Thread: Yadifmod
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Old 12th August 2014, 19:57   #2  |  Link
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I looked at the documentation and it lists field as an optional argument but no clear default. I'd put "int field=order" just to make it really obvious. Likewise it doesn't say if all or no planes are processed by default.

Only one small code hint:
 d.mode = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(in, "mode", 0, &err));
    if (err)
        d.mode = 0;
Can be changed to:
 d.mode = int64ToIntS(vsapi->propGetInt(in, "mode", 0, &err));
Since propGet* returns 0/NULL on failure.

You could also treat order like a bool so you don't have to check the range of it.

This error message is sometimes wrong:
"Yadifmod: edeint clip must have the same number of frames as main clip"
For some combinations it needs twice the number of frames.

Will you try to extend it so it work with 9-16 bits too? It doesn't look that hard to modify.
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