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Old 19th September 2016, 00:11   #1  |  Link
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help improving and scaling this anime (DVD R1 Source)

Im trying to upscale this anime to 1440 X 1080 using

nnedi3_rpow2(rfactor=2, nsize=0, nns=3, qual=1, etype=0, pscrn=1, threads=0, opt=0, fapprox=15,cshift="spline36resize",fwidth=1440,fheight=1080)
Results for now are great (suggestions welcomed) but first i want to clean a little bit.

The source has some bright halos on the RIGHT of the lines, removing them using dehalo / finedehalo gives me acceptable resuls, but no good. That without (off course) killing the lines or creating blurring.

Halos look like this (post-scale result, halos processed on original resolution- green rectangles):

After dehalo, this is the result (the best i could do)

I want to apply proToon to darken the lines, but i have a problem: Using protoon AFTER dehalo gives me some broken lines. Using protoon BEFORE dehalo gives me more clean lines, but affects dehalo results.
Is possible to "create" the protoon mask before the dehalo pass and apply it later (i don't know if i'm making the right question)?

This is the best i could do without both filters opposing each other:

Another question: The chroma has a lot of noise, i was trying to saturate a little bit but it looks horrible and noisy. Also, it adds chroma noise to dark / white areas: Is possible to create a mask with the lines, the black areas and the white areas to "protect them" during saturation"? (i know the example picture is over saturated, is intentional to show the noise).

Making it look so clean like a flash animation or a modern anime is too much but i want to try. Thanks
So, it works or not???
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