Thread: Avisynth+
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Old 4th October 2013, 16:48   #93  |  Link
AVS+ Dev
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Originally Posted by Gavino View Post
But that won't work if the ffms2.dll you have is the C++ version. The point of using the conditional line in the script is that the user doesn't need to know which version he actually has if he loads it that way.
Ah, now I finally get it. I was assuming all the way through that the user would be using the Cplugin version of ffms2. Thx for making it clear to me.

As I said before, I'm gonna change Avisynth+ to try the C interface of a plugin before the 2.5 interface anyway. That will solve these problems too, and the user would be able to use both the C and C++ version of ffms2 with any of the two Avisynth projects, even if qyot27 decides not to remove those lines. I guess it is even better then if leaves those lines there, for the users who are using that hack.
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