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Old 6th October 2022, 18:55   #162  |  Link
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New test release

Added MPB_PartBlend param to MDegrainN to check real partial blend vs subtraction of block. Default false (use subtraction). If set to true - perform full block blending with test block removed (slower but a bit more accurate in SAD). Subtraction method with integer 8(16 immediate) bit processing may still give up to +-1 error for each sample may be due to integer rounding errors and total SAD difference from real partial blending for even small 8x8 block of 64 samples total may be comparable with low threshold value. So for best possible quality MPB_PartBlend=true is recommended (may be significantly slower).

Separated subtractive and additive coefficients to different params MPB_SPCsub and MPB_SPCadd for better flexibility at experiments of finetuning.

Added isMVsStable function to check if MVs in current tr-pool for current block are enough coherent (stable) - to try to make MPB processing only at areas with stable enough motion search in tr-pool of frames. New MDegrainN param MPBthIVS - threshold to compare current calculated measure of non-stabilily of MVs (sum of accelerations multiplied to sum of vectors angle difference). Param is internally scaled to squared pel value but may significantly depend on tr and other settings. To help adjust this threashold - use IVS-mask display with showIVSmask=true.

Added protection to MDegrainN against too low padding (now need to be at least blocksize in size) and not equal temporal radius param for MAnalyse and MDegrain - display error messages instead of corrupted output.

Added showIVSmask param to MDegrainN to mark blocks detected as stable enough MVs with black. Default false. Black blocks with are detected as ready for MPB processing.

Added mvmultivs param to MDegrainN as option to provide separate MVclip with different search source or options for IVS mask creating. Provided clip must be equal to mvmulti in block number, overlap mode and recommended to use truemotion=false preset of MAnalyse to show noise-moved blocks as best as possible, not recomended to make from prefiltered clip. mvmulti clip may use any required params for best denoising, can be created from prefiltered source and so on.

Example of using mvmultivs clip with separate MAnalyse settings:

super=MSuper(last, mt=false, chroma=true, pel=2)

multi_vec=MAnalyse(super, multi=true, blksize=8, delta=tr, search=3, searchparam=2, optSearchOption=1, chroma=true, mt=false)
multi_vec_vs=MAnalyse(super, multi=true, blksize=8, delta=tr, search=3, searchparam=2, optSearchOption=1, truemotion=false, pnew=0, pzero=0, chroma=true, mt=false)

MDegrainN(last,super, multi_vec, tr, thSAD=200, thSAD2=190, mt=false, wpow=4, thSCD1=400, adjSADzeromv=0.5, adjSADcohmv=0.5, thCohMV=16, MVLPFGauss=0.9, thMVLPFCorr=50, 
UseSubShift=1, IntOvlp=3, MPBthSub=5, MPBthAdd=20, MPBNumIt=2, MPB_SPCsub=0.5, MPB_SPCadd=1.5, MPB_PartBlend=false, MPBthIVS=1500, showIVSmask=false, mvmultivs=multi_vec_vs)
Typically onCPU MAnalyse with truemotion=false provide significantly better MVs for IVS-mask generation in compare with hwAcc search with NVIDIA GTX1060 but the processing is slower.

The idea of IVS-masked MPB processing is not to increase noise on non-detailed areas (like out of focus, clear sky and so on). Only enchance details (and also some noise) at areas with at least some details detected by motion search engine and existance of some temporal coherence of the MVs in current tr-scope around current frame. Current IVS-mask generation engine is not final design and may be subject to change in future.

If no mvmultivs clip is provided - single mvmulti is used for all operations (for example in hardware-only search of MVs). Though if MVs clip is created from anti-noise pre-filtered source the quality of IVS-mask may be more degraded.

Addition: The MPB processing in this build also significantly redesigned: Old processing tried to adjust initial weights array from old DegrainWeight function based on ratio of block SAD vs current thSAD. New design trying to create new weight-array from initial equal-weight condition (equal to wpow=7). And after 1 or more iterations of weights aligning it apply finally new calculated weight array to initial using proportional scaling.

Addition2: Currently MPBthIVS param is auto-scaled internally to pel*pel of the 'main working' mvmulti clip because acceleration part of metric depends on square absolute value of MVs coordinates differences and they are scaled with pel value. But to make processing faster if separate MVclip provided for IVS-mask it may be generated from lower pel-mode of MAnalyse (like pel=2 or pel=1) and in the future versions it looks good to make autoscaling to pel value of the mvmultivs clip (if provided). Though it still may significantly depends on other params like tr-value so still not auto-corrected completely anyway and need to be checked before starting of production processing after many other params adjustment.

Last edited by DTL; 7th October 2022 at 12:59.
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