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Old 5th September 2009, 11:16   #1  |  Link
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Command line tool to convert .vob to .mpg?


I'm busy ripping some home video's, because I need certain scenes for a compilation movie for my dad.

So, I used DVD Decrypter to produce .vob files for every chapter I need. Now, I want to convert them to mpg, so I can make a whole movie (of course I want to combine them into one movie, but that comes later). Because I have a number of chapters, I was looking for a command line solution to convert all chapters to mpg.

So, I tried ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -i input.vob -vcodec copy -acodec copy output.mpg
However, the length of the movie gets changed (from 5:16 to 6:09). This happens with the current build of ffmpeg and some older build (I think March or April 2009). I tried options like -sameq, -async 1, but the movie stayed 6:09 instead of the original 5:16. (The audio was out of sync and the video was not playing smooth)

So, inside DVD Decrypter I choose to demux the elementary streams. Now, ffmpeg was able to mux them correctly. However, the audio delay is not set and I have to add those manually (the correct delay is hidden in a text file). So, that's not an option. (Or ffmpeg should parse those text files?)

So my question: how can I convert vobs to mpgs on the command line without need to manually adjust every single file? I do not know of another (free) tool that can handle command line input.

Thanks for your help!
My website: www.ernstblaauw.nl
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Old 5th September 2009, 13:30   #2  |  Link
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Why do you need to convert VOB to MPG? Apps that can open MPG should open the VOB directly. And if they don't, you can try renaming the extension .vob to .mpg.
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Old 5th September 2009, 22:35   #3  |  Link
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1) If, as you've stated, the .VOBs have been created from home videos, they'll each contain only one video and one audiostream and, therefore, (as previously suggested by moderator "neuron2") you only have to change their extensions from "VOB" to "MPG".

2) What are the video and audio formats of your ORIGINAL source videos? Providing this information may make it easier to provide you with alternative solutions
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Old 6th September 2009, 07:41   #4  |  Link
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If you are not successful with simple renaming you may want to try vob2mpg. The free version should do I guess.

Edit: Sorry, I just noticed that you are looking for a command line tool. Don't know if vob2mpg helps then, but it may come close to what you need.

Last edited by Sharc; 6th September 2009 at 08:07.
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Old 6th September 2009, 13:40   #5  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Sharc View Post
Sorry, I just noticed that you are looking for a command line tool. Don't know if vob2mpg helps then, but it may come close to what you need.
The free version does not support command line parameters, but the Pro version does.

Command Line Support (PRO)

VOB2MPG /v=IfoPath /o=MpgPath /MainTitle | /t=TitleNum [/c=chxx,chxx...] [/sc]
/v=IfoPath (required) Path to VIDEO_TS.IFO file of the source DVD. Enclose in quotes if path contains spaces
/o=MpgPath (required) Path to output mpeg file. Enclose in quotes if path contains spaces
/MainTitle (required or /t) Let VOB2MPG work out the title of the main movie based on duration
/t=TitleNum (required or /MainTitle) Title to extract from if /MainTitle is not used
/c=chxx,chxx... Comma delimited list of chapters to extract from title
/sc Split chapters. Output a mpeg file per chapter


VOB2MPG /v="C:\My DVDs\VIDEO_TS.IFO" /o="C:\VOB2MPG Output\The fog.mpg" /MainTitle /c=1,2,3,7 /sc
(extract chapters 1, 2 ,3 & 7 from the main movie into seperate mpegs)

VOB2MPG /v="C:\My DVDs\VIDEO_TS.IFO" /o="C:\VOB2MPG Output\The fog.mpg" /MainTitle
(extract the main movie only)

VOB2MPG /v="C:\My DVDs\VIDEO_TS.IFO" /o="C:\VOB2MPG Output\The fog.mpg" /t=5 /c=10
(extract Title 5, chapter 10 only)

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Old 6th September 2009, 14:49   #6  |  Link
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Originally Posted by setarip_old View Post


1) If, as you've stated, the .VOBs have been created from home videos, they'll each contain only one video and one audiostream and, therefore, (as previously suggested by moderator "neuron2") you only have to change their extensions from "VOB" to "MPG".

2) What are the video and audio formats of your ORIGINAL source videos? Providing this information may make it easier to provide you with alternative solutions
1. I thought VOB's where some kind of containerless files, whereas MPG adds some extra info. I didn't knew I could just rename them, thanks! (Those video's indeed only contain one video and one audio track.)

2. I don;t know the formats, as those home video's where not shot by me, but I guess it is just some kind of DV source.

Thanks for all your help!
My website: www.ernstblaauw.nl
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Old 6th September 2009, 18:51   #7  |  Link
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DVDDecrypter also gives the option of ripping it in a single VOB (File Split: NONE) ... sounds better for you I think
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Old 6th September 2009, 22:03   #8  |  Link
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Originally Posted by ernstblaauw View Post
1. I thought VOB's where some kind of containerless files, whereas MPG adds some extra info. I didn't knew I could just rename them, thanks! (Those video's indeed only contain one video and one audio track.)
From the Wikipedia page on VOB (emphasis mine):
"VOB is based on MPEG-2 Program stream format, but with additional limitations and specifications in the private streams.[3] [4] The MPEG-2 Program stream has provisions for non-standard data (as used in VOB files) in the form of so-called private streams. VOB files are a very strict subset of the MPEG-2 Program stream standard. While all VOB files are MPEG-2 Program streams, not all MPEG-2 Program streams comply with the definition for a VOB file.[3]"
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