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Old 17th January 2020, 00:05   #1  |  Link
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Apply filters with local gradient

There's a thread on the Avisynth forum about how to apply a filter using different arguments controlled by a gradient mask. The author asked to see my VapourSynth implementation of that idea so I'm posting it here.

import vapoursynth as vs
import adjust
from functools import partial
core = vs.core
# creates a 8-bit gray gradient mask
# set steps to a value 2-254 to have less than 255 different gray values
def makeMask(clip, steps=None):
	format = vs.GRAY8
	maxval = 255
	stripes = []
	height = steps or clip.height
	for i in range(height):
		alpha = maxval * i / (height-1)
		stripes.append(core.std.BlankClip(format=format, color=alpha, width=clip.width, height=1))

	gradientMask = core.std.StackVertical(stripes)	
	if gradientMask.height < clip.height:
		gradientMask = core.resize.Point(gradientMask, width=clip.width, height=clip.height)	
	return gradientMask

# apply gradient mask + function, assumes 8-bit mask, returns result clip as YUV444P8
def doGradient(mask, clip, gradientFunc):

	# convert video to YUV444P8 in order to access per pixel chroma
	clip = core.resize.Bilinear(clip, clip.width, clip.height, format=vs.YUV444P8)

	# this function runs for every frame
	#   n = frame number
	#   f = frame properties
	#   mask = mask clip
	#   src = source clip to apply the effect to
	#   i = current mask value (0-255)
	def applyFunc(n, f, mask, src, i):
		# skip if the mask has all zeroes (max value is zero)
		if f.props['PlaneStatsMax'] > 0:
			# calculate the effect and return it for the current frame, function gets called with argument ratio between 0.0 - 1.0
			return gradientFunc(src, i/255)
		# no effect applied, return source clip as is
		return src

	# create final "canvas" where final result will be composited to		
	final = core.std.BlankClip(clip, clip.width, clip.height)
	# iterate through all possible mask values (0-255)
	for i in range(256):
		# create mask with 255 where original mask has value i, zero otherwise
		m = core.std.Expr(mask, f'x {i} = 255 0 ?')
		# calculate basic statistics for the mask (average, min and max brightness), will be used to skip unnecessary processing
		m = core.std.PlaneStats(m, plane=0)

		# evaluate applyFunc() for every frame, returns effect applied to whole frame if mask m is not all zeroes
		gradient_clip = core.std.FrameEval(final, partial(applyFunc, mask=m, src=clip, i=i), prop_src=m)	
		# create a 3-channel mask to extract the parts where mask m has value 255
		yuv_mask = core.std.ShufflePlanes(clips=[m,m,m], planes=[0,0,0], colorfamily=vs.YUV)	
		# draw the contribution of mask value i to canvas (take pixels from gradient_clip where mask = 255)
		final = core.std.Expr([final, gradient_clip, yuv_mask], 'z 255 = y x ?')
	# return final composition
	return final

# example function: blur
def blur_func(clip, ratio):
	clip = core.std.BoxBlur(clip, hradius=ratio*40, hpasses=1)
	#clip = core.std.BoxBlur(clip, vradius=ratio*40, vpasses=1)
	return clip

# example function: tweak (brightness, contrast)
def tweak_func(clip, ratio):
	clip = adjust.Tweak(clip, bright=-ratio*100.0, cont=1.0 + ratio)
	#clip = adjust.Tweak(clip, cont=1.0 + ratio*0.5)
	return clip

# load source
src = core.ffms2.Source(source = 'source.avi')

# create a static gradient mask (you could use a video for a mask, too)
mask = makeMask(src, steps=None)

# apply mask + given function to source
result = doGradient(mask, src, blur_func)

# show results
Hopefully there are some ideas that could be used in the Avisynth version (which currently has some memory issues).

This version runs about 1 fps on a 1080x576 source video using a mask with 256 different values and 5-6 fps using a mask with 16 different values. The mask could be created from a video clip as well, this example just creates a static gradient.
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