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Old 28th July 2003, 21:53   #14  |  Link
clueless n00b
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: somewhere over the rainbow
Posts: 10,579
forever is a long time, but you don't have to have a hundred translated documents... a few key ones will suffice if you give the people a reason to come back.
It normally requires a lot of effort from very few people, the first webmaster is going to be a very busy guy in the beginning phase, but if you can split up the administrative tasks (somebody translating and uploading news, one managing the translation.. assigning documents, proofreading them, and perhaps somebody running the forum) you should manage just fine even if you cannot spend 5h a day on the project. If no new guides are to be written and no software is to be tested, I can check the entire forum twice a day and stay well below 2h work a day. Cut down the forum and you'll be below half an hour a day which isn't that much.
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