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Old 6th March 2017, 12:02   #18  |  Link
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The aim of a movie fingerprint is to get an unique ID for any movie version - talking about Jurassic Park, an ID for JP on BD, on DVD, on 3D BD - that would be useful to spot differences in color grading - they are all different, but for example the US BD could be the same of EU BD, for example.

So the moviebarcode is an interesting way of representing a whole movie in a single image, like the following (Aliens, top BD, bottom LD):

a wonderful thing would be to find the way to sort those bars from darker (#000000) to brighter (#FFFFFF).

But I would add also few frames from the movie, with a related palette, and a palette of the whole film.

The fact is, I have not a clear idea of how to get the "right" palette out of a frame... I thought about most used colors, don't know if it's the best, though!

Another idea: it would be great also to have a graph of the scene changes, like alternate black and white bars - that, with 1280 pixels, the sample would be less than two seconds, sufficient for almost all the movies, apart the fastets.
Or, a "movement" graph...

What do you think about these ideas? I know there are similar attempts, but none - apart moviebarcolor - made using avisynth AFAIK.
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