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Old 1st January 2009, 06:54   #11  |  Link
Practising Schemer
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Newcastle, Australia
Posts: 791
My preference is to use CRF 16 if I am not concerned about filesize and to use 2 pass to acheive a given size output.

here are lnks explaining options.

I really haven't seemed to need to understand vbv(Video Buffer Verifier) - maybe I should, this is what I have found.

Good Link

vbv bufsize is the amount of memory a constant bitrate decoder needs to
allocate to buffering the incoming compressed bitstream. You don't
calculate it. There are 4 possible cases:
* You want to target a specific hardware deocder, and its documentation
says what bufsize it uses. Copy that size.
* You want to target a specific hardware deocder, and its documentation
doesn't say what bufsize it uses. You're screwed.
* You want to stream to a generic software player. Any bufsize works, but
the end user needs to specify the same (or larger) bufsize when playing.
It's a tradeoff between quality and latency, and there are no rules for
choosing an optimal value, any more than there are rules for choosing an
optimal bitrate.
* You aren't streaming nor targetting a hardware decoder. Don't use
constant bitrate.

--Loren Merritt

Last edited by flebber; 1st January 2009 at 07:04.
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