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Old 26th January 2011, 21:20   #174  |  Link
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Originally Posted by kutjong View Post
I'm currently trying to repair some material that was sloppily converted from interlaced to progressive using what seems to be weave deinterlacing (lots of combing artifacts).

So far, I'm using this:

QTGMC( Preset="Slower", InputType=2, ProgSADMask = 10.0, SourceMatch=3, Sharpness=0.4, TR2=3 )

This makes substantial repairs, but there are still some combing artifacts in few frames.

Are there any other variables that I should experiment with?
I've read the documentation but embarrasingly most of it is just way over my head.
That's a good start. Simplest thing to do is lower ProgSADMask, potentially to 0.0.

InputType=2 tries to rebuild a shimmer-free result from the even lines (fields), InputType=3 does the same using the odd lines. Each loses detail from the other lines. The following script runs both modes. It means some redundant processing, but it does improve detail and reduce artefacts:
c = WhateverSource("Your.src")

# Two versions of fixed source (use TR2 and ProgSADMask also if you wish)
t = c.QTGMC( Preset="Slower", InputType=2, SourceMatch=3, Sharpness=0.4 )
b = c.QTGMC( Preset="Slower", InputType=3, SourceMatch=3, Sharpness=0.4 )

# Now merge the results in some way. Choose ONLY ONE of the lines below and delete the other
Merge( t, b )                 # Smooth result, may need more sharpening
t.Repair( Merge( t, b ), 1 )  # Sharper result, could try 2 at end of this line
There are almost certainly even better ways to merge the results, this was just a quick idea...

One of the minor fixes I'm sitting on at the moment in version 3.01 is allowing Lossless modes for InputType=2,3. That helps with detail, but I guess that's not your problem.

You can do some serious script abuse by chaining together progressive QTGMCs. Generally it's not a good idea because the repeated motion compensations are both redundant and drift in accuracy which causes smearing. You also get gradual over-sharpening. [Although sensible uses like the one above makes me think a toolbox approach might be beneficial]

So another approach for your situation, that I don't recommend but you might want to try, is to run a QTGMC( InputType=1 ) on the result of your QTGMC( InputType=2 ). It will certainly clean up the artefacts, but it may cause smearing / oversharpening:
QTGMC( Preset="Slower", InputType=2, SourceMatch=3, Sharpness=0.4 ) # Plus any other settings
QTGMC( Preset="Slower", InputType=1, Sharpness=0.1 )                # Don't use source-match here

Last edited by -Vit-; 27th January 2011 at 00:23.
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