Thread: Avisynth+
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Old 7th October 2013, 10:38   #124  |  Link
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Originally Posted by ultim View Post
I can see upsides and downsides too to Gavino's version. It might be easier to grasp for non-programmers, and also it gives Avisynth some possibilities to recognize infinite-loops, and helps prevent the user from shooting himself in the foot. C-style for-loops could then be emulated using manually written while-loops. On the other hand, it is less generic, non-standard, and despite all the simplifications and built-in automatic, it still cannot prevent all user errors, like when the loop variable is modified inside the body. Programmers could also argue that it is counter-intuitive, because 'limit' and 'step' are only evaluated once even if their value is dynamic.
My goal with for was to provide a simple looping construct without the need to use recursion, making life easier for script writers, especially for non-programmers. The syntax is simple so that errors can be quickly recognised and reported clearly.

I made limit and step fixed as I felt they are the parameters that define the loop.
Anything more complex can be programmed as a while loop.
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