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Old 18th October 2015, 22:53   #73  |  Link
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DB_SpliceClip.avs, part 1 of two (too big)

# ############
# DB_SpliceClips.Avs, by StainlessS. RT_Stats DataBase Utility Functions.
# Requires:
#    GScript,  (c) Gavino
#    RT_Stats, (c) StainlessS
#    TWriteAVI (c) Kevin Stone, (other versions may be broken)
# ############

Function DB_SpliceClips(String DB,String OUTAVI,Int "FileNameField",Int "StartFrameField",Int "EndFrameField",Int "ClipDBField",
        \ Int "OpenMAX",Int "Pass1MAX", String "FourCC",
        \ String "Log",Bool "Append",Bool "Debug",Bool "Verbose",String "OpenClip",String "Global_Header") {
    DB_SpliceClips(), Splices a number of video clips together. It is normally difficult/impossible to splice more than about 25
    clips, due to system resource limitations (limit on number of open clips). This function splices them into bigger and bigger
    clips, saving each aggregate clip before re-opening & splicing them together into even bigger ones, until the whole job is done.
    The function needs a DB set up with filenames of the clips to splice, using either DB_AppendFileNamesFromDir() or DB_AppendFileName().
        It is possible to render AVS scripts into lossless AVI, and join together with others, tested up to 1000 input clips.
    You can include a Global header, so as to pass global info to a group of AVS clips, perhaps of use in conversion of clips to all
    be of similar characteristics so that they can be spliced together.
        It is also possible for an AVS file to create its own DBase and pass the filename via a global variable, into the OpenClip() function,
    and have that filename entered into the main DBase so that your private clip DBase can be accessed at any point/frame in the completed
    movie (when playing).

