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Old 20th December 2007, 01:45   #9  |  Link
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OMG, what's that.


MPEG2source("D:\TV Caps\yo.d2v",ipp=true,cpu=6,cpu2="xxxxoo",info=3)
1) you set DGDecode to use interlaced processing (ipp=true).
Furtheron in the script, there is lots of processing that is only valid for progressive content. Now, is the source interlaced, or is it not? If it's not, set ipp=false. (And if it is indeed interlaced, the whole script is borked crappola...)

1a) cpu=6 is the same as cpu2="xxxxxx". cpu2="xxxxoo" is the same as cpu=4. Which of both do you want to use?

2) You use a chain of three deblockers: DGDecode-deblocking, then Deblock_QED(), then Deblock(). That's pretty much pointless. Deblocking filters need to "reckognize" blocking. It is likely to happen that one deblocker - although eventually not acting efficiently enough for visual pleasance - alters the content by so much that the upfollowing deblockers *cannot* reckognize the blocks anymore, therefore they become inefficient.

For making a reasonable start, you should find & use one deblocker that removes all (or at least a major part) of the blocking. After having found that, you can make your way to add more stuff.

Throwing filters at a source blindly most times will not succeed.
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