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Old 9th April 2015, 19:54   #65  |  Link
Anime addict
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Join Date: Feb 2009
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Posts: 673
Ok, with code below of maa2 0.42+ runs fine on avisynth 2.6:

MAA2MOD v0.42 
Updated version of the MAA antialising script from AnimeIVTC.
MAA2 uses tp7's SangNom2, which provide a nice speedup for SangNom-based antialiasing,
especially when only processing the luma plane.
The defaults of MAA2 match up with MAA, so you'll get identical output (save for the more accurate border region processing of SangNom2)
when using this script as a drop-in replacement.
MAA2 supports Y8, YV12, YV16 and YV24 input.
   * AviSynth
   * SangNom2 0.3+
   * Masktools 2.0b1
   + [int] mask (1)
       *   0: Disable masking
       *   1: Enable masking
       *  -i: Enable masking with custom treshold
   + [bool] chroma (false)
       *   false: Don't process chroma channels (copy UV from the source clip if present)
       *   true: Process chroma channels
   + [float] ss (2.0)
       *   Supersampling factor (sensible values are between 2.0 and 4.0 for HD content)
   + [int] aa (48)
       *   Sangnom2 luma antialiasing strength
   + [int] aac (aa-8)
       *   Sangnom2 chroma antialiasing strength
   + [int] threads (4)
       *   Number of threads used by every Sangnom2 instance
   + [int] show (0)
       *   0: Don't overlay mask
       *   1: Overlay mask only
       *   2: Overlay mask and run antialiasing on the luma plane
   + [int] maskt (1)
       *   1: sobel
       *   2: min/max
function maa2mod(clip c, int "mask", bool "chroma", float "ss", int "aa", int "aac", int "threads", int "show", int "maskt")
    chroma = Default(chroma, false)
    mask   = Default(mask, 1)
    maskt  = Default(maskt, 1)
    mtresh = (mask < 0) ? -mask : 7
    show   = Default(show, 0)
    uv     = (chroma) ? 3 : 1

    Assert(c.IsY8 || c.IsYV12 || c.IsYV24 || c.IsYV16, "MAA2: Input must be Y8, YV12, YV16 or YV24")
    Assert(0 <= show <= 2, "MAA2: Parameter 'show' must be between 0 and 2")

    # create mask
    m = mask  != 0 ? c.mt_edge("sobel", mtresh, mtresh, mtresh-6, mtresh-6, u=uv, v=uv).mt_inflate(u=uv, v=uv) : \
        maskt != 1 ? c.mt_edge("min/max", 0, mtresh, 0, mtresh-6, u=uv, v=uv).mt_inflate(u=uv, v=uv)           : nop

    # run sangnom2-based aa
    c_aa_u = (c.IsYV16) ? c.UtoY8().Sangnom2AA(ss, aac, threads=threads) : nop 
    c_aa_v = (c.IsYV16) ? c.VtoY8().Sangnom2AA(ss, aac, threads=threads) : nop 
    c_aa = (!chroma || show > 0) ? c.ConvertToY8().Sangnom2AA(ss, aa, threads=threads)                         : \
                      (c.IsYV16) ? YToUV(c_aa_u, c_aa_v, c.ConvertToY8().Sangnom2AA(ss, aa, threads=threads))  : c.Sangnom2AA(ss, aa, aac, threads)
    # prepare chroma planes for mask overlay
    c_aa = (Show == 1 && !c.IsY8)  ? c.mt_lut("x 2 /", y=2, u=3, v=3)                                  : \
           (Show == 1 &&  c.IsY8)  ? c.ConvertToYV12().mt_lut(y=2, u=0, v=0)                           : \
           (show == 2 && !c.IsY8)  ? YtoUV(c.UtoY8(), c.VtoY8(), c_aa).mt_lut("x 2 /", y=2, u=3, v=3)  : \
           (show == 2 &&  c.IsY8)  ? c.ConvertToYV12().mt_lut(y=2, u=0, v=0)                           : c_aa
    # merge aa'ed lines into source
    m_uv = (c.IsYV16)  ? BilinearResize(m, m.width/2, m.height) : nop

    last = (mask == 0)                          ? mt_logic(c_aa, "and", y=4, u=2, v=2)                      : \
           (mask != 0 && show > 0 && c.isYV16)  ? mt_merge(c, c_aa, YtoUV(m_uv, m_uv, m), u=3, v=3)         : \
           (mask != 0 && show > 0 && c.IsYV24)  ? mt_merge(c, c_aa, m.YtoUV(m,m), u=3, v=3)                 : \
           (mask != 0 && show > 0)              ? mt_merge(c.ConvertToYV12(), c_aa, m, u=3, v=3, luma=true) : \
           (mask != 0 && show == 0 && chroma)   ? mt_merge(c, c_aa, m, u=3, v=3)                            : mt_merge(c, c_aa, m, u=2, v=2)

   return last		       

function Sangnom2AA(clip c, float "ss", int "aa", int "aac", int "threads")
    threads = Default(threads, 4)
    aa = Default(aa, 48)
    aac = Default(aac, aa-8)
    aac = (aac < 0) ? 0 : aac
    ss = Default(ss, 2.0)
    ss_w = int(round(c.width*ss/4.0)*4)
    ss_h = int(round(c.height*ss/4.0)*4)
    Assert(ss > 0, "MAA2: Supersampling factor must be > 0")
    return c.Spline36Resize(ss_w, ss_h).TurnLeft() \
            .SangNom2(threads=threads, aa=aa, aac=aac).TurnRight().SangNom2(threads=threads, aa=aa, aac=aac).Spline36Resize(c.width, c.height)
Please, check if all code is fine for you, I am not tested too much.

Note: I rename function to maa2mod
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Last edited by Overdrive80; 10th April 2015 at 17:19.
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