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Old 3rd September 2022, 17:52   #112  |  Link
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 22
@Cyber Akuma...

The keydb.cfg file isn't just UHD keys, it contains mostly "regular" blu-ray disc titles just because there are way more of those in existence than 4K ones.

I don't have a UHD-compatible drive myself (yet) so I can't really help regarding 4K discs - apologies if that was essentially what you were asking about!

You've mentioned custom MakeMKV firmware so I'm guessing you're talking about LibeDrive. I've looked into it a little myself because I want to get a new drive but you may be better off asking at the MakeMKV forum because it's more their "thing".

In what may be an internet first, I'm going to shuttup now because I'd rather not confuse the situation any further by posting any more drivel about a subject I don't know enough about! ;-)
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