    DB, Name of the DBase file, already setup containing filenames to splice together, eg *.AVS,*.AVI etc files.
    OUTAVI, Filename of the output AVI file.
    FileNameField, DBase field that holds the filename of an input video clip. Default 0.
    StartFrameField, DBase field that will hold the START frame number of the input clip for current record. (relative to complete spliced movie).
        Default -1, Not used.
    EndFrameField, DBase field that will hold the END frame number of the input clip for current record. (relative to complete spliced movie).
        Default -1, Not used.
    ClipDBField, DBase field that will hold a filename of a personal DBase for the input clip. Default -1, Not used.  See DB_SpliceOpenClip().
    OpenMAX, Maximum number of clips that can be opened at once (due to system resource restrictions), Default 20.
    Pass1MAX, Maximum number of clips that can be opened at once for the original source clips only, default OpenMAX, 1 <= Pass1MAX <= OpenMAX.
        If the source clips are AVS, then they may already have many input clips open, if I/P AVS, suggest Pass1MAX = 1, where the AVS will be
    rendered into lossless AVI on first pass.
    FourCC, Default "ULY0",  Lossless UT Video YV12 rec.601. For Output AVI clip and also temporary aggregate files. (Requires UT Video codec)
    Log, Default "". LogFile Name.
    Append, Default TRUE, Append output to any currently existing log file.
    Debug, Default False. If true then output logging to DebugView window (google).
    Verbose, Default False. If true then output extra info to Log file and Debug window.
    OpenClip, Default "DB_SpliceOpenClip". Name of function to call to open a video clip or import an AVS.
       See args for DB_SpliceOpenClip(), must take identical args, none of which are optional.
    Global_Header, Default "". Filename of AVS file containing Global Variable Initialization, and perhaps LoadPlugins.
       Global args will be available to any AVS files imported in OpenClip() function, See DB_SpliceOpenClip().
    Returns the number of records (clips) in the DBase.
    ### AVS Header file containing only Globals (maybe LoadPlugins too)
    ### Globals initialized and so available during AVS Import.
    (Global_Header != "") ? Import(Global_Header) : NOP
    myName="DB_SpliceClips: "
    Assert(Exist(DB),myName+"'"+DB+"' Does not Exist")
    Assert(OUTAVI!="",myName+"'"+OUTAVI+"' Need OUTAVI Name")
    Assert(Ext==".avi",myName+"'"+OUTAVI+"' Not an AVI")
    Assert(FileNameField>=0 && FileNameField<Fields,RT_String("%s FileNameField %d Does NOT Exist",myName,FileNameField))
    Assert(RT_DBaseFieldType(DB,FileNameField)==3,RT_String("%s FileNameField %d is NOT String",myName,FileNameField))
    Assert(StartFrameField<Fields,RT_String("%s StartFrameField %d Does NOT Exist",myName,StartFrameField))
    Assert(StartFrameField<0 || RT_DBaseFieldType(DB,StartFrameField)==1,RT_String("%s StartFrameField %d is NOT Int",myName,StartFrameField))
    Assert(EndFrameField<Fields,RT_String("%s EndFrameField %d Does NOT Exist",myName,EndFrameField))
    Assert(EndFrameField <0 || RT_DBaseFieldType(DB,EndFrameField)==1,RT_String("%s EndFrameField %d is NOT Int",myName,EndFrameField))
    Assert(ClipDBField<Fields,RT_String("%s ClipDBField %d Does NOT Exist",myName,ClipDBField))
    Assert(ClipDBField <0 || RT_DBaseFieldType(DB,ClipDBField)==3,RT_String("%s ClipDBField %d is NOT String",myName,ClipDBField))
    OpenMAX=Default(OpenMAX,20)                                                           # maximum num of clips to join at once
    Assert(OpenMAX>1,RT_String("%s OpenMAX %d MUST be greater than 1",myName,OpenMAX))
    Pass1MAX=Default(Pass1MAX,OpenMAX)                                                    # maximum num of clips to join at once, 1st PASS
    Assert(Pass1MAX>=1 && Pass1MAX <= OpenMAX,RT_String("%s 1 <= Pass1MAX(%d) <= OpenMAX(%d)",myName,Pass1MAX,OpenMAX))
    FourCC=Default(FourCC,"ULY0")                                                         # UT Video YV12 rec.601
    Log=(Log!="") ? RT_FilenameSplit(Log) : Log                                           # convert to full path name (also convert / to \ )
    (!Append && Log!="" && Exist(Log)) ? RT_FileDelete(Log) : NOP
    dbgS=String(Debug)  VerbS=String(VerBose)
    Assert(OpenClip != "",myName+"OpenClip cannot be empty string, need a function name")
    CompleteFrames = 0  FrameNo = 0     Pass = 0   NClips = records     TotalFramesR=0  TotalFramesW=0
        While (NClips > 0) {
            if(NClips <= OpenMAX && PassMAX==OpenMAX) {
                ODB=""                                                                      # Last Pass, dont need Output DB
            } Else {
            ACC = 0    JOINED=0     OCNT=0
            for(in_i=0,NClips-1) {
                if(Pass==0) {
                    in_c = Eval(EVS)                                                               # Call OpenClip
                    Len = in_c.FrameCount
                    if(Verbose && (Debug || Log!="")) {
                        S=RT_String("%d:%d ] OPENED Len=%d I/P Clip %s",Pass,in_i,Len,FN)
                        (Debug)   ? RT_DebugF("%s",S,name=myName) : NOP
                        (Log!="") ? RT_TxtWriteFile(S,Log,Append=True) : NOP
                    FrameNo = FrameNo+Len
                } Else {
                    FN=RT_DBaseGetField(DB,in_i,0)                                                  # Field 0 was Filename string in Aggregate DB
                    in_c = AviSource(FN)                                                            # Always AVI
                    Len = in_c.FrameCount
                    if(Verbose && (Debug || Log!="")) {
                        S=RT_String("%d:%d ] Len=%d Aggregate Clip %s",Pass,in_i,Len,FN)
                        (Debug)   ? RT_DebugF("%s",S,name=myName) : NOP
                        (Log!="") ? RT_TxtWriteFile(S,Log,Append=True) : NOP
                ACC = (ACC.IsClip()) ? ACC ++ in_c  : in_c
                JOINED = JOINED + 1
                if(JOINED>=PassMAX || in_i==NClips-1) {                                    # limit or last input clip ?
                    if(ODB=="") {
                        OFN = OUTAVI                                                       # Very last FINAL OUTPUT file
                    } Else {
                        OFN = "~TEMP_"+RT_LocalTimeString()+".AVI"
                        RT_DBaseAppend(ODB,OFN)                                            # rem aggregate o/p filename
                    Len = out_c.FrameCount
                    CompleteFrames = (ODB=="") ? Len : 0
                    if(Debug || Log!="") {
                        S=RT_String("%d:%d ] Len = %d WRITING Aggregate Clip %s",Pass,OCNT,Len,OFN)
                        (Debug)   ? RT_DebugF("%s",S,name=myName) : NOP
                        (Log!="") ? RT_TxtWriteFile(S,Log,Append=True) : NOP
                    ACC = 0 in_c = 0 out_c = 0                                              # MAKE SURE each clip closed and destructor called
                    ACC = AviSource(OFN)                                                    # Always AVI
                    ACC=0                                                                   # Close it again
                    JOINED = 0
            if(Pass != 0 ) {
                if(Verbose && (Debug || Log!="")) {
                    S=RT_String("%d ] Deleting Aggregate Clips and DB %s",Pass,DB)
                    (Debug)   ? RT_DebugF("%s",S,name=myName) : NOP
                    (Log!="") ? RT_TxtWriteFile(S,Log,Append=True) : NOP
                for(deli=0,NClips-1) {RT_FileDelete(RT_DBaseGetField(DB,deli,0))}           # Delete temp aggregate files (DONT DEL ORIGINAL I/P FILES)
                RT_FileDelete(DB)                                                           # Delete aggregate i/p DB
            Pass = Pass + 1
            PassMAX = OpenMAX                                                               # Change to OpenMAX for next PASS != 0
            DB=ODB                                                                          # Next I/P is OLD O/P
            NClips = (DB=="") ? 0 : RT_DBaseRecords(DB)                                     # Last Pass ?
        if(Debug || Log!="") {
            T=RT_TimerHP() - START
            S=RT_String("Output AVI Length = %d Frames",CompleteFrames)
            (Debug)   ? RT_DebugF("%s",S,name=myName) : NOP
            (Log!="") ? RT_TxtWriteFile(S,Log,Append=True) : NOP
            if(TotalFramesR > 0) {
                S=RT_String("Read  %d Frames %f FPS (%f SPF)",TotalFramesR,TotalFramesR/T,T/(TotalFramesR))
                (Debug)   ? RT_DebugF("%s",S,name=myName) : NOP
                (Log!="") ? RT_TxtWriteFile(S,Log,Append=True) : NOP
            if(TotalFramesW > 0) {
                S=RT_String("Write %d Frames %f FPS (%f SPF)",TotalFramesW,TotalFramesW/T,T/(TotalFramesW))
                (Debug)   ? RT_DebugF("%s",S,name=myName) : NOP
                (Log!="") ? RT_TxtWriteFile(S,Log,Append=True) : NOP
            S=RT_String("Time = %f secs (%.2f mins)",T,T/60.0)
            (Debug)   ? RT_DebugF("%s",S,name=myName) : NOP
            (Log!="") ? RT_TxtWriteFile(S,Log,Append=True) : NOP
        return records
You need the TWriteAVI from here, :-
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 31st October 2015 at 20:19. Reason: Update
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