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Old 31st August 2019, 21:57   #1  |  Link
Banana User
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Join Date: Sep 2008
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InpaintDelogo - advanced logo removal & hardcoded subtitles extraction

#                                                                                                  #
#             ____                  _       __  ____       __                                      #
#            /  _/___  ____  ____ _(_)___  / /_/ __ \___  / /___  ____  ____                       #
#            / // __ \/ __ \/ __ `/ / __ \/ __/ / / / _ \/ / __ \/ __ `/ __ \                      #
#          _/ // / / / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / /_/ /_/ /  __/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /                      #
#         /___/_/ /_/ .___/\__,_/_/_/ /_/\__/_____/\___/_/\____/\__, /\____/                       #
#                  /_/                                         /____/                              #
#                                                                                                  #

#  InpaintDelogo is an advanced logo and watermark removal function using inpainting and deblending
# with an adjustable fine process to hide artifacts and get best delogo results.
# Can remove opaque, transparent, semi-transparent and some dynamic logos from video.
# Can be used to remove hardcoded subtitles or extract them to images for OCR.

#  Inpainting refers to the application of sophisticated algorithms to reconstruct of lost
# or deteriorated parts of images or videos. 

Someone asked for my delogo script, so here it is: InpaintDelogo() is user friendly script for AvsInpaint plugin (plugin created by Wolfgang Boiger).
Why another script for AvsInpaint!? Because other scripts - rm_logo & InpaintFunc are both semi-broken, slow inpainting, with subpar to unusable results.

AvsInpaint is a great plugin, questionably the best tool atm to remove logos. With InpaintDelogo you can expect better delogo results than from any other tool.
InpaintDelogo can save your time by generating a logo mask automatically, get Color/Alpha masks for deblending in a second, 3x times faster inpainting than with previous user friendly scripts.

Issues with previous scripts for AvsInpaint:
InpaintFunc Deblend: Results from poor to unusable. As in practice you can't get good masks by analyzing random frames. 
InpaintFunc Both:    Broken. Results same as Inpaint, simply there is no code to do it.
InpaintFunc Inpaint: Works. No controls. Very slow.
InpaintFunc PP:      Subpar. Broken code creates edges and PP=3 can't solve it.

rm_logo Deblend:     Results from poor to unusable. Same as InpaintFunc.
rm_logo Both:        Broken. Does both but can't do PP as there is no masks to do it.
rm_logo Inpaint:     Works. Very slow.
rm_logo PP:          Works (not for both).
Benchmarks (in brackets - fps with all new features On. rm_logo is modded for speed or it wouldn't be able to run test at all, both rm_logo & InpaintFunc runs at ~same speed. ):
                 InpaintDelogo v1.11      rm_logo v0.6_mod/InpaintFunc v1.15
180x180(pre cut):
Deblend             702 fps (153 fps)         587 Fps
Inpaint              33 fps                    10 fps
Both                 47 fps                    10 fps

Deblend             121 fps (60 fps)          121 Fps
Inpaint              12 fps                     4 fps

Basic short guide( things you need before doing delogo ):
0) Read help/manual (at the top of the script) about parameters mentioned below.
1) Run this function to get "Loc" values: InpaintLoc(Loc="100,100,-100,-100"). Adjust "Loc" crop parameters around logo (aka "Left,Top,-Right,-Bottom"). Use even(mod2) numbers.
2) Prepare the "mask" manually, or start InpaintDelogo with "Automask=1" and "Analyze=2", automask result can be adjusted with"aMix".

Some basic delogo parameters for non-transparent logo:
InpaintDelogo( mask="D:\mask.bmp", Automask=0, aMix=0, Loc="100,100,-100,-100", Mode="Inpaint")

