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Old 15th October 2009, 22:26   #10127  |  Link
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That contradicts the last post where you saId mpcs mixer sends surround to your backs. As I said this is the same for me but my card mixes this so I hear it on sides

Can you see these apps are visually showing us they are not reading the exposed pins but I know 100% that I and probably you might not realise because our cards are still sending audio to our sides which is masking the problem for others. (I don't get the original channels output to sides though. You might but everyone doesn't). These exposed pins sent being read correctly at all. I see this visually and hear it (just about) audibly.

Anyone know one f the developers that I can speak to regarding this.

Last edited by mark0077; 15th October 2009 at 22:41.
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