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Old 6th April 2008, 22:09   #1  |  Link
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PSP's PSN DRM cracked: Can we please report on this?

Remove the DRM from PSP titles purchased from the Playstation Network store:

Ignorant people are already starting to claim that removing the DRM is only for pirates, when they forget that you should be able to backup and loan your property regardless of what any EULA says (not tested in courts + First Use Doctrine often over-rides what is printed in software manuals). I'd like it to be reported so that I can point these dim-witts to a respectable anti-DRM site when they claim something so stupid.

My PSP is falling apart, causing me to avoid buying anything on the PSN. Why? Because I may want/need to upgrade to a PSP-2000 "slim & lite" model and I will lose all my purchased content when the old one gives up its ghost. Even if I buy a new one because its analog nub & D-Pad issues get to be too much to bear (not even considering the faceplace detaching/cracking, missing screws, and discolored LCD), it forces me to keep it around for those games instead of refurbishing it (new backlight, faceplate+screws, D-Pad mod, analog nub: ~$20) or selling it for parts/cheap (it still functions!).

I have always been a TRUE "backup" user. I had backup hardware for my GB/GBC, SNES, N64, etc and I still bought and imported all my games. Often, I used them for additional purposes such as translation patches, homebrew, portability through consolidation, etc. I value my PHYSICAL collection and I resist the move to fully digital downloads without a personal right to a transferrable (thus, tangible) copy/license. This new PSP tool is a God-send. I can go ahead and buy Echochrome, a game that will only be available on disc (UMD) outside of The States, and I can share it with friends (loaning) so that they can buy it through word-of-mouth (it's that kind of indie-game). I could only loan them my entire PSP before, which still violates their EULA.

Was anyone else ticked off when they opened thier physical retail version of Crysis and saw "Do not lend this disc" printed on it? Who are they to tell me what I can do with my property? First Use Doctrine applies in the same way that Blockbuster doesn't truly have Weinsein Company DVDs for rent (competitors just have to buy retail copies).

Edit: I meant to place this in the "News" forum. Can a mod/admin move it? Thanks!

Last edited by CZroe; 6th April 2008 at 22:15.
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