Thread: Avisynth+
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Old 29th August 2019, 12:50   #4864  |  Link
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Test build again, files only.
Avisynth+ r2915
Changes since last r2900 test in July (for all changes since r2772 see readmes):
- Changed: Trim, FreezeFrame, DeleteFrame, DuplicateFrame, Reverse and Loop are using frame cache again (similar to classic Avs 2.6)
- Enhanced: Expr: faster exp, log, pow for AVX2 (sekrit-twc)
- ConditionalReader: allow empty value in text file when TYPE string
- Fix: Expr: fix non-mod-8 issues for forced RGB output and YUV inputs
- New: AviSource support v308 and v408 format (packed 8 bit 444 and 4444)
- Fix: AviSource v410 source garbage (YUV444P10)
- Fix: Expr: when using parameter "scale_inputs" and the source bit depth conversion occured, predefined constants
  (ymin/max, cmin/max, range_min/max/half) would not follow the new bit depth
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