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Old 17th November 2021, 02:28   #42  |  Link
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Originally Posted by stephen22 View Post
That does work but only if dupes and drops are guaranteed to alternate, which doesn't usually happen. Better approach is to generate a text file which specifies the actual frame number required, indicating whether it's from the original clip or an interpolation. A good way of doing this is by by making interpolated frames negative, so 127 means frame 127 from the source clip and -127 means frame 127 from the interpolation clip.

So this is the method, based on John's brilliant insights - it works pretty well! <snip>
Wow, thanks for all that. I put this project aside, since I had hit a wall, and also because I flew cross country to the east coast where I a wedding reception. I mention this because the actual wedding occurred a year ago, during lockdown, and the only video if the actual ceremony is something recorded on Zoom. Needless to say, that video is filled with the exact problems this script is supposed to fix.

I hope to get to your code in a few days and see if I can make it work. Thanks for all the help.
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