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Old 24th March 2020, 18:45   #37  |  Link
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I meant accept the format as input and have an entry for it in their EDID. Sorry, I didn't think some TVs lacking support for 50Hz would be controversial. There used to be many TVs sold in the US that would not accept a 50 Hz signal at all, no attempt to display an image when provided with a 50Hz signal. Maybe this is no longer true, and all TVs sold in the US support 50Hz input, but I wouldn't assume that without first making sure if you need 50Hz. Historically 50 Hz support has been surprisingly bad in the US.

On that same note, I also would not be surprised if some TVs that do support 50Hz input end up displaying it with a 60 or 120 Hz refresh rate. I don't have any examples of this though, hopefully it isn't true.
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