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Old 26th December 2020, 21:46   #27  |  Link
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Join Date: Sep 2020
Posts: 15
i wanted to convert my video collection, but i have a lot of videos, so i made them all 16:9 aspect ratio, 1920, 1080, then i had to make the avs files.

So i automated making the avs files, this mapes .mp4 files, change the extension to avs. heres how to make the files in c++ first:

/// using ofstream constructors.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>

using namespace std;

int main(void) {
   DIR *dr;
   struct dirent *en;
   dr = opendir("E:/"); //open all or present directory
   if (dr) {
      while ((en = readdir(dr)) != NULL) {
         printf("%s\n", en->d_name); //print all directory name

         std::ofstream outfile (en->d_name);

         outfile <<
         "video = LSMASHVideoSource(\"E:\\" << en->d_name << "\").Crop(0, 0, 0, 0).ConvertToYV12(interlaced = false)\n"
        "audio = LSMASHAudioSource(\"E:\\" << en->d_name << "\")\n"
        "AudioDubStep = AudioDub(video, audio)\n"
        "top_left = LSFmod(AudioDubStep, strength = 200).crop(0, 0, -960, -540).Spline64Resize(900, 800).AddBorders(380,0,0,0) \# top left\n"
        "top_right = LSFmod(AudioDubStep, strength = 200).crop(960, 0, 0, -540).Spline64Resize(900, 800).AddBorders(0,0,380,0) \# top right\n"
        "bottom_left = LSFmod(AudioDubStep, strength = 200).crop(0, 540, -960, 0).Spline64Resize(900, 800).AddBorders(380,0,0,0) \# bottom left\n"
        "bottom_right = LSFmod(AudioDubStep, strength = 200).crop(960, 540, 0, 0).Spline64Resize(900, 800).AddBorders(0,0,380,0) \# bottom right\n"
        "blank = BlankClip(AudioDubStep).crop(960, 540, 0, 0).Spline64Resize(1280, 800)\n"
        "blankHalf = BlankClip(bottom_right).crop(0, 360, 0, 0)\n"
        "blankFill = BlankClip(bottom_right)#.crop(0, 400, 0, 0)\n"
        "blankquarter = BlankClip(blankHalf).crop(0, 220, 0, 0)\n"
        "blankCorner = BlankClip(top_left)\n"
        "column1 = StackVertical(blankquarter, blankquarter, blank, blank, blank, blank, blankquarter, blankquarter) \# half the width\n"
        "column2 = StackVertical(blankquarter, blankquarter, blankCorner, top_left, bottom_left, blankCorner, blankquarter, blankquarter)\n"
        "column3 = StackVertical(blankquarter, blankquarter, blankCorner, top_right, bottom_right, blankCorner, blankquarter, blankquarter)\n"
        "column6 = StackVertical(blankquarter, blankquarter, blank, blank, blank, blank, blankquarter, blankquarter).crop(400,0,0,0) \#800\n"
        "column5 = StackVertical(blankquarter, blankquarter, blank, blank, blank, blank, blankquarter, blankquarter).crop(0,0,-240,0) \#480\n"
        "step5 = StackHorizontal(column6, column1, column2, column3, column1, column5)\n"
        "return (step5)\n";


      closedir(dr); //close all directory
here's how to change the files extension:

open cmd, go to directory type: "cd /D folder-location", in folder type "ren *.mp4 *.avs"
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