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Old 2nd February 2010, 08:47   #1401  |  Link
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First things first: Having to set up a mingw build environment sucks. Big time. I've done it a couple of times and each and every time I spend hours until everything's working fine.

Originally Posted by whatever-ever View Post
Ok here goes...

I've tried for 5 days to compile mkvtoolnix (or any part thereof) for windows. I compiled it with no hassle on my ubuntu pc, but for some reason i'm having a lot of trouble compiling with either mingw or cygwin.
Use mingw, forget about cygwin. I don't use mingw on Windows myself, I use a mingw cross compilation environment on Ubuntu.

All libraries have been compiled under mingw (./configure --prefix=/mingw), except boost, which i'm not sure i've "installed" properly. took a bit of copying and pasting files from here and there to /lib before i could finally get mingw to recognize that i have boost. but it get erros like this (currently only this one):
I usually have to use explicit arguments for configure so that it will find the Boost libraries. Here's my current script for configuring mkvtoolnix:


test -z $WX && WX=$(cat ~/prog/video/mingw/default_wxwidgets_version)
test -d $W || {
echo "$W" does not exist
exit 1

if pwd | grep -q -E 'nogui$' ; then

./configure \
--host=i586-mingw32msvc \
--cache-file=config.cache \
--with-extra-includes=$TFT/libebml\;$TFT/libmatroska\;$M/include \
--with-extra-libs=$TFT/libebml/make/mingw32\;$TFT/libmatroska/make/mingw32\;$M/lib \
--with-boost=$HOME/prog/video/mingw/boost \
As you can see my base path to all mingw stuff (except the compiler itself) is ~/prog/video/mingw

Sorry if this is an obvious question, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to fix this.
It isn't, but I cannot help you either; debugging Boost linking problems is one of the areas that suck so much. It might be a couple of reasons:

1. It is missing other libraries that your Boost build requires but that configure does not tell the link check to use.
2. You Boost build has been done with a different/incompatible mingw version and the link check fails due to unknown symbols.
3. The configure script itself cannot find a suitable file (!) to hand over to the link check. Configure itself tries to find the proper name for the Boost libraries because Boost's library names consist of various parts like architecture, multi threading on/off, version etc.

The configure checks I use have only been tested on bash/sh/zsh like shells on Linux. I haven't tested them on Windows with msys or cygwin's bash.

PS: "have you tried building boost?", yes, however not with any luck. i tried so by running bootstrap.sh etc., but it doesn't go so well, http://pastebin.com/f761baf28 (forever paste).
I wouldn't suggest building Boost on mingw yourself Mostly because I haven't had much luck with it myself, at least not with my cross compilation environment.

A couple of months ago another user asked for support on building Windows builds. Back then I uploaded my ~/prog/video/mingw tree along with my self-built mingw cross compiler. Those packages won't work anymore (mingw 3.4 cross compiler didn't support Unicode, newer mkvtoolnix versions require Unicode support), but I can create a new tree and upload it along with slightly patched mingw .deb packages for Ubuntu 9.10 64bit if that would help you. It would probably not help you getting mkvtoolnix to compile on Windows with mingw, I guess, but it is a working cross compilation environment.
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Old 2nd February 2010, 18:56   #1402  |  Link
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Hi Mosu,
thanks a lot for the thorough answer.
I was not aware of cross compilation (besides having bumbed into it a couple of times). I'll try that out, thanks!

and thanks for the script, will help me configure it properly.
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Old 2nd February 2010, 19:10   #1403  |  Link
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If you do try to cross compile then you should be aware of a bug in the mingw runtime package for Ubuntu. I have a diff that fixes this bug available at http://www.bunkus.org/videotools/mkv...-snprintf.diff

Applying and compiling the package works something like this (from memory and vague, adjust file names/paths as necessary):

cd /usr/src
apt-get source mingw32-runtime
apt-get build-dep mingw32-runtime
cd mingw32-runtime-VERSION
patch -p1 < ~/mingw32-runtime-snprintf.diff
dpkg-buildpackage -b
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Old 2nd February 2010, 19:18   #1404  |  Link
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BTW: The tarball of my mingw cross compilation directory is up and available at http://www.bunkus.org/videotools/mkv...mingw.tar.lzma

The file http://www.bunkus.org/videotools/mkv...in32-build.txt mentions a couple of things to keep in mind (it's an IRC log excerpt and not up to date but still relevant).
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Old 2nd February 2010, 20:40   #1405  |  Link
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Oh thanks. seems i just need to point it to some valid libiconv, other than that things seems to be in order
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Old 2nd February 2010, 21:10   #1406  |  Link
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Hmm, as soon as i switch to cross-compilation libiconv won't be found. (and yes there is libiconv in your tree, and i also tried building it myself). have i put it in a wrong place? i installed into /home/../prog/video/mingw/

I got mkvtoolnix 3.10 compiled now. All credit goes to you, Mosu, as all it took was to use your tree and your zsh. The reason I failed before with iconv was that my own EXPORT commands apparently did not work the way i expected them to. Relying on your zsh it worked.

