Thread: Avisynth+
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Old 4th October 2013, 16:17   #92  |  Link
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Originally Posted by ultim View Post
AFAIK, vanilla Avisynth also has C-plugin support, so it doesn't seem to make sense to me, because instead of writing "( LoadPlugin("ffms2.dll") == "Use LoadCPlugin" ) ? LoadCPlugin("ffms2.dll") : NOP()" the script author could say "LoadCPlugin("ffms2.dll")" in both projects.
But that won't work if the ffms2.dll you have is the C++ version. The point of using the conditional line in the script is that the user doesn't need to know which version he actually has if he loads it that way.

However, he could also use a try/catch instead and that would not require the extra code in the C plugin. The same script would then work in both Avisynth and Avisynth+. (In avs+, the try/catch would be unnecessary, but harmless).
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