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Old 22nd April 2018, 17:04   #20  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Over the rainbow
Posts: 10,980
            n   n+delta
            |    |
            <---- BV        Vectors used for eg MDegrain, vectors stored @ frame where arrowhead points (ie n).
     FV ---->               Pixels moved from frame at back end of arrow (n+/- delta), along vector to synth frame where arrowhead points.

            n   n+delta
            |    |
            <---- BV        Vectors used for eg MFlowInter, Uses the next one along forward vector so that vectors used are from
            |    |          either side of the frame that will be synthesized (reason, only part of the vector distances are
        FVI ---->           used, based on Time arg).
            n    n+delta
                            For MFlowInter, the created vectors are exactly the same as for eg MDegrain, its just that it uses the
                            next forward vector so that backward and forward vectors straddle the predicted frame, MFlowInter
                            just uses the vectors in a slightly different way to MDegrain.
                            The synthesized frame lies logically somewhere between n and n + delta (based on Time arg), and is
                            physically created at frame n, and so needs to be relocated to the required bad frame position in clip.
Hope the above makes sense.
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???

Last edited by StainlessS; 22nd April 2018 at 17:25.
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