Version history:
# Version 3.7  : 2023/08/11.  Fixed: Broken "YColorSolidIns" arg [code typo].
#                             Fixed: Bug with "isHD" variable.
#                             Added 'Mask' path check before running 'Automask'.
#                             New params: "UVAlphaFromY", "SubPrefix", "SubPostfix".
#                             Removed "colors_rgb.avsi" dependancy.
#                             Changed "mShow" to red instead of black.
# Version 3.6  : 2023/01/12.  New conditional: Auto max "Interp" for frames where logo is in ~solid background.
#                             "Optimize" is split to "Optimize1" & "Optimize2".
#                             Burnin version number into ebmp ["Ver-", positive analyze only].
# Version 3.5  : 2022/12/27.  Fixed: Dynamic mask inpainting was broken since v3.4.
# Version 3.4  : 2022/11/24.  New feature: "Greyscale" parameter, affects positive "Analyze", "Deblend", "Inpaint"...
#                                          Up to ~60% speed-up when enabled.
#                                          Prevents chroma changes on the greyscale videos by deblend [side effect of "3.1" fix].
#                             FFT3DFilter replaced by Neo_FFT3D, up to ~20% speed-up.
# Version 3.3  : 2022/11/13.  Corrected a code 'typo' in SubsMask2Img(), introduced in v2.10.
# Version 3.2  : 2022/10/22.  New feature: Conditional optimizations with "Optimize", enabled by default.
#                                          Up to ~1000% speed-up for slow "Inpaint" & "Interp" presets.
#                                          Additional auto "Interp" disabling.
#                             New feature: Negative "dPP"/"oPP", adds denoise, enabled by default [20%-50% slow down].
#                             Very slow inpainting preset: Turbo=-2.
#                             Quick masks dump with clean "outs": DumpMasks=2.
#                             Various other tweaks.
#                             FFT3DFilter plugin is required.
# Version 3.1  : 2022/10/11.  Fixed: "Deblend" with positive "Analyze" was unreliable on the colored logos.
# Version 3.00 : 2022/10/07.  Fixed: A frame selection scan result wasn't saved properly when "Automask=1" and "Inpaint" mode,
#                                    now the deblending masks generation is up to twice faster in this scenario.
#                             New feature: Easy use of the ebmp masks on other videos, you can input them directly with "Mask" parameter.
#                                          Ebmp format is changed, the masks from older versions are not compatible.
#                             New feature: Twice faster subtitles extraction with auto intermediate file.
#                                          It's activated by negative "Extract" values.
#                                          Requirements: LSMASH, TWriteAVI, x264vfw.
#                                          New params: "ReExtract", "FourCC".
#                             New feature: Adjustable subs detection window, useful if video has non-middle subs alignment.
#                                          New params: "DetWinPercW", "DetWinPercH", "DetWinHoPos".
#                                          With "Show=12" you can see the subs detection window and correlation coefficient [CorrTh/Corr].
#                             New: "Turbo=-1", it activates an inpainting preset more suitable for UHD - HD resolutions.
#                             New: "IntSpd=4", similar as above.
#                             Basemask change: Background should be less than full white, logo - full white.
#                             Swapped "Turbo" 1 & 3.
#                             Removed "rSize" parameter.
#                             Reworked "Show=2", alternative to "Show=1" for positive Analyze.
#                             New feature: Various parameters to manipulate the deblending masks from positive analyze [for the experts only]:
#                                          "YAlphaTweak", "UAlphaTweak", "VAlphaTweak",
#                                          "YAlphaSolidIns", "UAlphaSolidIns", "VAlphaSolidIns",
#                                          "YAlphaSolidOuts", "UAlphaSolidOuts", "VAlphaSolidOuts",
#                                          "YColorSolid", "UColorSolid", "VColorSolid",
#                                          "YColorSolidOuts", "UColorSolidOuts", "VColorSolidOuts",
#                                          "YColorSolidIns", "UColorSolidIns", "VColorSolidIns",
#                                          "YOffsetIns", "YOffsetOuts", "UVOffsetIns", "UVOffsetOuts", "ShiftMasksVe", "ShiftMasksHo",
#                                          "YAlphaExternal", "WholeDeblend", "TriggerDynamic", "DumpMasks".
