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Old 13th May 2010, 23:26   #1  |  Link
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s_ExLogo v1.1 Logo Removal - Dekafka Mod

#                s_ExLogo() v1.1, De-logo Function, With Clipping
#                                by StainlessS
# History:
# v1.0 Initial release, featuring Lousy coordinate calculations. 
# v1.1 15 Sept 2010: Fixed haphazard coord calcs + lots of other alterations.
#      More like what v1.0 should have been, with more rigorous error checking and reporting.
#      SPow now 2.2 by default as in pre-release v0.0
# ("s_" Just Means Script Function)
# Filter requirements:- NONE (Tested only on Avisynth v2.5.8 and v2.6)
# Based on Dekafka (YUY2 Only)
#  HHHHHH         s_Exlogo, samples above and below (shown left as 'H')
# VLLLLLLV        and combines them into a horizontal bar.
# VLLLLLLV        Samples left and right and combines them into a vertical bar (show as 'V'.
# VLLLLLLV        Logo area shown as 'L'.
# VLLLLLLV        These bars may or may not be blurred, and are then resized to fit
#  HHHHHH         the logo area. The resized bars are then mixed together based
#                 on arg "Spow" and the ratio of length of Vertical bars to length
#                 of horizontal bars. Finally, the resultant de-logo'd area is
#                 Layer'ed onto the clip using the Amount arg.
#                   Clipping can be set so as to avoid eg sampling letterboxing when
#                 blurring out the logo (would normally result in nasty black
#                 block instead of a nasty logo). 
#  Basic usage:-
#   s_ExLogo(clip, int LogoX, int LogoY, int LogoW, Int LogoH)
#     LogoX,LogoY,LogoW,LogoH, position of logo, width and height (Compulsory args)
#         LogoX, LogoY, Sets upper left position of logo rectangle.
#         LogoW, LogoH, Width and height of Logo rectangle,
#            Zero and -ve, values can be used, relative to the width and height,
#            (as used in crop)
#            s_ExLogo(Last,680,520,-4,-4) would set logo area to (680,520,36,52)
#              on a 720x576 clip.
#         LogoX and LogoW should be in even numbers only (YUY2).
#  Optional args
#     int LogoMode, 0-4, Default 2.
#         0 = Show LOGO position by dimmed rectangle. (initial logo setup)
#         1 = Show PATCH (CLIPPED logo) position & Clipping. NON CLIPPED area shown in GREEN.
#             Clipping setup, Used AFTER LogoMode=0 (Initial Logo Setup).
#         2 = Normal, Default.
#         3 = Keep Chroma (delogo Luma only)
#         4 = Keep Luma (delogo Chroma only)
#     int BlurMode, 0-6, Default 4, Sets Both HBlur and VBlur as below.
#         0 = 0.0,  Off, No Blurring, BilinearResize only. (maybe subtitles)
#         1 = 0.2
#         2 = 0.33
#         3 = 0.5
#         4 = 1.0  Default
#         5 = 1.58 Maximum possible
#         6=  1.0  User Defined. (defaults to 1.0 here, as HBlur & VBlur, default 1.0)
#     int HBlur, Int VBlur, Default 1.0
#         Set by BlurMode or user defined if BlurMode = 6.
#         HBlur controls amount of Horizontal blurring in Vertical bars.
#         VBlur controls amount of Vertical blurring in Horizontal bars.
#     int ClipX, ClipY,ClipW,ClipH, Clipping rectangle, All default 0
#         As used in crop.
#         ClipX, ClipY, Sets upper left position of clipping rectangle.
#         ClipW, ClipH, Width and height of clipping rectangle,
#            Zero and -ve, values can be used, relative to the clip width and height.
#            The defaults (0) sets ClipW to Width and ClipH to Height.
#         In Normal usage, (no borders/letterboxing), not used at all.
#         Sometimes (black borders) rarely more than 1 of these Clip? args
#         and never more than 2 will be set.
#         ClipX and ClipW should be in even numbers only (YUY2).
#     float spow, 1.0 to 150.0, Default 2.2
#         When mixing blurred horizontal and vertical bars either side, top and bottom,
#         of a logo, this arg controls the mix. When spow==1.0, the bars with the
#         longest sides are given precedence weighted by how long they are compared
#         to the other bars. If the vertical bars either side of the logo are eg
#         100 pixels tall and the horizontal bars are 50, then the vertical bars
#         are mixed with 2:1 the strength of the horizontal bars, ie 66%, (about
#         170 for argument to Layer(), 256*0.66). Dekafka would have given this
#         example a strength of 255, close to 100% (255/256). Strangely, if lengths
#         were swapped about, it would have gotten a strength of 64, = 25%. s_ExLogo
#         is symetrical, whereas Dekafka is not.
