file at least past last write frame]

ImageWriter(clip, string "file", int "start", int "end", string "type", bool "info")


Colorbars().Trim(0,-200)        # 200 frames

TYPE = "jpeg"
ImageWriter(File=FILE,Start=START,end=END,type=TYPE,info=INFO)      # Output MyFile_000100.jpeg -> MyFile_000103.jpeg
Return last
script 2 [EDIT: play complete 4 frame clip]
Colorbars().Trim(0,-200)        # 200 frames

Trim(100,-4)                    # 4 frames, 100 -> 103


START=0                         # All frames (ie 0 -> 3)
TYPE = "jpeg"

ImageWriter(File=FILE,Start=START,end=END,type=TYPE,info=INFO)      # Output MyFile_000000.jpeg -> MyFile_000003.jpeg
Return last
script 3 [EDIT: play at least 1 frame]
Colorbars().Trim(0,-200)        # 200 frames

TYPE = "jpeg"

Trim(100,-4)                    # 100 -> 103

For(i=0,3) {
    current_frame=i                                                 # kludge to make Imagewriter work (pretend in runtime environment)
    k=ImageWriter(File=FILE,Start=i,end=i,type=TYPE,info=INFO)      # Output MyFile_000000.jpeg -> MyFile_000003.jpeg
    k.ConvertToY8.Averageluma                                       # Kludge to force write files (ImageWriter only writes frame when frame is requested from the ImageWriter result clip)

Return MessageClip("All Done")
ImageWriter is not the easiest filter to abuse. [scripts 2 and 3 to write frame filenames relative to 0 rather than 100]
EDIT: Output filenames are 'Tied' to the frame numbers being output [thats why we had to use Trim for filenames relative 0].
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 1st May 2020 at 21:25.
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Old 1st May 2020, 21:23   #4  |  Link
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Originally Posted by StainlessS View Post
Damn that Gavino, stays aways for years at a time and then jumps in to spoil my fun.

What took you so long? LOL

Good to see you've found another use for my 'current_frame' trick too.
GScript and GRunT - complex Avisynth scripting made easier
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Old 1st May 2020, 21:28   #5  |  Link
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What took you so long
Well, I thought I had plenty of time, did not anticipate the interloper.

Good to see...
I like to keep that quiet.

Dont be so much a stranger Big G, nice to see you

EDIT: Maybe a bit more flexible [writing filenames relative 0].
Colorbars().Trim(0,-200)        # 200 frames
TYPE = "jpeg"
END=103                        # EDIT: Cannot use 0 here to mean last frame, must use actual end frame number

Trim(START,-COUNT)             # COUNT frames 0->3, , original numbers 100 -> 103

For(i=0,COUNT-1) {
    current_frame=i                                                 # kludge to make Imagewriter work (pretend in runtime environment)
    k=ImageWriter(File=FILE,Start=i,end=i,type=TYPE,info=INFO)      # Output MyFile_000000.jpeg -> MyFile_000003.jpeg
    k.ConvertToY8.Averageluma                                       # Kludge to force write files (ImageWriter only writes frame when frame is requested from the ImageWriter result clip)
    # OR MAYBE a bit quicker
    # k.crop(0,0,4,4).ConvertToY8.Averageluma

Return MessageClip("All Done, "+String(COUNT)+" Frames Written")
Oops, fixed filename comment.
EDIT: The AverageLuma forces a frame fetch of the result current_frame frame of ImageWriter, AverageLuma requires Luma so convertToY8 just to allow Averageluma to work for eg RGB.
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 1st May 2020 at 22:49.
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Old 6th May 2020, 20:12   #6  |  Link
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Dear Gavino and StainlessS, thank you very much for all your time and help! Your answers helped me a lot to better understand how to work with ImageWriter from AviSynth! So thank you again!
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clip, for-loop, image, imagewriter, jpg image decoding

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