Thread: Avisynth+
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Old 24th November 2013, 17:09   #297  |  Link
AVS+ Dev
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 359
Hooray, we've got a couple of announcements to make. All good ones

A new release
Yes we have a new release and a cool one that brings full 64-bit functionality. But here's the semi-detailed changelog.
- A small number of bugs that were regressions compared to classic AviSynth have been fixed. This includes a bitblt copy error, and a script evaluation error that made it necessary to explicitly give the „last“ clip as input to some rare filters. It was discovered on animate(), but it might not have been the only one. The 64-bit version also had non working versions of Amplify(DB), Normalize, and MixAudio, which should be fixed now.
- tp7 and innocenat have finished porting all built-in filters to compiler intrinsics. This is a truly great accomplishment not only becasue it gives us a fully working 64-bit version, but the previous assembly code (which is now gone) was a large obstacle in reaching linux/osx compatibility too. We are still not cross-platform, but their work has brought us a large step closer. Not to mention it also allowed us to get rid of the SoftWire library, which brought down the binary size by 50% (though you might not see this if you compare it to UPX'd versions). I should probably also underline how much work this has been for them, they updated like 19.000 lines of code!
- As yet another consequence of tp7's and innocenat's work, the speed of many internal filters has greatly increased, in some cases 150% or more.
- There is now a shiny new installer. After qyot27's installer update for AviSynth+, line0 brought it another step further and has rewritten the old AviSynth installer from scratch. Compared to the old installer, you not only get a nicer graphical look, but also comprehensive migration options from classic AviSynth too, as well as unified x86/x64 support. Line0 is also working on high-res icons. This is still work in progress, but you can see preliminary results in the installer's icon.

Last but not least, we give special thanks to a random stranger* (see EDIT) who has pioneered in introducing Pig Latin translations to the software world. His work is unfortunately not yet included due to purely technical reasons, but I'm sure that many will appreciate his contribution when we finally do, especially native speakers of Pig Latin.

Homepage and IRC
Also kind of important news is that AviSynth+ now has a homepage, reachable under It is hosted by GitHub and is a bit minimalistic right now, but for sure a better landing page than GitHub's repository dump. There is also a new #avs-plus channel on Rizon for all IRC lovers, and in addition to this forum, you are welcome to influence development of AviSynth+ there too.

And the googly master plan
… is to involve even more people in AviSynth's future. The past weeks have proven to me that I'm far from alone caring for AviSynth, but there are still quite a number of items on AviSynth+'s wish-list, so there is a little thing I'd like to do: enter AviSynth+ into Google Summer of Code as a mentoring organization. GSoC is a wonderful opportunity, as it would not only help in code development, but would spread the word of AviSynth, and give us even more feedback thanks to the larger exposure. I also think it is a fun and rewarding task for students to work on multimedia processing, not to mention they'd even get compensated by Google this time. So we're counting on you, whether it is ideas or volunteering for being a mentor for the project (yes we're looking for mentors, all are eligible that have previously written code or plugins for AviSynth). Also let us know if you're not wishing to get directly involved, but you've got previous experience with GSoC and got a few tips and pointers for us.

Help us spread the word, and live long and prosper.

EDIT: __ar apparently wasn't involved. So we don't know who to thank.

Last edited by ultim; 24th November 2013 at 20:31.
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