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Old 4th April 2012, 23:26   #45  |  Link
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I have been using DGDecode_mpeg2source. I tried a number of .d2v sources, several (but not all) demonstrated slight non-determinism on many frames using the scripts below.

I've been testing TGMC adapted to use SVPflow. TGMC blends motion compensated neighbor frames with the current to remove bob-shimmer and enhance detail. This requires accurate vectors or it produces blurring and ghosting. Initial tests show that the svpflow vectors are fine much of the time. But they are rather less accurate than the TGMC MVTools settings in a number of situations and produce more ghosting/blurring overall. However, I've only experimented briefly, using the default settings mostly, so I hope I can find better tailored settings. I also want to be sure I'm doing things correctly.

I'd particularly like to check how I implemented delta for SVAnalyse. The script uses vectors of delta 1 and 2. To get delta 2 I did this:
vecs2e = super.SelectEven().SVAnalyse( svAnalyse )
vecs2o = super.SelectOdd(). SVAnalyse( svAnalyse )
fVec2 = Interleave(vecs2e.SVConvert( isb=false ), vecs2o.SVConvert( isb=false ))
bVec2 = Interleave(vecs2e.SVConvert( isb=true ),  vecs2o.SVConvert( isb=true  ))
The scripts in full. Outer script was standard (script is deterministic if SVP=false):
Distributor() # or not
Main script function. The outer code is TGMC. The motion code is highlighted in the middle - it's written to make settings adjustments and comparisons simple:
function TGMC_SVP_Test( clip Input, bool "SVP" )
	SVP = default( SVP, true )
	Prefilter  = 2    # Prefilter for search clip: 0 = none, 1 = Gauss blur + slight back blend, 2 = Full TGMC pre-filter
	Sharpness  = 1.5  # TGMC range not QTGMC range
	EdiThreads = 1

	w = Input.Width()
	h = Input.Height()
	epsilon = 0.0001

	bobbed = Input.bob(0,0.5)

	ts1       = bobbed.TemporalSoften( 1, 255,255, 28, 2 )
	ts2       = bobbed.TemporalSoften( 2, 255,255, 28, 2 )
	binomial0 = ts1.Merge( ts2, 0.357 ).Merge( bobbed, 0.125 )

	repair0 = binomial0.DeshimmerRepair( bobbed )

	spatialBlur = Prefilter > 0 ? repair0.RemoveGrain( 12,12 ).GaussResize( w,h, 0,0, w+epsilon,h+epsilon, p=2 ).MergeLuma( repair0, 0.1 ) : repair0
	tweaked     = Prefilter > 1 ? mt_lutxy( repair0, bobbed, "x 3 + y < x 3 + x 3 - y > x 3 - y ? ?", U=3,V=3 ) : NOP()
	srchClip    = Prefilter > 1 ? spatialBlur.mt_lutxy( tweaked, "x 7 + y < x 2 + x 7 - y > x 2 - x 51 * y 49 * + 100 / ? ?", U=3,V=3 ) : spatialBlur

	#----------MOTION ANALYSIS - MVTools and/or SVPflow-------------

	# Initial test - have only matched the TGMC overlap to the SVPflow setting, all other settings are the defaults for TGMC or SVPflow
	# SVPflow settings for SVSuper and SVAnalyse
	svSuper   = "{ gpu:0, pel:2, scale:{up:2, down:2} }"
	svBlock   = "w:16, overlap:2"
	svSearch  = "type:4, distance:-4, satd:false, coarse:{type:4, distance:-10, satd:true}"
	svPenalty = "lambda:10.0, plevel:1.5, lsad:8000, pnew:50, pglobal:50, pzero:100, pnbour:50, prev:0"
	svAnalyse = "{ block:{" + svBlock + "}, main:{ search:{" + svSearch + "}, penalty:{" + svPenalty + "}}}"