One little heads up to what you said earlier about a mingwruntime bug... I was not able to apply the patch as the file didn't exist. But before I started googling to see where I could get a source with the needed file, I got it to compile. So what I'm saying is, I did not need that patch in order to build mkvtoolnix 3.10.

Thanks again for your patience and helpful effort!

Last edited by whatever-ever; 4th February 2010 at 09:30. Reason: solved it.
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Old 2nd February 2010, 22:05   #1407  |  Link
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I don't really have an idea, sorry.
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Old 6th February 2010, 07:19   #1408  |  Link
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Any chance you guys could add the following "Add command-line options" to the next build of MKVToolnix?


I have no real problem with adding them manually each time, but it'd handy to have them available in the drop down list! I've been using --segmentinfo quite a lot recently and find its amazingly useful.

Cheers for all the work on the app anyway
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Old 6th February 2010, 14:09   #1409  |  Link
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Originally Posted by mikeyakame View Post
Any chance you guys could add the following "Add command-line options" to the next build of MKVToolnix?

mmg 3.1.0 already contains support for --segment-uid: "global" tab, option "segment UIDs".

The following build adds an option for the segment info XML file, also on the "global" tab: http://www.bunkus.org/videotools/mkv...-214-setup.exe (still uploading)
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Old 6th February 2010, 18:52   #1410  |  Link
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I'm trying to figure how file linking works with mkv and I am quite puzzled. Here's what I'm trying to do:

5.1 AC3 audio / 1 file
h.264 video / 2 files with different resolution and DAR (somehow it changed in the middle of the DVD)

So, I need the 2 videos linked together, but since the audio is muxed with the first video segment, I can't link them as "play this file, then this one" since I lose audio this way. How would I use advanced editing to achieve what I want?

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Old 6th February 2010, 19:17   #1411  |  Link
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Please create a new thread for this. This is more a general Matroska & playback question, not really a mkvtoolnix question.
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Old 8th February 2010, 07:34   #1412  |  Link
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Muxing error

I tried to rip a bluray and save it as mkv.
x264 gives a me .mp4 with about 4.5 GB. When muxing it with mkvtoolnix it says "everything ok" but the resulting mkv is just 17 KB in size.
What could be the error?

I want to add that I can watch the video without problems in mpchc.
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Old 8th February 2010, 08:46   #1413  |  Link
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I don't know.
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Old 8th February 2010, 16:19   #1414  |  Link
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I'm not sure, but I believe mp4 normally not supports such huge files. Even if it is possible to create them, maybe they need some special treatment on demuxer side... Try to do all the same steps but cut some of the movie to get small but similar file and check if it works.
EDIT: anyway if you want mkv, why you not using mkv or raw output in x264?

Last edited by Keiyakusha; 8th February 2010 at 16:23.
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Old 11th February 2010, 09:19   #1415  |  Link
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MP4 files can have arbitrary sizes with 64bit atoms. mkvmerge supports such files & atoms.
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Old 11th February 2010, 14:08   #1416  |  Link
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Originally Posted by RadioactiveMan View Post
I tried to rip a bluray and save it as mkv.
x264 gives a me .mp4 with about 4.5 GB. When muxing it with mkvtoolnix it says "everything ok" but the resulting mkv is just 17 KB in size.
What could be the error?
I'd like to get to the bottom of this. Can you please tell me how you created that file (which programs in which version)? I'll try to create such a problematic file myself.

Alternatively you can upload the file to my FTP server if you have the bandwidth to spare even though it is quite huge
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Old 11th February 2010, 19:00   #1417  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Mosu View Post
I'd like to get to the bottom of this. Can you please tell me how you created that file (which programs in which version)? I'll try to create such a problematic file myself.
I have just used x264 r1416 32bit from x264.nl. Input was an avs. I fear I can't give you more information than you can see in the screenshot. It might be of interest that DsMux from haalis Splitter was able to mux it but was terrible slow (i.e. it took 30 minutes from a hdd to an sdd). Additionally the resulting file was completely out of sync. So it looks like something must have been wrong with the file.

Originally Posted by Mosu View Post
Alternatively you can upload the file to my FTP server if you have the bandwidth to spare even though it is quite huge
Unfortunately I have already reencoded it directly into an mkv container and deleted all temporary files.
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Old 11th February 2010, 19:16   #1418  |  Link
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I tried to reproduce it with x264 but didn't succeed. Do you still have the AVS file? If not then I guess it'll remain a mystery.
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Old 11th February 2010, 19:21   #1419  |  Link
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I was thinking, that his snapshot of the directory showed that he hadn't refreshed the view. Windows will sometimes show a small file size as it is being created, and then updates to the size are half-hazzard. Perhaps the file is in his recycle bin?
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Old 11th February 2010, 19:24   #1420  |  Link
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Nah. mmg also shows that muxing only took three seconds. And muxing a 4 GB file in three seconds is... unrealistic
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