#                             Various other tweaks.
#                             Avisynth+ v3.7.2 or later is required.
# Version 2.17 : 2022/06/13.  Option for ranged luma mask with DynMask6.
# Version 2.16 : 2022/06/12.  Higher quality and faster "DynColor" mask when used with "DynLocUp".
#                             Faster "DynColor" alternative if parameter is string, and it supports multiple colors.
#                             TColorMask plugin is required.
# Version 2.15 : 2022/05/29.  Spaces are allowed in "Loc".
# Version 2.14 : 2022/05/22.  SubsMask2Img: New option to extract raw non-binarized images.
#                             Enabled by "Extract=2" in InpaintDelogo() or "Raw" in SubsMask2Img().
#                             New: "Raw", "RawAvr".
# Version 2.13 : 2022/05/21.  SubsMask2Img: Added average luma check to catch non-sub images.
#                             New: "SubMinLuma", "SubSusLuma".
#                             Renamed: "SubSuspect" to "SubSusDur".
# Version 2.12 : 2022/05/14.  Added generation of the dynamic mask by gradient magnitude map (aka "DynMask=7"/"DynTEdge").
#                             New: "DynTEdge", "DynTEdgeThY", "DynTEdgeInf", "DynTuneInf", Show=10, Show=11.
#                             vsTEdgeMask plugin is required.
# Version 2.11 : 2022/05/13.  Rewrite: "DynColor" ~30%-300% faster. New: "DynMask=6/"DynTune". Removed: "Show=10".
# Version 2.10 : 2022/05/02.  Added auto generation of the dynamic mask by color (aka "DynMask=5"/"DynColor").
#                             New: "DynColor", "DynColorTol", "DynColorInf", "Show=10".
#                             This dynamic mask by color can pre-patch video for other "DynMask" methods.
# Version 2.09 : 2022/04/08.  Positive "DynMaskUp" is supported with "DynMask=3".
#                             Improved "KillNoise".
# Version 2.08 : 2022/04/07.  Improved negative "KillBlobs".
# Version 2.07 : 2022/04/06.  Changed defaults of the sub-parameters for "DynMask=3" (no need to set the bunch of parameters anymore).
# Version 2.06 : 2022/04/06.  Fixed: "Show=3" was broken since v1.36.
# Version 2.05 : 2022/04/04.  Masktools2 v2.2.30 or later is required.
#                             Tweaked: "DynMask=4" and positive "DynMaskUp", should be a bit faster and no more glitches.
#                             New: "DynLocUp" [Experimental WIP parameter for tests].
# Version 2.04 : 2022/02/11.  Improved deblend quality with positive "Analyze" when frames quantity to analyze is low.
#                             Tweaked: A/C masks filename from negative "Analyze" ('Deep' goes to the end of the filename).
#                             Tweaked: "iTune", "EdgeWide".
# Version 2.03 : 2021/12/13.  Tweaked "DynTune".
# Version 2.02 : 2021/12/10.  Fixed: "Analyze=1" bug.
#                             +11% deblend speed-up.
#                             Tweaked "aMix". "Analyze=2" is default. Adaptive "AnalyzeTh" default [16 or 30].
#                             Don't search frames for analyse if 'txt' file is present and ReAnalyze=0.
# Version 2.01 : 2021/12/05.  "Analyze" 3 option.
# Version 2.00 : 2021/12/04.  AviSynth+ v3.7.1 or later & FrameSel plugin is required.
#                             New: Old Deblend delogo is superceded by the new superior one.
#                             New: Smart frames selection for analyze using "AnalyzeTh" & "NoBorderAt" parameters.
#                             New: "Automask" adapted to the new stuff and it doesn't reanalyze when "aMix" is adjusted.
#                             New: "Show" 7/8/9.
#                             Note: Old Deblend is saved as negative "Analyze",
#                                   -3/-4 should be same as old, -1/-2 were augmented by the smart frames selection.
#   Core requirements:
#  AviSynth+ v3.7.2 or later ( ).
#  AvsInpaint v1.3 or later  ( ).

#   Other requirements:
#  MaskTools2    ( ).
#  RgTools       ( ).
#  GRunT         ( ).
#  RequestLinear ( ).
#  ClipBlend     ( ).
#  RT_Stats      ( ).
#  FrameSel      ( ).
#  GrainFactory3 ( ).
#  vsTEdgeMask   ( ).
#  TColorMask    ( ).

#   Requirements for fast subtitles extraction:
#  LSMASH        ( ).
#  TWriteAVI     ( ).
#  x264vfw       ( ).
Notes for AviSynth v2.6 users:
#  Last compatible version is 1.48
#  Requirement: GScript ( ).
#  "InpaintDelogo.avsi" needs to be renamed to "InpaintDelogo.avs",
#  and loaded manually in AviSynth script with: GImport("C:\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\InpaintDelogo.avs"),
#  or use AvsInit for autoloading ( ).
#  Subs extraction is up to 600% slower than with AviSynth+!
Download link:
Latest version v3.7:

Last edited by VoodooFX; 11th August 2023 at 16:58.
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