	# MVTools settings for MVSuper and MVAnalyse
	mvSuper   = "pel=2, hpad=8, vpad=8"
	mvBlock   = "blksize=16, overlap=4"
	mvSearch  = "search=4, searchparam=2, pelsearch=2"
	mvPenalty = "truemotion=false, lambda=100*(16*16)/(8*8), lsad=400, pnew=25, plevel=0, global=true, DCT=0"    # (16*16)/(8*8) is (blksize/8)^2
	mvAnalyse = mvBlock + ", " + mvSearch + ", " + mvPenalty
	# Calculate forward and backward vectors from search clip using either MVTools2 or SVPflow
	srchSuper = SVP ? srchClip.SVSuper( svSuper ) : Eval("srchClip.MSuper(" + mvSuper + ")")
	vecs1  = SVP ? srchSuper.SVAnalyse( svAnalyse ) : NOP()
	vecs2e = SVP ? srchSuper.SelectEven().SVAnalyse( svAnalyse ) : NOP()
	vecs2o = SVP ? srchSuper.SelectOdd(). SVAnalyse( svAnalyse ) : NOP()
	fVec1 = SVP ? vecs1.SVConvert( isb=false ) : Eval("srchSuper.MAnalyse( isb=false, delta=1, " + mvAnalyse + ")")
	bVec1 = SVP ? vecs1.SVConvert( isb=true  ) : Eval("srchSuper.MAnalyse( isb=true,  delta=1, " + mvAnalyse + ")")
	fVec2 = SVP ? Interleave(vecs2e.SVConvert( isb=false ), vecs2o.SVConvert( isb=false )) : Eval("srchSuper.MAnalyse( isb=false, delta=2, " + mvAnalyse + ")")
	bVec2 = SVP ? Interleave(vecs2e.SVConvert( isb=true  ), vecs2o.SVConvert( isb=true  )) : Eval("srchSuper.MAnalyse( isb=true,  delta=2, " + mvAnalyse + ")")

	pad = SVP ? 0 : 8 # Padding requirement for SVP

	edi = Input.NNEDI3( field=-2, nsize=1, nns=1, qual=1, threads=EdiThreads, U=true,V=true )

	ediSuper = edi.MSuper( pel=2, levels=1, hpad=pad, vpad=pad )
	bComp1   = edi.MCompensate( ediSuper, bVec1, thSCD1=180,thSCD2=98 )
	fComp1   = edi.MCompensate( ediSuper, fVec1, thSCD1=180,thSCD2=98 )
	tMax     = edi.mt_logic( fComp1, "max", U=3,V=3 ).mt_logic( bComp1, "max", U=3,V=3 )
	tMin     = edi.mt_logic( fComp1, "min", U=3,V=3 ).mt_logic( bComp1, "min", U=3,V=3 )

	degrain1  = edi.MDegrain1( ediSuper, bVec1,fVec1, thSAD=10*(8*8), thSCD1=180,thSCD2=98 )
	degrain2  = edi.MDegrain1( ediSuper, bVec2,fVec2, thSAD=10*(8*8), thSCD1=180,thSCD2=98 )
	binomial1 = degrain1.Merge( degrain2, 0.2 ).Merge( edi, 0.0625 )

	vresharp = Merge( binomial1.mt_expand( mode="vertical", U=3,V=3 ), binomial1.mt_inpand( mode="vertical", U=3,V=3 ) )
	resharp  = binomial1.mt_lutxy( vresharp.RemoveGrain(12), "x x y - "+ string(Sharpness) + " * +", U=3,V=3 )

	backBlend1 = resharp.mt_makediff( mt_makediff( resharp, binomial1, U=1,V=1 ).RemoveGrain( 12, -1 ).GaussResize( w,h, 0,0, w+epsilon,h+epsilon, p=5 ), U=2,V=2 )

	sharpLimit1 = backBlend1.mt_clamp( tMax,tMin, 0,0, U=3,V=3 )

	stableSuper = sharpLimit1.MSuper( pel=2, levels=1, hpad=pad, vpad=pad )
	stable      = sharpLimit1.MDegrain1( stableSuper, bVec1,fVec1, thSAD=4*(8*8), thSCD1=180,thSCD2=98 )

	repair2 = stable.DeshimmerRepair( edi )

	return repair2	
function DeshimmerRepair( clip Input, clip Ref )
	bobdiff   = mt_makediff( Ref, Input, U=3,V=3 )
	choke1    = bobdiff.mt_inpand( mode="vertical", U=3,V=3 ).mt_inpand( mode="vertical", U=3,V=3 ).mt_deflate( U=3,V=3 )
	choke1    = choke1.mt_expand( mode="vertical", U=3,V=3 ).mt_expand( mode="vertical", U=3,V=3 )
	choke2    = bobdiff.mt_expand( mode="vertical", U=3,V=3 ).mt_expand( mode="vertical", U=3,V=3 ).mt_inflate( U=3,V=3 )
	choke2    = choke2.mt_inpand( mode="vertical", U=3,V=3 ).mt_inpand( mode="vertical", U=3,V=3 )
	bobrepair = bobdiff.mt_lutxy( choke1, "x 129 < x y 128 < 128 y ? ?", U=3,V=3 ).mt_lutxy( choke2, "x 127 > x y 128 > 128 y ? ?", U=3,V=3 )
	return      Input.mt_adddiff( bobrepair, U=3,V=3 )

Last edited by -Vit-; 2nd May 2012 at 19:30. Reason: padding
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