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Old 5th January 2013, 23:45   #8  |  Link
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: California
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I stand corrected about the TBC issue.

I've posted several times before what I use as the starting point for VHS denoising. I've copied that starting script below. If you want to use the RemoveTears function, you can call it from within the MDegrain2i2 function, since it is doing a "separatefields" and therefore will let the dropout removal be done on fields rather than frames.

#Denoiser script for interlaced video using MDegrain2


Loadplugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\MVTools\mvtools2.dll")
LoadPlugin("c:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\CNR\Cnr2.dll")
loadplugin("c:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\despot.dll")
Loadplugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\Film Restoration\Script_and_Plugins\removegrain.dll")
Import("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\Film Restoration\Script_and_Plugins\LimitedSharpenFaster.avs")


#Modify this line to point to your video file

#Only use chroma restoration for analog source material
chroma=source.Cnr2("oxx",8,16,191,100,255,32,255,false) #VHS

#Set overlap in line below to 0, 2, 4, 8. Higher number=better, but slower
#For VHS, 4,0 seems to work better than 8,2. Most of difference is in shadows
#However, 8,0 is good enough and MUCH faster. 8,2 doesn't seem to make much difference on VHS.
#output=MDegrain2i2(chroma,8,4,0) #Better, but slower

#output=IResize(output,720,480) #For NTSC. Not needed if source is 720x480

#Alternate output options
#return output.Levels(16, 1, 235, 0, 255, coring=false)

return output


function MDegrain2i2(clip source, int "blksize", int "overlap", int "dct")
Vshift=0 # 2 lines per bobbed-field per tape generation (PAL); original=2; copy=4 etc
Hshift=0 # determine experimentally
overlap=default(overlap,0) # overlap value (0 to 4 for blksize=8)
dct=default(dct,0) # use dct=1 for clip with light flicker

fields=source.SeparateFields() # separate by fields

#This line gets rid of vertical chroma halo
#This line will shift chroma down and to the right instead of up and to the left

super = fields.MSuper(pel=2, sharp=1)
backward_vec2 = super.MAnalyse(isb = true, delta = 2, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, dct=dct)
forward_vec2 = super.MAnalyse(isb = false, delta = 2, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, dct=dct)
backward_vec4 = super.MAnalyse(isb = true, delta = 4, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, dct=dct)
forward_vec4 = super.MAnalyse(isb = false, delta = 4, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, dct=dct)

MDegrain2(fields,super, backward_vec2,forward_vec2,backward_vec4,forward_vec4,thSAD=400)

#Sharpening options
#unsharpmask(60,3,0) #not sure whether to put this before or after the weave.
#This function is unstable under SetMTMode
#limitedSharpenFaster(smode=1,strength=160,overshoot=50,radius=2, ss_X=1.5, SS_Y=1.5,dest_x=720,dest_y=480)
#LimitedSharpenFaster(strength=150) #Default strength=150


function IResize(clip Clip, int NewWidth, int NewHeight) {
Shift=(GetParity() ? -0.25 : 0.25) * (Height()/Float(NewHeight/2)-1.0)
E = SelectEven().Spline36resize(NewWidth, NewHeight/2, 0, Shift)
O = SelectOdd( ).Spline36resize(NewWidth, NewHeight/2, 0, -Shift)
Ec = SelectEven().Spline36Resize(NewWidth, NewHeight/2, 0, 2*Shift)
Oc = SelectOdd( ).Spline36Resize(NewWidth, NewHeight/2, 0, -2*shift)
Interleave(E, O)
IsYV12() ? MergeChroma(Interleave(Ec, Oc)) : Last

function Remove_Tears(clip source) {

#Create mask
ml = 100 # mask scale
scene_change = 400 # scene change

super = MSuper(source,pel=2, sharp=1)

vf = MAnalyse(super,isb=false) # forward vectors
vb = MAnalyse(super,isb=true) # backward vectors

cf = MFlow(source,super,vf,thSCD1=scene_change) # previous compensated forward
cb = MFlow(source,super,vb,thSCD1=scene_change) # next compensated backward

sadf = MMask(super,vf, ml=100,kind=1,gamma=1, thSCD1 = scene_change)
msadf= sadf.Binarize() # binary inverted forward SAD mask

sadb = MMask(super,vb, ml=ml, gamma=1, kind=1, thSCD1 = scene_change) # backward SAD mask
msadb= sadb.Binarize() # binary inverted backward SAD mask

msad = Logic(msadf,msadb,"OR") # combined inverted SAD mask
msad = msad.Expand() # expanded inverted SAD mask
msadi = Interleave(msad, msad, msad) # interleaved 3-frame inverted SAD mask

Interleave(cf,source,cb) # interleave forward compensated, source, and backward compensated



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