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Old 13th January 2018, 05:59   #2  |  Link
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I've ironed out some minor gremlins and hopefully the script's at the "final" stage.

The main change since the initial version is the addition of a GUI-like cropping preview. I missed having one as it makes fine tuning the cropping easier. The cropping preview can be enabled simply by adding "P" to the beginning of the function name (or when using any of the wrapper functions).

The script has non-resizing modes and it can also add borders etc, but the following screenshots are examples of normal resizing mode with substantial cropping applied to help demonstrate. The equivalent of:

Crop(30, 4, -24, -4)
Spline36Resize(640, 480)
only without the need to worry about any aspect error.

A 4:3 PAL DVD Source:

The cropping preview - CPreview.
The yellow lines show the manual (specified) cropping, while the light blue lines show any additional cropping applied by the script to prevent any aspect error when resizing (rounded to the nearest whole pixel for the preview).
An input pixel aspect ratio or display aspect ratio must be specified for anamorphic sources.

pCropResize(640, 480, 30, 4, -24, -4, InDAR=15.0/11.0)
CropResize(640, 480, 30, 4, -24, -4, InDAR=15.0/11.0, CPreview=true)

The old cropping preview - CPreviewB.
The transparent yellow borders show the manual (specified) cropping, while the blue borders show any additional cropping applied by the script.

CropResize(640, 480, 30, 4, -24, -4, InDAR=15.0/11.0, CPreviewB=true)

The same cropping and resizing as above, only with the cropping preview disabled and Info=true.
CropResize(640, 480, 30, 4, -24, -4, InDAR=15.0/11.0, Info=true)

If you don't want a particular aspect ratio or resolution, you can simply specify a width (or height) and let the script take care of the rest. The script will resize to the appropriate height (or width) while cropping a little picture if need be to prevent any aspect error.

This time only specifying a width of 640, but due to the amount of cropping and the Aspect option being enabled, the script still resized the height to 480 anyway.

CropResize(640, 0, 30, 4, -24, -4, InDAR=15.0/11.0)

Last edited by hello_hello; 17th March 2018 at 16:59.
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