#         Based on the above example where vertical bars are twice as long as the
#         horizontal bars:-
#         spow        V_Strength%     Layer_arg          ratio
#         1.0            66%            170               2:1      (Linear)
#         1.6            75%            191               3:1
#         2.2            80%            205               4:1      (Default)
#         2.8            83%            213               5:1
#         3.3            86%            219               6:1
#         4.0            88%            224               7:1
#         4.6            89%            228               8:1
#         5.0            90%            230               9:1
#         5.7            91%            233               10:1
#         143.0          99.6           255               255:1
#         As you can see, the above spow Default is 2.2, with a ratio of 4:1
#         meaning that if the vertical bars are twice as long as the horizontal ones,
#         they acquire a strength of 80%, 4:1 as opposed to 2:1 when linear spow of 1.0
#         is used.
#         Using spow=143.0 (or anywhere close) pretty much switches OFF the shortest side
#         which may have application. Anything else above about 5.7 is unlikely to be of
#         any great use. The spow arg does NOT produce miracles, but is something else
#         to play with if you get bored.
#           In this version, the default spow has reverted back to the original test value
#         of 2.2 (was 1.6 in first release). spow really is just an externally adjustable
#         default value, meant for testing and not really intended to be changed, suggest
#         that if you dont like the default setting, that you manually change it in the
#         source instead of submitting an spow arg every time its used.
#     int Mix, -1 to 256, default -1 (Use SPow)
#         Overrides Spow calculations for controlling mixing of vertical and horizontal
#         bars based on vertical : horizontal ratio.
#         Sets the argument passed to 'Layer()" directly, eg 256 uses ALL of the vertical
#         bars and NONE of the horizontal, 128 does a 50/50 mix and 0 uses only
#         horizontal bars. For one-off adjustments, may be best to use Mix instead
#         of using the spow arg.
#     int Amount, 0-256, Default 252, How much of blurred de-logo is used.
#         This controls  how much of the blurred de-logo put together by spow (or Mix, above)
#         is finally combined with the original clip to replace the logo area.
#  X-Coords should be in even numbers only (YUY2).
# -------
#  IN-USE:
#    Position logo using LogoMode=0 (Ignores clipping in this mode).
#      Displays Logo area as a "dimmed" rectangle. MUST SET LOGO IN THIS MODE 1st.
#    If borders/letterboxing, then:
#      Switch to LogoMode=1,
#         Shows Patch (CLIPPED logo) position & Clipping. NON CLIPPED area shown in GREEN.
#         NOTE, the Logo rectangle (patch) will have been clipped in this mode and any
#         that has been clipped out will NOT be hi-lited. Changed NON Clipped color
#         in v1.1 from Pink to GREEN. I'm sure that a better (more intuitive) method for
#         clipped hi-liting could be found, but this is the easy way, and I'm basically lazy.
#    When coords of Logo and optional clipping set then:
#      Switch to LogoMode=2, Normal usage. (LogoMode 3 and 4, may also have application)
# -------
#    If you have a standard set of LOGO coords for a particular station logo then
#    you would use these LOGO coords whether or not there are any borders/letterboxing.
#    You would only use the CLIP coords if borders/letterboxing, LOGO coords are NOT
#    changed. The only Clipping coords that need be set, are the ones where the
#    borders are, so if eg:
#      Video clip has eg letter boxing top and bottom, and logo is in top left, then:
#        Use LogoMode=1, to set only "ClipY", in this case ClipY should be the coord
#        of the topmost logo pixel that does NOT contain any border.
#        When set correctly, switch to LogoMode=2 (default use).
#        Blurred de-logo data is (in this case) taken only from left, right and bottom
#        of logo patch area. (Patch area = clipped LOGO area). 
# -------
#  s_ExLogo(20,20,100,100,LogoMode=0)			# Logo Top LHS, No clipping, Show Logo 
#  s_ExLogo(20,20,100,100,ClipY=70,LogoMode=1)  # Logo Top LHS, Top HALF LOGO Clipped, Show Logo/Clipping 
#  s_ExLogo(0,12,-0,40,LogoMode=0)			    # Full width scrolling logo, No clipping, Show Logo 
#  s_ExLogo(0,12,-0,40,ClipY=32,logomode=1)	    # Full width scrolling logo, Top HALF LOGO Clipped, Show Logo/Clipping
# -------
#  LASTLY, Have had pretty impressive results using this as a post processor to AvsInpaint with low setting
#  for amount and FFT3DFilter doing a further little bit of smoothing on a cropped area slightly larger
#  than the patch area. (AvsInpaint using InPaintFunc.avs by Reuf Toc). AvsInpaint, can be a little on the slow
#  side, but whilst you are waiting, you could always spend your time wisely, perhaps; write a good book.
Find v1.1 s_ExLogo update here:

Also, if comments/complaints, post here.

Please Enjoy

Last edited by StainlessS; 16th June 2011 at 03:58. Reason: Spelt FFT3DFilter as FF3DFilter
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