Thread: Avisynth+
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Old 6th October 2013, 17:20   #112  |  Link
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I don't think it's worth focusing on computers as old as mine either. It's more that I really couldn't see why a simple --disable-asm option wouldn't have sufficed if running the asm on a non-SSE2 CPU would cause problems. I just couldn't grasp how whether the core could use X certain SIMD set would matter to a plugin author, because how I understand the way this all works, the plugin would simply use the desired core function at whatever level of optimization was there. If it was boosted by SSE2 or whatever, great, if not, then it would fall back to the plain C or C++ version and if the user's on a computer old enough for that to be true, then they already know how slow their computer is, so I still don't see the problem in merely letting them run it in an unoptimized state.
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