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Old 11th December 2008, 16:53   #1  |  Link
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Restore an old Video

I have an old DVD which is almost unwatchable (a VHS transfer?) and I am trying using avisynth to restore it and encode it transparently.

A small sample is here

The first problem I noticed is dot crawling. TComb(0) I think it remove it

The second was rainbow artifacts. I did try DeRaibow() but that made almost all color to disappear. I rewrote the ChubbyRain2() to use the mt_* functions

function ChubbyRain2(clip c, int "th", int "radius", bool "show", int "sft")
#based on Mug Funky's ChubbyRain

th = default(th,10)
radius = default(radius,10)
show = default(show,false)
sft = default (sft, 10)

u = c.utoy()
v = c.vtoy()

uc = u.mt_convolution(horizontal="1",vertical="1 -2 1",Y=3,U=0,V=0)
vc = v.mt_convolution(horizontal="1",vertical="1 -2 1",Y=3,U=0,V=0)

cc = c.mt_convolution(horizontal="1",vertical="1 2 1",Y=2,U=3,V=3).bifrost(interlaced=false).cnr2().temporalsoften(radius,0,sft,2,2)

rainbow=mt_lutxy(uc,vc,Yexpr=string("x y + "+string(th)+" > 256 0 ?")).pointresize(c.width,c.height).mt_expand(y=3,u=-128,v=-128)#.blur(1.5)


show==true? rainbow : last

which made a much better job, but still I don't know if it's the one suit for this video.

I still have two problems.
1) Color leaking or Halo ? (I havn't the slightest idea how to describe this)
2) Deinterlacing, i tried

TDeint(slow=2, MtnMode=3, edeint=NNEDI(), emask=TMM())
and Yadif() all did not produced a stable image
McBob did produce a much more stable image (still it's not perfect) but it leaves deinterlacing artifacts (jagged lines in some frames)

so up to now my script is like that

TDeint(slow=2, edeint=NNEDI(), emask=TMM())

any suggestions ?
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